WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +3 / -0

I trust the FBI, just not that they'll do what they say they do.

They are an arm of the WEF in America and they will work to push it's agenda.

The question is: how can they do so with regards to this situation? I trust that they will.

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dear military personel,

You can serve your nation or you can serve this regime. You cannot do both.

WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, it's wild how pretty much all of Covid can be explained by state-induced hypochondria.

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting hypothesis. One thing I don't get:

Yet BOTH theories have the same endpoint: the sustenance of the “Pandemic Preparedness Industry” which, flush with a hugely successful “Covid” episode will no doubt delight in the prospect of lucrative reruns.

The Covid response obviously wasn't successful and, if it were an actual pandemic, would justify firing everyome involved.

The only reason that heads aren't currently rolling is because people don't actually care about Covid spreading when the news is off, because it still is by their measures.

It's also pretty odd that the Wuhan lab was creating a super-infectious coronavirus from a bat virus, and then a super-infectious corona virus emenated fron Wuhan, if that didn't actually happen. If that's not what they did, what were they doing there?

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't mean there aren't people who don't actually take it seriously.

Mass formation psychosis is real, why not fringe formation psychosis?

WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +3 / -0

In a world tyrannized by Pride, Meekness is more important than ever.

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

I prefer "real Jordan Peterso " videos.

As opposed to whatever they turned him into in "rehab".

WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +3 / -0

I always like to bring up the point that, in Canada, we have close to the highest number of trees per capita, in the world. But we don't count the carbon until they are cut down!

We're taxing ourselves to death with increasing "carbon taxes" but we're actually net negative if the carbon sequestration of the trees is counted.

It was never about the environment, it was always about fear.

WeedleTLiar 5 points ago +5 / -0

I support kicking these kids of social media (and, really, the Internet in general) but the question is, as always, how?

I mean "How, without ushuring in a nightmarish police state?"

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +1 / -0

I got a one day ban from KIA2 because I advocated for nuking Israel and they called it "genocidal language".

Maybe I should have framed it as a tactical policy?

WeedleTLiar 6 points ago +6 / -0

Just train an AI on legal records. You take the information from clients, give it to your computer, and it spits back the letter/affadavit/court argument.

I don't really get why we even still have lawyers at this point.

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's not a story, it'd a test proving the Earth spins. If the Earth didn't spin, the arc of the pendulum wouldn't rotate, duh.

To be fair, this experiment doesn't prove the Earth is a globe and a spinning disc Earth would do the same, except that the arc would still rotate at the equator because.

But if definitely proves that the Earth spins and it's been reviewed (and recreated; the more important consideration) thousands of times, which is what your meme is asking.

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +2 / -1

Beat me to it, lol

An interesting side note:

Google has scrubbed all mention of "black people and smoke detectors" because the powers that be don't want those ideas spreading.

If I search "spinning Earth experiment", there are literally hundreds of sites claiming that the Earth is flat.

If TPTB don't want people to hear about FE, they're doing an uncharacteristically shitty job.

WeedleTLiar -2 points ago +2 / -4

All airplanes are required by law to travel in such a way as to simulate globe distances, lol

WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +3 / -0

What a coincidence, didn't a Chinese spy steal Ebola samples from the biolab in Winnipeg in 2021? And then the Canadian government covered it up, then called a snap election which the Chinese government alledgedly helped them win?

Nothing to see here...

WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +7 / -4

What are you even talking about?

The Japanese were religious fanatics who beleived they followed the will of a living God. They literally thought it was impossible for them to lose and that their enemies weren't even human. They also have hundreds of years of Bushido culture that shaped their mindset such that sacrificing their lives for their Lord was the highest ambition, and that personal honour trumped human life.

The Japanese government sure didn't do anything to help their own people, as Hitler did when he super-charged the German economy. Rather, the people were simply expected to sacrifice for the Emperor. Further, Japan was under no real threat, but was acting from a place of pure expansionism, again, much different from Germany's situation.

About the only thing the two have in common is nationalism (and even then, drawing from ver different places) and fighting Russia. If Japan was physically located in Europe, they would have been rivals, if not enemies.

You could just as easily argue the "Britain were the real Nazis" because they bombed Dresden, starved out the German people towards the end of the war, clandestinely murdered the Polish leadership, and used nationalist sentiment to keep their people together during the Blitz.

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