JB35 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think it was Chapter 16 of Brave New World that explained what government "science" really is, where they have a team of experts all affirming the party's version, while hiding true higher sciences from the public that might set them free from their controllers.

You can search "science" and find some of the sections.

Then Chapter 17 explains how they know God exists but they hide the Bible and all Christian books and flood everyone's mind with mindless entertainment so they never think about God or death.

After pulling out "The Imitation of Christ" and the Bible:

“Then you think there is no God?” “No, I think there quite probably is one.” “Then why? …”

Mustapha Mond checked him. “But he manifests himself in different ways to different men. In pre-modern times he manifested himself as the being that’s described in these books. Now …” “How does he manifest himself now?” asked the Savage. “Well, he manifests himself as an absence; as though he weren’t there at all.”

“That’s your fault.”

“Call it the fault of civilization. God isn’t compatible with machinery and scientific medicine and universal happiness. You must make your choice. Our civilization has chosen machinery and medicine and happiness. That’s why I have to keep these books locked up in the safe. They’re smut. People would be shocked it …”

The last few chapters of Brave New World everyone should be familiar with, it's giving us exactly what they have been doing to us and why. The entire system is made to make humans worship government and forget about Jesus Christ, who they very much know is real and in rebellion to Him. Much of it is in anger God created us at all.

JB35 2 points ago +4 / -2

Tired: election was stolen

Wired: Trump was in on throwing it and is a zionist traitor who raped little girls on Epstein's island and should be hanged for treason after telling millions of Americans to get those death shots for themselves and their families.

JB35 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's the looting of the treasury phase, and just as Zelensky said, he wants Ukraine to be a new Israel. Because that's their real homeland, they are Khazar frauds larping as the Biblical Hebrews to trick Western Christians into blindly supporting them as they completely destroy our nation for their gay NWO.

Fuck anyone who hasn't been openly warning everyone around them at this point, it's a shame most people have been cowards, afraid of being called names like racist as they completely obliterate absolutely everything in this land and poison us and our children.

Everyone should be fully aware of who the Ashkenazi's are by now, they descend from the Canaanites/Phonecians. You aren't going against "God's Chosen" when calling these demons out, and I will continue to scream all of this at the top of my lungs until they fucking kill me. They have DESTROYED AMERICA. https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2015/03/08/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/

JB35 15 points ago +16 / -1

Nearly every vaccine just so happens to be created by an Ashkenazi (Salk, Stanley Plotkin, etc..)

The same group with open plans to take over the world and exterminate White people globally with ties to Satanic worship, child sacrifice, and Epstein's island.

Humans are idiots to allow people to control medicine who hate them with open plans of enslavement and/or genocide against them. I have 100's of quotes and them on video explaining all this, but it's like there's a spell over most people.

In conclusion, fuck the kikes, they should all be expelled into giant ovens in outer space, I'm tired of their shit.

JB35 3 points ago +4 / -1

Look at the threads this (((faggot))) posts.

"Christians are leading the anti-education charge in America as the only way to keep cult membership on the rise is to keep the population stupid" https://communities.win/c/Conspiracies/p/15Hv2Ms5Wn/christians-are-leading-the-antie/c

JB35 0 points ago +1 / -1

The government sacrifices children to Satan and covers up the crimes, because this entire world is governed by fallen angels, which is the reason many start to worry they are in hell.

It's not quite hell, but it's close. I consider this a purgatory of sorts, for the Christian anyway. For those who continue to turn against God, their hell has only just begun.

"Hell is empty, and all the devils are here." -- Shakespeare.

"We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one." 1 John 5:19

Soon the mask will continue to come off as the chaos gets worse, and people will realize actual demons are controling governments, with most people in congress taking part in occult rituals, child sacrifice, etc..

People talking about "Nuremberg 2.0" still haven't figured out 1.0 was a fraud and evil people tricked us into defeating the wrong enemy who was trying to stop this Satanic cabal and has written off the heroes as enemies in our history books and now they are here to destroy us in the US/Europe/Australia/Canada, and everyone is BLIND. Both world wars were sacrifices of our people to Satan.

The Dutroux case mentioned here in another thread, again all of those people come from the same tribe and were kidnapping girls all from our group, yet people can't make the connections... Same with Epstein, same situation. It's tiresome because many of us were trying to help save our people, not be "blind racists," we just noticed patterns over the years. But no one ever listens.

This is why I have very little hope for anything in this place, and all my hope is in Jesus. There's no way to fix anything here.

JB35 5 points ago +6 / -1

Each first-person awareness is a person with unique human rights. It's obvious it would be immoral to cause a child in the womb pain.

When a doctor is doing surgery on a patient, the doctor's hand doesn't merge with and become the patient's body when reaching inside.

These are concepts children can understand.

JB35 1 point ago +6 / -5

The person with a gun to your head doesn't care if you have a "smoking gun" proving they are a criminal. Bolsheviks have taken over the government and US military and there is no more legal system, there is no more Constitution.

It's why we have been warning everyone to be prepared, especially with faith in Jesus Christ because you all will soon die and better have your souls prepared to face a holy God. You are not going to "save America," it's long gone.

JB35 0 points ago +2 / -2

Trump was even worse because he pretended to be on our side.

Even after Operation Warp Speed all they have to do is shill this election theft nonsense as if Trump wasn't in on the entire clown show from the start, and everyone rushes to his defense, "they stole it from him!"

