"Viroid-like colonists of human microbiomes"
Are these "rod-like" structures, "obelisks" (oblins), the cloths that more and more people suffer from, or die from, after getting "COVID" injections?
1️⃣ They started as a terrorist organization: IRGUN. At the time of their founder Ze'ev Jabotinsky.
One of Jabotinsky's assistants was Benzion Netanyahu, father of Benjamin Netanyahu.
Irgun would become the Likud Party.
2️⃣ Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Likud Party, created the 'Arab terrorist' persona (Jerusalem Conference on Terrorism, 1979). For the sole purpose of diverting attention away from the revisionist zionists their "Greater Israel", their crimes, their world war against all non-jews.
3️⃣ After decades of receiving billions of dollars in U.S. government funding, Netanyahu's terrorist gang decided to plan and execute 9/11 (2001).
This was done to create a permanent state of fear in society, worldwide.
Populations that live in fear are easier to manipulate.
4️⃣ Likud inserted itself in the political communitarian movement, once headed by Amitai Etzioni.
Part of the movement's agenda is "Community 2020". An elaborate plan to install a global scientific dictatorship, in which tyranny is achieved through a self-policing 'community'.
5️⃣ "Community 2020" includes (is certainly not limited to) biological warfare, a slow-kill program through 'medical' injections ('COVID vaccines). And the most extensive data creation and data mining operation ever created by mankind. In order to exterminate and control non-jews.
6️⃣ A centerpiece in revisionist zionism is the Bünting cloverleaf map. It implies, according to Netanyahu's death cult, that Israel and its Third Temple are the unelected 'central and supreme authority on everything', for the entire transhumanist world.
February 8, 2022
Friday, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping presented ‘their’ joint statement on “the international relations entering a new era and the global sustainable development.”
Here’s why the statement is, in fact, communitarianism (communitarian propaganda) as understood by Putin and Jinping. And why I assume the statement was written by the zionist mafia. Which would again prove that both Putin and Jinping are nothing more than puppets on a string.
A key message in the text is that both governments want a stronger United Nations, with more authority. This by itself already shows that the statement is communitarian propaganda.
There a many things in the text that require a comment.
“The sides note that Russia and China as world powers with rich cultural and historical heritage have long-standing traditions of democracy, which rely on thousand-years of experience of development, broad popular support and consideration of the needs and interests of citizens. Russia and China guarantee their people the right to take part through various means and in various forms in the administration of the State and public life in accordance with the law.”
I have yet to find anything that hints at ‘democracy’ in either country. Both have a long-standing communist tradition, which could, perhaps in their view, be a warped form of ‘democracy’.
“The sides note that the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights set noble goals in the area of universal human rights, set forth fundamental principles, which all the States must comply with and observe in deeds.”
Even when it’s against everything your country’s constitution stands for, you still must comply with the communitarian ‘laws’ if you are a member of the UN. No exceptions, especially not when there allegedly is a very deadly “pandemic”.
“The ongoing pandemic of the new coronavirus infection poses a serious challenge to the fulfilment of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is vital to enhance partnership relations for the sake of global development and make sure that the new stage of global development is defined by balance, harmony and inclusiveness.”
“The ongoing pandemic of the new coronavirus infection poses a serious challenge to the fulfilment of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” What a lie! The plandemic was rolled out to help with the UN 2030 agenda implementation. Hence the World Economic Forum’s agenda (and COVID-19 Action Platform) which is fully aligned with the UN’s agenda. How uninformed or submissive must a journalist be to not (dare to) point out this lie?
“Make sure that the new stage of global development is defined by balance, harmony and inclusiveness.” You can call it whatever you want, it’s still political communitarianism.
“The sides are seeking to advance their work to link the development plans for the Eurasian Economic Union and the Belt and Road Initiative with a view to intensifying practical cooperation between the EAEU and China in various areas and promoting greater interconnectedness between the Asia Pacific and Eurasian regions. The sides reaffirm their focus on building the Greater Eurasian Partnership in parallel and in coordination with the Belt and Road construction to foster the development of regional associations as well as bilateral and multilateral integration processes for the benefit of the peoples on the Eurasian continent.”
In other words, the EU bloc and its politburo must be incorporated into the Eurasian Economic Union, so global governance, of which also the Belt and Road is a part, can become even more centralized… in Jerusalem (Bunting Clover Leaf project). Netanyahu, Naftali Bennett and their successors are thanking Putin and Jinping for doing most of the work.
