WindyJibbz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nuclear power is simply enriched uranium rods heating a boiler. It’s a free source of heat, no fuel required. The nuclear bomb they say requires fission and to “split an atom”. They say to make the largest explosion possible, you need to split the smallest thing possible. Like they capture up an atom and stick it in the bomb with some uranium. It’s science junk, like global warming or big bang.

WindyJibbz 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you guys want a good source on this topic, and other narrative debunking check out the channel called Fakenukes on bitchute.

Nuclear bombs are as real as satellites and space travel.

WindyJibbz 1 point ago +1 / -0

As an outsider looking in, my pics would be Andrew Jackson, Nixon, JFK and Reagan being legit. Everyone else was compromised.

WindyJibbz 1 point ago +2 / -1

Some Texas farmer is laughing all the way to the bank at these retards.

WindyJibbz 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Suez block was March 23. This crash occurred today, March 26. The ship arrived in Baltimore March 23 to be docked at port. Still interesting nonetheless.

There was another recent ship event in a harbour where the computers went crazy and it started crashing into boats. These ships are highly connected and computerized these days and are most likely hackable to a certain extent.

You can also see a high volume of traffic before contact and it seems to lighten up just before collapse. By the grace of God, or the construction crew foresaw the incident and got traffic stops. RIP.

WindyJibbz 0 points ago +1 / -1

I would say the latter but to be fair the Daily Mail UK is a tabloid at best. It’s the “OMG Look who Taylor Slow is dating!” grocery store magazines for people who don’t gaf about celebrities.

WindyJibbz 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think he is a clone or test tube baby of the MIC or someone like DARPA. We know abot Darpas life log becoming Facebook. Now they need a Tony Stark like figure to convince the people, especially on the right to follow them. To believe these massive companies are legit provate enterprises and not MIC assets designed to control everyone. Governement cant run businesses like that, so they fake them being private entities. Elons Grandpa was a huge technocrat player in Canada. He’s a butt baby of the MIC.

WindyJibbz 4 points ago +4 / -0

The take away here is that USA and Canada were trying to stabilize Haiti via the Military. Then after we send millions of dollars and hundreds if not thousands of soldiers there, all of a sudden a “cannibal warlord named BBQ takes over.”

That is quite possibly the dumbest and most fake and ghey shit I’ve ever heard. This is clearly just another alphabet sponsored colour revolution after the last one failed.

WindyJibbz 2 points ago +2 / -0

The goal of the leaders of both countries is to get rid of as many nationalist Slavic males as possible. That is all. Everything else is optics.

WindyJibbz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Watch the old videos of bomb tests they’re hilarious. They allegedly had nuke artillery they shot out of a Howitzer hahaha. Only two cities in Japan nuked, the rest of Japan was firebombed. Concrete structures remained standing in Hiro and Nag.

WindyJibbz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes StarLink is SkyNet. I have been trying for years to get people to recognize the symbology.

WindyJibbz 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you map it in spring summer fall and winter it will complete the symbol.

WindyJibbz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Each leg of the symbol represents a new season, 90 degree position of the big dipper moving around Polaris, the North Star.

WindyJibbz 1 point ago +1 / -0

They aren’t allowed to sacrifice babies with torture if they dont have a temple. A lot of religious fanatics are very upset that they can’t kill the goy babies in public.

WindyJibbz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mammoths were real. Dinosaurs were not.

WindyJibbz 1 point ago +1 / -0

To understand what not to do, look at Weimar era Germany. You see, in order to form policy a group of people need other people to hate them, because that’s what allows the banks to start wars, when specific people are being discriminated against. If you don’t discriminate and hate, then policy and actions to stop it, like a world war, can not be enacted for the goal of destroying your people, country, race, etc. To defeat your opponent, you must love them.

WindyJibbz 1 point ago +3 / -2

I would say that’s absolutely right about the Vatican and Catholicism. But if you look around the world you will notice its the Orthodox sect that is being attacked at every turn. Hundreds upon hundreds of churches burned in the last 5 years or so across North America and Europe. Ukraine snuffing out it’s own Orthodox sect. The Canadian Pastor constantly arrested. Church members in Gaza being sniped inside the church. The incidents are seemingly endless. Clearly a consorted effort to kill that off worldwide. I can’t help but wonder why?

WindyJibbz 0 points ago +1 / -1

I can’t find any info to verify Milei’s dad was named Mileikowsky. All I can’t find is Javier denying it, which is enough for me but not people you are trying to warn about.

WindyJibbz 4 points ago +4 / -0

Duh. How many many photos of yamika elon do people need to see before they get it. He’s a technocrat stooge, research his grandfather and then consider all his businesses (likely darpa fronts, tax funded shell corporations).

WindyJibbz 4 points ago +4 / -0

What does that mean for this place then? Its a dot win, requires phone number, ripe with antisemitic bait traps by glowie shills.

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