Just saw someone post a pic this morning of two black women laying on the ground with stuff scattered everywhere and I'm thinking "What is this, some kind stupid protest?". Then I realize that it's the Buffalo shooting due purely to the post context.
No visible wounds, no blood pools on the clothes or near the bodies, wtf?
Imagine how this will affect charity.
I live in the low income end of the city and there are 3 second hand stores here where people can donate used clothes or other goods which are resold for cheap. Lots of people use them to setup new apartments, buy work clothes, or just to find weird stuff or antiques.
What happens if everything is rented? All gone, along with the employees. More garbage in the dump, more support required for the poor to go to Walmart.
What happens to fixing stuff if everything is rented? Do we actually think that companies would bother to repair when they can just charge you for the item and destroy it?
Not a very "green" policy...
The legal system doesn't protect anyone, it's a tool you can use to create penalties for people breaking the law.
The catch is, someone has to use it. It does not self activate. And, unfortunately, we don't have a body like the police to pro-actively investigate white collar crime like election fraud.
So, basically, nobody pulled the trigger.
got most of my daily news from the front page of reddit
And then somehow decided that your only choice was to murder as many people as possible before getting killed? No...
If you don't have a voice, you have to take your kids out.
I like this. I too my kids out two years ago and I often wonder if I should have left them in and fought instead. But that's exactly when I pulled them out: when I proved to myself that they didn't hear anything I said.
Kids come first. Once they're safe yoy can begin to plan the counter attack.
I was a dirty little monkey when I was younger (way too much time by myself) and it didn't even occur to me to play with my junk until at least 11.
This curriculum is grooming kids, period.
Imagin 200 million people being such bitches that they would actually allow themselves to be imprisoned like this. And they're mostly men, too.
Really highlights the cultural divide between them and the Wesr.
An excellent example of the "basic dictatorship" in action.
Yeah, it was probably more the other way around; these stories warned that young children without guidance could be led astray and become lost, then Disney was like "We could build a place where people voluntarily bring their children to engage in hedonistic excess and then lure them away when the parents inevitably let their guard down".
This is the smoking gun, is it not? Conclusive proof that the vax doesn't work and never did?
And just in time to really stick it to some folks trying to get elected in Ontario.
Chances are, if the mother got the shot and got pregnant in the last two years, that kid's getting the shot too. No big loss.
You can't magically regulate stuff to be healthy.
Formula isn't poison, it's just not as good as breast milk and never will be. The government can't magically fix that.
Working mothers
This here's your problem.
Motherhood (heck, parenthood) is a full time job. Why do women think that they can, let alone should, work while raising kids?
Do you not have a husband to provide for you? That's basically the point of husbands; if your man can't pay for the families expenses he's a shitty man or you're a gold digger.
You don't substitute baby food for breast milk, you substitute cow milk. Babies can't eat solid foods for months, period.
Also, baby food is a massive scam. It is, literally, vegetables boiled mushy and pureed. You can make it yourself with a pot and a hot plate.
Babies aren't starving because of this. More likely it's a psyop to make new mothers (the most likely to succum to hysteria) afraid when they can't find "baby food".
Edit: Remember wet nurses?
I looked into electric cars back at school and it always amazes me that they aren't more repairable, considering how simple they are compared to gas cars.
No timing chain, no gaskets, few fluid systems, basically one big moving part plus accessories and a little computer.
Shoot, I should be able to change the motor out in a couple hours with some friends and furniture straps.
Seems unnecessarily complicated...
Imagine a country that exports petrolium, ships it across the Pacific to be processed into disposable consumer goods, which get shipped back to the original country and consoomed, then are shipped back across the Pacific for disposal, at which point they're thrown in the ocean.
Obviously, the best thing to do to deal with pointless waste in this, purely hypothetical, country is to tax the sale of farm trucks...
This is more important than quality issues; the fact that they're gettibg fixed. People forget that these are largely still quasi-prototypes that are being fine tuned by a young company.
And yes, obviously you would recycle the batteries, the same way you do with every other battery. Throwing a battery in the dump is like pouring gasoline into a storm drain; if you do that, you're the asshole, not tesla.
If someone even pretends to care about the environment, they should be focused on the oceans, full stop.
Nothing affects global climate, food supply, weather patterns, or ecology more than the oceans, which we are currently dregding for the last few fish and filling with plastic waste.
This is just how political discourse happens in clown world.
Soon we'll see groups of intimidating young men in matching uniforms defending these judges by brutalizing protestors, and we'll have come full circle.
Doing a little bit of your own basic research makes all the difference.
I had a doctor tell me that the vax was safe. I asked him how he knew that because the safety trials weren't done yet (this was spring 2021). He tells me they are and I leave.
I go home and check and, sure enough, Pfizer says on their website for the vax that trials complete in 2023 (and I think they pushed it back to 2024 now).
If she were able to ask basic questions of her doctor, she could have easily determined they were lying and changed doctors; sometimes blind obedience isn't so great...
Sooo, he's sending Russia billions of dollars of weaponry.
Election's coming up.
Ask your MPPs why they're talking about literally anything other than this.
He brings up a good point: if Covid were actually deadly, the people in charge (who demanded draconian measures for two years), let it spread to their countries completely unchecked and would have let millions die.
The only time travel restrictions or lockdowns made any sense was before the virus spread everywhere; they're somewhat useful for containment, but that's it.
Not only did our "leaders" attack our jobs, families, and rights in the name of fighting the "pandemic", they also completely failed to actually fight it.
They'll get the bomb two weeks aftet California sinks into the sea due to global warming.
It's the same reason I wouldn't debate a guy who claimed the sun is made of gum drops: it's obviously insane.
Flat earthers get two words: time zones.