“The sides will strengthen cooperation within multilateral mechanisms, including the United Nations, and encourage the international community to prioritize development issues in the global macro-policy coordination.”
Yes, there’s the tyrannical micropolitics, or micromanagement, by governments that we are seeing since March 11, 2020 but that can only work efficiently when the “global macro-policy” is more coordinated (centralized).
“The sides call upon all countries to strengthen cooperation in sustainable transport, actively build contacts and share knowledge in the construction of transport facilities, including smart transport and sustainable transport.”
“Smart transport and sustainable transport.” Don’t let a good ‘freedom convoy’ crisis go to waste.
“The sides are taking serious action and making an important contribution to the fight against climate change. Jointly celebrating the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.”
Let’s all celebrate Maurice Strong’s legacy of climate deception. Good boys, Vlad and Xi, now heel boys, heel!
“They will further increase cooperation in the development and manufacture of vaccines against the new coronavirus infection.”
Still calling it “vaccines” at this point, the perverted mindset these two puppets, and the zionist author of the statement, have.
“The sides emphasize that ascertaining the origin of the new coronavirus infection is a matter of science. Research on this topic must be based on global knowledge, and that requires cooperation among scientists from all over the world. The sides oppose politicization of this issue. The Russian side welcomes the work carried out jointly by China and WHO to identify the source of the new coronavirus infection and supports the China – WHO joint report on the matter. The sides call on the global community to jointly promote a serious scientific approach to the study of the coronavirus origin.”
Everyone already knows that the spike protein was developed in US-Chinese sponsored labs. The fact that Putin and Jinping deliberately omit that piece of information from their official statement shows you that both of them are professional liars.
“No State can or should ensure its own security separately from the security of the rest of the world.”
Good communitarians undermine their country’s constitution, sovereignty and security, because the ‘community’ is more important, the doctrine dictates.
“The sides reaffirm their strong mutual support for the protection of their core interests, state sovereignty and territorial integrity, and oppose interference by external forces in their internal affairs.”
“The Russian side reaffirms its support for the One-China principle, confirms that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, and opposes any forms of independence of Taiwan.”
But democracy and the right that people have to manage internal affairs do not apply when it concerns Taiwan, apparently. Hypocrisy is, after all, also something that communitarians are famous for. The US is not allowed to interfere in Taiwan, but Russia, apparently, is. If the people from Taiwan want to have their own sovereign country, well, Vlad and Xi will work together to prevent that.
“The sides condemn terrorism in all its manifestations, promote the idea of creating a single global anti-terrorism front, with the United Nations playing a central role, advocate stronger political coordination and constructive engagement in multilateral counterterrorism efforts.”
“Promote the idea of creating a single global anti-terrorism front, with the United Nations playing a central role.” If a virus doesn’t work, and climate change propaganda fails, there’s always the ‘terrorist’ card, of course. Either way, more centralization of power is the desired outcome. Isn’t it, Vlad? Isn’t it, Xi?
“The sides welcome the Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear-Weapons States on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races and believe that all nuclear-weapons States should abandon the cold war mentality and zero-sum games.”
Wait a minute… You forgot Israel, which also has nukes… and which even has a Samson option…
“The Chinese side is sympathetic to and supports the proposals put forward by the Russian Federation to create long-term legally binding security guarantees in Europe.”
In other words, Europe’s communitarian leash needs to become much shorter.
“The sides emphasize that domestic and foreign bioweapons activities by the United States and its allies raise serious concerns and questions for the international community regarding their compliance with the BWC. The sides share the view that such activities pose a serious threat to the national security of the Russian Federation and China and are detrimental to the security of the respective regions. The sides call on the U.S. and its allies to act in an open, transparent, and responsible manner by properly reporting on their military biological activities conducted overseas and on their national territory, and by supporting the resumption of negotiations on a legally binding BWC Protocol with an effective verification mechanism.”
But somehow, Putin and Jinping forgot all about the lab-created spike protein…. Right….
“The sides welcome the implementation of the global negotiation process on international information security within a single mechanism and support in this context the work of the UN Open-ended Working Group on security of and in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) 2021–2025 (OEWG) and express their willingness to speak with one voice within it. The sides consider it necessary to consolidate the efforts of the international community to develop new norms of responsible behaviour of States, including legal ones, as well as a universal international legal instrument regulating the activities of States in the field of ICT. The sides believe that the Global Initiative on Data Security, proposed by the Chinese side and supported, in principle, by the Russian side, provides a basis for the Working Group to discuss and elaborate responses to data security threats and other threats to international information security.”
