WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +7 / -4

What are you even talking about?

The Japanese were religious fanatics who beleived they followed the will of a living God. They literally thought it was impossible for them to lose and that their enemies weren't even human. They also have hundreds of years of Bushido culture that shaped their mindset such that sacrificing their lives for their Lord was the highest ambition, and that personal honour trumped human life.

The Japanese government sure didn't do anything to help their own people, as Hitler did when he super-charged the German economy. Rather, the people were simply expected to sacrifice for the Emperor. Further, Japan was under no real threat, but was acting from a place of pure expansionism, again, much different from Germany's situation.

About the only thing the two have in common is nationalism (and even then, drawing from ver different places) and fighting Russia. If Japan was physically located in Europe, they would have been rivals, if not enemies.

You could just as easily argue the "Britain were the real Nazis" because they bombed Dresden, starved out the German people towards the end of the war, clandestinely murdered the Polish leadership, and used nationalist sentiment to keep their people together during the Blitz.

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a far more important question:

When will Trump admit that the man he trusted on not just the vax, but on lockdowns and mandates, was directly responsible for funding the lab that created covid-19?

This is no longer conjecture; the funding proposal obtained via FOIA request clearly shows that the Wuhan lab explicitely set out to create what we now know as Covid-19 from existing bat coronaviruses. They were funded by Peter Daszic's EcoHealth Alliance, which was funded by Anthony Fauci, the same man in whom Trump entrusted the health of the American people.

Fauci is responsible not just for every single vax death, and for every single suicide, overdose, or other preventable death ignored due to the healthcare crisis he inspired, but every single covid death, GLOBALLY.

Trump made this man his health czar.

When is he going to own up to that horrific lapse in judgement?

WeedleTLiar 6 points ago +6 / -0

Interesting point about AI thought police.

Do we really think companies are releasing these AIs to the public as toys?

Isn't it more likely that this is a training exercise for the AIs?

They've got their AI setup to detect thought crime and they're putting them on the internet to see if people can find loopholes that cause the AI to allow or accept wrong think.

Once that's sorted out, these are the AIs that will police your speech and adjust your social credit score accordingly.

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

I made a pot of noodle soup with vegetables yesterday for under $10. Fed us and we've got leftovers.

Packaged food is the most expensive way to go.

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Speaking of 1989:

In Canada, (not the states but often affected by laws there) the first Meningicoccal vaccine was introduced in 1987. Before that, cases had fluctuated by year but, since the 20s, had never gone above 350.

In the five years following the introduction of the shot, yearly cases exceeded 350; in '89 there were over 800 recorded cases.

These vaccines only targetted one of the possible six strains ("B" I believe) and, over the next decade, the "C" strain became prevalent. I got the "B" shot in '87, but both my kids got the "C" shot instead (not in addition to).

While the vaccines do seem to reduce carriage of specific strains, they also seem to cause an increase in carriage (non-symptomatic infection) in the other strains, so much so that the reduction in one is more than offset by increases in the others.

The current schedule calls for a vaccine that covers the "ACYW" strains, not "B". Further, there is a strain called "X" that doesn't have any vaccine and just happens to be the one that increases the most in the presence of vaccines.

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Really goes to show what these people think is important.

Your little "vaccine injury" is paltry compared to the damage you could do to Rachel Maddows credibility by trying to get help and warn others.

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +2 / -1

Still with the race-mixing, eh?

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +1 / -0


It would explain why so many dead people voted for him.

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

IIRC Marx always said Socialism would arise out of capitalism, not in spite of it.

I agree, corporations operate on a Socialist model and, when they're monopolies, I would suggest they are fully Communist; they control the entire market, set prices, and completely control workers because there's no one else to work for, especially for specialists.

You raise an interesting point in their pushing corporate culture on nations. We're certainly not living in Democracies where the will of the general population is important. It's all special interests/connections that drive things, ie corporate politics. Same with these top down directives; not consistent with Democracy, but certainly par for the course for a Corporation.

The good thing about fighting Corporations is that they're unwieldy and slow, almost as much as governments. Unlike governments, they're sensitive to the bottom line and quite touchy about their public image, thus susceptible to psyops.

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, but the claim has clearly been made that they were premominantly murdered in concentration camps, which suggests a significant majority but requires at least a majority.

This article also disproves that a majority of 6M jews were murdered in camps, but you saw fit to completely dismiss it over semantics?

How many people do you think were murdered in camps, and why?