No they didn't, Trump is a Freemason, a kabbalist, he admits all of this in his own book among other places, he has occult symbology all over Trump Tower. Maria Farmer and other girls testify he raped a girl on Epstein's Island and he had Chabad over his shoulder the entire presidency making decisions for him, signing antisemetism laws, but people are desperate for a hero and will bow down to Elon Musk with his NWO shirt talking about brain chips the same way out of desperation. Same for DeSantis, same for any other Zionist who says a few right wing talking points to trick you into thinking they are on your side.

JB35 5 points ago +6 / -1

Bolshevik jews have done this dozens of times and we are supposed to pretend it isn't happening all over again.

The entire WW2 story was a lie, no gas chambers whatsoever and we in the US were tricked into fighting for the wrong side. Hitler was trying to stop the Rothschild banking cartel from their plan of global domination via Communism and exterminating white people and here we are.

JB35 14 points ago +14 / -0

The US was lost in the 1860s to international jewish bankers and they have used us as tax slaves and their military arm for their global conquest ever since.

That's the tough pill to swallow most don't want to face. And now they plan on exterminating the Whites/Christians just like they did in Russia and many other places. Their religious texts demand it happens, and people simply will not listen no matter how many times this happens like there's a spell keeping them zombified when we have the evidence.

"When the Jews leave Russia, Communism will collapse there. World Jewry is today relocating to America. Thus the real threat of Communism in America has just begun." -- Arnold Leese

Those of us who understand the situation have tried to warn, but understand it's too worldview shattering for most so we have been primarily preparing for ourselves and those around us. Seek Jesus Christ for the salvation of your souls.

JB35 22 points ago +22 / -0

When the full truth comes out about what's happened, I believe there will be mass suicides. We are on a slave farm being poisoned, and it appears a lot of it is being done as a satanic ritual, encouraging abortion then injecting those dead children back into the population along with other poisons.

Poisoned food, poisnoned everything, and they keep causing wars as sacrifices also.

I am very sad for our veterans, and all the parents with children with disabilities who will realize they likely came from a vaccine they gave them.

I know everyone here isn't a Christian, I just hope everyone has that option in the back of their head when things get bad, and to look into it as soon as possible because it's what's made sense of all of this to me. I believe this world is currently run by fallen angels, led by Samyaza (aka Satan). Genesis 6 mentions when they mated with human women, earlier in Genesis mentions when they tempted man with "sacred knowledge" (Mystery Babylon), then the book of Enoch goes into more detail. Others taught men how to mix roots and herbs for poisons and psychedelic drugs for communing with them to gain more knowledge, others like Azazel taught men weapons of war. (chapters 6-9 here)

This is why the flood had to happen, to destroy all of this, but somehow remnants of the mystic information along with the genetics of the fallen ones survived after the flood and is here today, but I know it all will be destroyed once and for all because of Revelation 17-18.

JB35 1 point ago +1 / -0

And who could be behind all these shadowy organizations with an admitted plan to take over the world and enslave and/or kill most of us?

JB35 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's the jews, Jesus exposes them as the Synagogue of Satan. They openly use the star of Saturn/Moloch (Acts 7:42-43). Plenty of Islam mysticism is tied into the same hermetic-kabbalist system, it's Mystery Babylon. But to suggest the Pharisees are innocent and not ruling the world through baning and media control...

Jews have exterminated 200 million people the past few hundred years through Communism and Freemasonry. Jews did 9/11. Mossad killed JFK. Jews sent us to endless wars for their miliatry conquest. Jewish bankers put out the hit on the Russian tsar and funded both the Russian Revolution and Mao's Revolution. Now they are destroying the United States and have a plan to exterminate white people that's right out in the open in the Talmud but no one freaking listens.

I agree all can be saved through Jesus.

But to suggest it's the Muslims doing all this, is a bit naive, if not subvertive.

I mean seriously, are all these Bergs and Steins in the media pushing anti-white hatred undercover Muslims?

JB35 6 points ago +6 / -0

The snake venom stuff felt like a psyop to get everyone going out and sounding stupid.

Now Peters is saying it's the "Jesuit world order" taking over...

JB35 5 points ago +5 / -0

If we don't destroy Rothschilds "Israel" they will destroy and enslave the entire world.

It's a shame people were tricked into thinking they were the freaking Biblical Hebrews because they stole land and named it that, with zero ties to any of the 12 tribes. People never look into these things, they never look up the Balfour Declaration or how Palestine was promised to that family if they could decieve the Americans into going into the war for them.

It's the same scam as calling your Communist organization "Black Lives Matter" and then caling everyone racist who doesn't want to give up all their property rights and allow their cities to be burned down.

They literally worship the devil, they are hermetic-kabbalists. Christ turned down the offer in the desert the devil gave him, another group took that offer.

JB35 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's only a minute long, it shows how it's one big jewish show to make us passive and thinking someone is coming to save us.

Same as Q, same as Trump. Most are so desperate for hope they latch onto any possiblility of someone else doing the work for them so they can sit in the safety of their homes behind a computer screen and do nothing and somehow win a war against the jews who believe they cannot attain salvation unless they exterminate white people and destroy Christianity.

It's far too late, and everyone is going to suffer and die. This is the judgement for worshpping the Synagoge of Satan. The warnings were all over the Bible who these people were but most never took the time to read for themselves, and trusted subverted Dispensationalists who got their theology from the Left Behind series and Rothschild funded Scofield Bible.

People are so easily misled it's incredible. The people who warned to "destroy your TV" years ago were right.