That’s a lot of words, when instead you can just say that they want the internet highly regulated and controlled by one central entity (in Jerusalem). The revisionist zionists are loving this! It’s precisely what they need for their Bunting Clover Leaf and, thus, Greater Israel plans.
“The sides underline that Russia and China, as world powers and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, intend to firmly adhere to moral principles and accept their responsibility, strongly advocate the international system with the central coordinating role of the United Nations in international affairs, defend the world order based on international law, including the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, advance multipolarity and promote the democratization of international relations, together create an even more prospering, stable, and just world, jointly build international relations of a new type.”
Empty promises, meaningless words and more centralization. “International relations of a new type“, yes the communitarian type.
“The Russian side notes the significance of the concept of constructing a ‘community of common destiny for mankind’ proposed by the Chinese side.”
That’s very cute, but it’s still just a call for more political communitarianism and a more extensive communitarian (community) law system.
“The sides intend to strongly uphold the outcomes of the Second World War and the existing post-war world order, defend the authority of the United Nations and justice in international relations, resist attempts to deny, distort, and falsify the history of the Second World War.”
“In order to prevent the recurrence of the tragedy of the world war, the sides will strongly condemn actions aimed at denying the responsibility for atrocities of Nazi aggressors, militarist invaders, and their accomplices, besmirch and tarnish the honour of the victorious countries.”
Holocaust revisionism will not be tolerated and the UN has to make it a crime against humanity, so it is implied. Here’s where you see that the zionist mafia is responsible for this joint statement. There is literally no reason why these two paragraphs had to be included in Putin and Jinping ‘their’ text, other than to remind all puppets who’s holding their strings.
“They reaffirm that the new inter-State relations between Russia and China are superior to political and military alliances of the Cold War era. Friendship between the two States has no limits, there are no ‘forbidden’ areas of cooperation.”
Or… ‘The Eurasian Economic Union will be established and the Belt and Road will be built, whether you like it or not!’ Unless, of course, enough people understand what’s going on and expose the communitarian crime syndicate once and for all.
“The sides reiterate the need for consolidation, not division of the international community.”
Consolidation (rather centralization) of power, resources and control. Because fragmented or decentralized control prevents the full establishment of the communitarian dystopia. Headquartered in Zion!
I'm trying to locate my previous works, online and on my (damaged/old) devices. When I find them I will post them in this forum. Unfortunately, many images and screen shots may be lost.
Since 2004, Edison Research has been the sole provider of US Election Day data. Edison Research feeds this data to ABC News, CBS News, CNN, NBC News, the New York Times, the Washington Post, BBC, Sky News, the German Tagesschau and ZDF and the Mexican Televisa. “Election results reported on the news is data that comes directly from Edison Research.”
While investigating Edison Research we came across an Airtable user guide for Edison’s staff.
The user guide clearly proves that Edison Research staff was TOLD to vote for Joe Biden and that they were TOLD to work against Donald Trump and his election results. The user guide also shows that Donald Trump was Edison Research its “competitor.”
Remember, Edison Research has been “the sole provider of US Election Day data” since 2004. Obviously, when Larry Rosin, the president of Edison Research, says “competitor” he isn’t referring to other companies that are collecting election data. He is, in fact, referring to his and Joe Biden’s “competitor“: Donald Trump.
Rosin is also the president of Congregation B’nai Israel in Basking Ridge, NJ. B’nai B’rith is a division of the Israeli government’s civilian spy network. Without any doubt, Rosin and Edison Research are part of the election fraud network.
Question: How can any election be fair when even the “sole provider of US Election Day data” is part of the election fraud network?
The following was first published on November 10, 2020, as part of a series of articles and reports proving the start of World War 3 on March 11, 2020.
During the past decades the communitarian death cult has been planning a global genocide through medical tyranny and technological enslavement. Its plan to take control of the world follows these 9 stages.
- Classification
People are divided into ‘them and us’: People who get smeared as “anti-Semites” and those who do the smearing.
People are divided into ‘them and us’: People who expose the COVID19 plandemic and those who blindly comply with the oppression, the medical tyranny and the dehumanization.
- Symbolization
Through the news media and the various government agencies, “anti-Semites” are profiled as conspiracy theorists, flat earthers, truthers, neo-nazis, holocaust deniers, climate change deniers, anti-vaxxers, incels, racists, super spreaders, covidiots, (lone wolf) terrorists etc.