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right, but even if the number in the camps was "only" 3M, this article still shows contemporary documents from Red Cross observers asserting a tenth of that number.

Like Flat Earthers, the first step to disproving a fantasy is getting those who stand by it to firmly set the goal posts.

WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +3 / -0

From Wikipedia:

Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population. The murders were carried out primarily through mass shootings and poison gas in extermination camps

Reality aside, what is your contention? That people claim six million Jews were murdered by random Germans throughout the countryside? Like, the idea that this was actually even possible inside extermination camps is hard enough to believe but you're saying, what, that it was done in cremation vans just driving around picking people up?

WeedleTLiar 6 points ago +6 / -0

Weizmann, as president of the World Zionist Organization (1921-1931, 1935-1946), wrote: "I ask a question: Are you able to transfer six million Jews to Palestine? I answer: no. I want to save two million young people from the tragic abyss... And the old ones should disappear... They are economic and spiritual dust in this cruel world... Only the young branch will live” [2].

Thus, long before World War II, the leading Zionist asserted that four million European Jews should perish. This means that Zionist Jews have acquired over the centuries the gold necessary for a prosperous life, and now many of them have become unnecessary on this planet, therefore they should disappear as "economic and spiritual dust"!

Damn, to the true Zionist, even his own people are disposable.

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +2 / -1

Looking at the graph...

This statement is based on 8 days in 2024 compared to statistical averages over decades. Not a lot to go on.

The graph also shows a pretty clear trend of less average sea ice over time from decade to decade.

Not saying they're wrong, but talk to me in six months when there actually some data to look at and not just potentially anomolous events.

WeedleTLiar 6 points ago +6 / -0

When Jews run out of outgroups to blame, so they have to start turning on their own...

Ya hate to see it...

WeedleTLiar 6 points ago +6 / -0

Film Studios: create an unending stream of mediocre efluvium, often directly attacking their target audience.

Also, Film Studios: How could piracy do this?

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

The point of mass immigration is to destroy national identity so people won't stand together against globalism.

Do you think Jews are worried about these protests? It's an amazing opportunity to play up how much "anti-semetism" there is while knowing full well that these purple haired "students" aren't going to do anything but spread division. Look what happened at Harvard; their tame nigger, who we all knew was guilty of plagerism, got removed because they didn't kvetch hard enough, only to be replaced by an actual Jew. We were all so pissed off at BLM, that we ignored who was funding them the whole time.

The "Right" comes in with "See, the Left were the real anti-semites all along", furthering division and lending credence to the idea that anti-semetism is a bad thing. Meanwhile, Jews further undermine White institutions and continue to allow anti-White political agitation.

There's no contradiction here; these migrants (read: shittiest people of the shithole countries they came from) are scapegoats, justifying more Jewish control to the Right.

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +1 / -0

“When we told security we were afraid of an imminent collapse, they told us the door was open and we could leave when we want. But where were we going to go?”

How about back to your own country?

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

How do we ensure this never happens again, Bob?

These people put these policies in place over top of the existing pandemic plans.

We had safeguards in place, there was a plan, and these people ripped it up to do their own thing, and it's not the first time. They need to be made an example of; if not, how do we stop the exact same people from acting this way again?

Fauci is not simply responsible for the lockdowns and mandates, for example. He is responsible for funding the lab that created the original virus. And he's gonna get a pass for that?

If there is no penalty for what is obviously a crime against humanity itself, why wouldn't this happen over and over, in the exact same way not punishing bankers fro 2008 has put us back into a depression for the same reasons?

WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Statistically significant predictors of Long COVID at four weeks of follow-up were—Pre-existing medical conditions (Adjusted Odds ratio (aOR) = 2.00, 95% CI: 1.16,3.44), having a higher number of symptoms during acute phase of COVID-19 disease (aOR = 11.24, 95% CI: 4.00,31.51), two doses of COVID-19 vaccination (aOR = 2.32, 95% CI: 1.17,4.58), the severity of illness (aOR = 5.71, 95% CI: 3.00,10.89) and being admitted to hospital (Odds ratio (OR) = 3.89, 95% CI: 2.49,6.08).

A little more than twice as likely to get Covid if you're "fully vaccinated". (Note: they don't have any info on boosters in this study, if may get worse with more shots).

WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's important to remember that the jab, and all of the lockdowns and mandates, are secondary to the implications of Covid being man-made, being released from containment, and infecting the entire world.

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