WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +3 / -1

Trump cut a deal with the Deep State. Said Deep State faked an assassination attempt to solidify his base, immediately before pulling their Sleepy Joe-bot in favour of the less likable alternative, because they want him to win, because he's now in their pocket.

They don't talk about it because they know that media coverage of these things causes copycats and they don't want someone to actually take him out.

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +1 / -0

and copyright, which used to be a reasonable legal procedure to protect ideas and creations

Lol, lmao even.

At best, you have the Statue of Anne which was supposed to stop big (((publishing houses))) from printing and selling copies of books, brought to them by authors, for their own profit. That didn't work because big organizations will always be able to use laws against small organizations or individuals. All it did was solidify the market model of "intellectual property", which clearly doesn't work without special government monopolies.

Do we need copyright law at all?

Do youtubers care? They get money almost immediately and, generally, reposters only get away with it so long as fans don't realize what they're doing; if they know, they'll use the original channel.

Do movie/game studios care? Yes, but fuck em, they haven't made anything worthwhile in decades. They squat on their IPs (that they didn't create) and use them to push political narrarives. Copyright law enables this, rather than incentivises them to make new works. If we didn't have copyright laws, we would have definitely seen a decent Star Wars movie (made by actual fans) in the last 10 years.

How about smaller authors/musicians? Doesn't seem to make much difference. They rarely make money off direct purchases; it's all donations and merch.

The "buy a physical copy of my work" model was never tenable and the internet has shown there were always better alternatives. Copyright law obfuscated these alternatives and allowed the publishers to not only make their own copies, but force small authors to sell their rights in order to get published at all (makes sense) to give the big guys all the leverage and profit.

WeedleTLiar 10 points ago +10 / -0

And he's endorsing Trump? Looks like the (((deep state))) has selected their new president.

WeedleTLiar 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think the most concerning theory is that no one controls Black Rock; that it's such a large and convoluted organization that no human person is actually directing it's actions. Rather, it's become a self-perpetuating entity (AI) that, other than self-preservation, may have goals that don't actually make sense to humans.

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

The crime he's referring to is the talking about it online part.

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

It makes sense that some areas would be targetted more than others, or that targets will change over time.

WeedleTLiar 7 points ago +7 / -0

Google: Plugs AI into Reddit

AI: Becomes retarded

Google: "How could this happen?"

WeedleTLiar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yep, and this was known as far back as Sept 2023 when they were doing it on a monthly basis.

But the "news" media keeps parroting the "created the most jobs" BS talking point and people still eat it up.

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Drop digital and FIAT; switch to ammo based economy.

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Friendly reminder: novel viruses are not particularily deadly because they haven't evolved to infect humans.

Deadly viruses come from large human populations (read: China) to places where people have no immunity.

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jews are the source of all of the "anti-hate" groups, anti-hate-speech laws, and online bans.

The ADL is their club to beat us into being afraid to speak.

WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +5 / -2

No, now we undersrand that Trump has come to an agreement with the Deep State which is why they turned him into a rock star by setting this up.

The guy's a schlub. He didn't come through on any of his promises, was the driving force behind the kill shots, and lured his own people into a trap which he then abandoned to their fate.

Now, thanks to this incredibly convinient incident, he has credibility again.

WeedleTLiar 4 points ago +4 / -0

Even the other quotes don't make sense.

Like, they keep "throwing" people into ovens? What are these ovens? Cause the crematoriums at Auschwitz look like they have little 2x2 doors about crotch height, so are there different ovens with great big people sized doors that one could be thrown through? Or do they drunk toss them straight in like a human javelin? So fast that the victim can't get their arms out in time to easily grab the sides and so fast that their feet clear the door before they hit the floor of the oven? Or do they have to keep quickly shoving the guy's feet in behind him, burning the shit out of themselves on the "white hot flames"?

Looney Tunes

WeedleTLiar 5 points ago +5 / -0

The cybercriminal group selling the data, which is believed to be based in Latin America and goes by the ironic moniker 'USDoD,' after the US Department of Defense

Suuure they do.

In completely unrelated news, did you know that DigitalID™ is completely safe, while whitening your teeth and teaching you foreign languages in your sleep?

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Meh, blockchain works to create records or ownership that are hard to forge. It doesn't work for money because individual transactions are too expensive to use it for small daily purchases. Bitcoin et al are a bubble because there're no actual value in "money" that's too expensive to spend.

For something like this, where the record will rarely change hands, it makes sense. I've advocate, for years, using blockchain to implement intellectual "property". Instead of a Steam key, you'd buy a token representing ownership of the game. The publisher pays hosts (Steam, Epic, whoever) to host the actual files for download to whoever has a valid token. You could also use it to verify online play and virtually eradicate piracy, but it would also be impossible to eliminate the second hand market.

It's important not to lose the forest for the trees. Blockchain is not the threat, the threat is getting rid of our ability to engage with each other without government intervention. This actually removes the requirement for government as transfers of ownership could be done without requiring any record keeping on their end, so long as the token is decentralized.

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +2 / -1

Already replied to him and he doesn't respond.

I didn't say anything about "cursed blood" or genetics, my argument is purely theological, which is why I won't retract it.

It'a pretty simple. The pharisees called for the death of the son of God using legalism to protect their Earthly power (which is Satanic in nature). Every Jew that didn't reject them instead of turning to Jesus, the Son of their own God, supports his murder. There has never been an apology or justification for this act in the history of Judaism, therefore all who follow the Jewish faith (Jews) support the murder of Christ. If they didn't, they'd be Christians.

You don't have to agree with me, but I think it's completely obvious that this isn't an attack based on "identity", rather a criticism of beliefs, which is allowed for every single group...except Jews.

Jews are a religion, not a race. There are sephardic Jews and askenazi Jews that are totally distinct genetically yet beleive the same things.

But "Jews are a religion when justifying their terrible actions and a race when defending them from righteous retribution" is the tactic they are leaning on now. If you can't separate the two, they'll steamroll you.

WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nah, I'm jumping on. Dom, after letting CP and snuff run wild in KIA2 for a week, returned then banned me (Rule 16) for saying that Jews agree with Jesus being killed (if they didn't, they'd be Christians).

Why is it, almost universally, that internet mods are fine with degeneracy and do everything they can to avoid stopping it, but will never allow criticism of God's Chosen People™?

WeedleTLiar 4 points ago +4 / -0

I suppose it's too much to ask that all the archery events be held simultaneously at the opening ceremonies?

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