- Polarization
Government agencies, politicians, think tanks, influencers, hate groups, controlled opposition groups, coopted alternative media outlets and publications, lobbyists, organizations and cryptos (people who secretly belong to or support a political party, sect or other group) broadcast polarizing propaganda in a controlled-opinions spectrum.
A controlled-opinions spectrum is a spectrum of allowed yet strongly opposing views, opinions and propaganda.
For instance, You can say that 9/11 was perpetrated by “Muslim terrorists” or by the US government (inside job) but you are not allowed to say that 1 WTC, 2 WTC and 7 WTC were destroyed through controlled demolitions that were executed by Benjamin Netanyahu’s neo-revisionist zionist death cult (which is in fact the truth).
Populations and groups are pitted against each other to create chaos and division. Most people, however, have no idea about the extent of the information wars that they are being exposed to and are involved in.
- Discrimination
Laws and cultural power exclude groups from full civil rights: Segregation, apartheid laws, denial of voting rights, denial of economic rights, limiting the right to travel and move freely, denial of medical freedom, limiting freedom of speech and expression.
Laws are already being passed that make it illegal to:
Criticize the Israeli government
Support the boycott, divestment, sanctions (BDS) movement
Question the mainstream COVID19 narratives
Refuse COVID19 vaccines
Expose the truth about the dangers of these vaccines
The targets, see Stage 2, are being censored in various ways. From social media sites terminating user accounts or blocking user content to private websites and people simply vanishing almost overnight for no other reason than having an own world view that is opposed to enslavement and oppression in all its forms.
In addition, the True Resistance is deprived of its resources, incomes and livelihoods.
Because of the extremely toxic narratives and attacks on the True Resistance people refuse to support the actual remaining rebel outposts and instead donate to fools who claim that the “deep state” has a child trafficking colony on planet Mars.
- Dehumanization
Groups deny the humanity of other groups. People are equated with, for instance, animals, vermin, insects or diseases.
In February 2020, hunting season was, not so figuratively, opened with the launch of Hunters (2020 TV series). A parody of alleged real-life nazi hunters in the 1970s.
Especially the series its depicted TV show, “Why Does Everyone Hate the Jews?“, which is reminiscent of the Hunger Games films their depicted public spectacles, clearly serves as a tool for conditioning (programming) the perception of the general public. That it is OK to demonize, dehumanize and “hunt” the targets (Stage 2).
In 2019-2020 the phrases “covidiot” (covid idiot) and “super spreader” were aggressively injected into the collective (public) conscience, triggering an unwarranted global hysteria.
As a result, people who refuse to participate in the ‘face mask ritual’ or who refuse to comply with the ridiculous COVID-19 ‘health regulations’ and COVID-19 laws are ridiculed in public, fined and put in jail.
- Organization
Genocide is always organized. Special army units or militias are often trained and armed.
Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity or their political views.
People are targeted by government-funded and sectarian agents and groups of agents. They are profiled, harassed, attacked and snatched.
Spies, dubious hacker brigades and agent provocateurs infiltrate and disrupt real grassroots uprisings.
Indeed, the targets are profiled and isolated, communication has already become much harder online, because they do not believe in the Death Cult its new religion - political communitarianism - which includes the normalization of “foster parents” having sex with their foster child (x-rated sites) and the construction of the “Third Temple” in Jerusalem.
The other units that are being trained are the medical staff and the local government officials who are supposed to help enforce the so-called mandatory COVID-19 vaccination programs and "lockdowns" that are being rolled out around the world.
Live exercises like the 2019-2020 coronavirus “pandemic” are run to streamline future mass arrests and mass snatchings.
The targets have to be taken out, that is the mindset of the Death Cult, and a 'virus outbreak' is a perfect cover for letting people, the real dissenters, disappear (e.g. in 'quarantine facilities').
- Persecution
Illegal arrests, secret courts, expropriation, murder, forced displacement, ghettos, concentration camps, quarantine facilities, public ridicule in the news and in the streets.
These are the tools and mechanisms that the communitarian Death Cult uses to instill hate against the real dissenters, in order to make them disappear with the public’s approval.
- Extermination
It is ‘extermination’ to the Death Cult because its members do not believe that their victims are fully human or have the right to live. The extermination is attempted through medical tyranny (forced vaccinations), assassinations and mass murder (democide).
- Denial
The Death Cult denies that it has committed any crimes.
George Orwell’s “Memory Hole” comes to mind. The snatching, oppression, enslavement, and extermination never happened. History gets rewritten (if we let them get away with it).
“Fact checkers” are sent out to tie up any loose ends.
"...an Iranian-American activist and two Jewish Americans living in New York, according to a criminal complaint unsealed Friday in New York."
Why 2 jews? Because they were sent by the Mossad!
Meaning, CONVID19, too, and the response to it by the governments of NATO member states, are/were military operations.
All governments of NATO member states lied, their whole COVID 19 narrative is purposely false. They deceived the public deliberately for more than 4 years.
The production and distribution of "COVID vaccines" were/are based on false reasons.
Who declared this war?
Source: Pepijn van Houwelingen, Member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands
That"s what Trump said, like 12 hours ago.
But what will be put in place of that?
Let's assume the censorship layer is removed. Something will be put in place that serves an agenda, an important agenda.
Are we going to get 100% brutality, after that? Explicit content, on all sides. Everything goes. Revelation of everything.
As long as the shocking content keeps the masses under control.
In 2025, the "war in Ukraine" narrative will be shattered.
Zelensky's dictatorship has so far filed up to 80,000 court cases for desertion. Fewer and fewer people want to die for him.
And when it shatters (not if), the communitarian death cult will introduce their next campaign. Probably a 2001 or 2020 style campaign.
Too many (older) agendas have 2025 as their target year.
They did 2020, and that was also a year that many agendas had as their target.
"Post vaccination syndrome" is a new medical term that was coined last year.
It is exclusively used to describe an ever growing group of symptoms attributed to a CONVID19 "vaccine".
Now, people are being 'euthanized' because their lives have become unbearable because of it.
If the C19 shot didn't kill you, you can still ask your government to assist you to die. That removes the responsibility from the government because it's 'voluntary' death.
That's the communitarian death cult we're dealing with. No matter what, it continues its slow-kill program: "Community 2020".
Palestine is finished. It's occupied and it lost, and no one is coming to help and free the Palestinian people.
The $320 million 'temporary pier' that is being built in Gaza will be turned into an international economic/commercial zone.
As the Israeli government invades from one side, the U.S. is occupying Palestine's coastline, waters, and natural gas reserves from the other.
The new international economic zone in Gaza will be under Israeli control. Completing, de facto, the occupation of Palestine.

'How one-eyed, triple-amputee, wheelchair-bound terror boss' surprised the Netanyahu tyranny.
That the Likud/Irgun regime was not surprised, we already know. Why then would anyone believe this fantastic Hollywood story about Mohammed Deif???!!!
People have to realize that we are dealing with the top level crime syndicate in the entire world. It did 9/11, it did the 3/11 lockdowns, the weaponized injections.
It fabricated all Bin Laden and ISIS narratives, too. Why would it be any different this time around? It's not!
MSM: "In a statement, the Israel Defence Forces said: "Hamas has released footage of them beheading captured soldiers. We will not share it, but the world needs to know their depravity exceeds that of ISIS. And we have been telling you all for years."
They will not share any real footage of Hamas having "beheaded" captured IDF soldiers on Oct. 7-9 because no such footage exists.
But they had no problem with Rita Katz sharing her FAKE ISIS beheadings online, now, did they?

Let's just state it the way it really is. Let's just get it over with.... And many, many people worldwide today agree with this. Make no mistake about it.
World war 3 started on March 11, 2020. When the UN declared a biological attack on the public at large a "COVID19 pandemic".
This attack was known about by most governments and all of them refused to call it out for what it really was. Instead, they all joined the UN and the WEF by shutting down their countries, destroying their economies, and by committing democides that are still ongoing today.
They all went, and go, as far as forcing lethal experimental injections (weaponized 'vaccines') into society, to remove a substantial number of people from the face of this planet. While helping several pharma companies to hoard billions of $€¥£.
Eventually, those same governments, after having been bribed into enforcing lockdowns (by the jewish mafia headquartered in New York and Jerusalem), go along with rolling out a scripted armed conflict in Ukraine in order to get a "new economic model" in place worldwide.
At the same time, certain opportunistic politicians deem it the perfect time to settle some old scores in Eastern Europe/former Soviet because the Russian and U.S. governments are fully focused on Ukraine and NATO and have little resources available to address that.
While all of this is going on, the Israeli government is positioning itself to become the gateway to Europe and Africa (Bunting Clover Leaf) for the Chinese government's Belt & Road Initiative.
ALL OF THE ABOVE happens under the colorful crypto zionist flag of communitarianism.
So, world war 3 is already ongoing, and food rationing is already a fact for many, many people worldwide.
But of course, all of mainstream media and most of alternative media will not explain this reality to you, because fear and confusion are the perfect $$ €€ ££ combination.