VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

And they know that and still come, which means they don't come with natural plans like creating families, they come expecting their lives to be used for a different purpose, that's how you know they come for war

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why do so many of these people look comically cartoonish, this guy looks like an evil sesame street muppet, sometimes I wonder if people with discernment are going to be able to recognize an official antichrist early on or not if we are expecting it to be a very appealing person and it winds up being some deranged clown

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Releasing apocalypse mosquitos without informing the public

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's just the same "divide and conquer" bullshit as the domestic uniparty, the entirety of the middle east with all its various tribes is in opposition to the west, but unlike the domestic uniparty the middle east tribes also fight each other for real in addition to all of them being in opposition to the west, they just fall along a spectrum ranging from wanting to conquer and subjugate the west to wanting to completely annihilate the west, this has been going on for thousands of years and at this point it's like watching multiple assassins fight each other to the death with the idea that the winner can then take our heads for the bounty, meanwhile we got people cheering and booing for different assassins while they fight it out

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well yeah because they are not actually fighting, they are pushing for other people to go fight and die, start drafting every adult who is calling for war and send them over there to die, tune will change real fast

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only part that raised my eyebrow was the last line in the one I got "No action is required by the public" in the context of it's just a test, okay.. so what kinda "required action" are they planning to demand of the entire nation at some point?

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're just proving the point that lack of understanding is what gets you blindsided, with your own flagrant lack of understanding, like you think as long as you can get most people to agree that "genocide is bad mmkay" it won't happen, genocide is an extreme byproduct of war and war happens over resources, western world is headed straight for that cliff right now with economic conditions plummeting while millions of foreigners are flooding in and taking up resources, historically the next phase is they are given a warning to gtfo and every doofus like you trying to appeal to a sense of moral superiority as civilization collapses around you gets told to stfu or go with them

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nah these people are so far gone from reality, they have only never known civilization's luxury and have no understanding of instinct, they are used to controlling trivial shit that people won't fight and die over and it has given them a false sense of power, if the masses start actually starving all this control goes out the fucking window, imagine these chucklefucks faced with desperate raging mobs by the thousands and their only claim to these farmlands is some make believe rules they themselves made up

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was some very sick nasty subhuman trash among the nazis for sure, but then you read about something like Unit 731 and you gain some perspective, because the narratives about other groups don't get the same treatment, even the unrepentant ones

VanillaBean 9 points ago +9 / -0

We don't really know though what it's like to be caught off guard by propaganda so I don't see most people as quite so bad (definitely some), just kinda tragic more than anything, for example I remember seeing all the initial scare videos coming out of China, funny yet creepy shit people faking seizures on the ground in groups, but there was a lot of experimental testing online in places that only our general types were likely to be looking, pushing the idea that covid was causing dramatic mass die offs in China with people dropping dead in public left and right, remember the videos showing hazmat vans collecting dead bodies in Chinese neighborhoods etc so when covid was "here" and literally none of that actually happened it was just so flagrantly obvious that it was a hoax from the beginning especially coming from a country like China where the government passionately avoids admitting to mistakes or loss of control, but think about your typical western adult, they're focusing 100% on family and career and even dumb shit like sportsball is mostly a social thing with friends or family, they were not spending hours of their lives on reddit/chan/yt looking for weird crazy shit, when covid was "here" they had no expectations, just sudden alarm and confusion, most of us had a big head start in spotting the fuckery

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Idk seems most people have no issue making kids with or without marriage, the marriage part is irrelevant and I've noticed younger people men and women both are much less interested in getting married. Nearly all the people in their mid 20s to mid 30s without kids feel they can't afford them and/or both people in the relationship are working full time to be able to pay their living expenses and still have some savings. I think white women are just less into multigenerational housing culturally so most white women think longterm ie government will help pay their way while they're popping out kids but what happens when they can't have any more kids. Whereas black and hispanic people culturally still find multigenerational housing quite normal so women from those cultures will still readily have kids without a husband and then the adult kids just keep living with her and help pay bills through her elder years.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Their minds aren't developed right either. Most people grasp that a kid who grows up in a dysfunctional / abusive home will have issues as an adult. The adult person can still make a choice to try to go with healthier and functional coping mechanisms as opposed to unhealthy destructive ones, but they will be coping one way or another because alcoholic daddies and psychotic mommies still damage brain development in their kids. Well at some point all these demented fucks scheming over the world were babies, grew up as young and then older children raised and surrounded by adults in those same circles, with unnatural lifestyles and brainwashing from before they could even count their toes. Same type of reason that old money and new money don't get along. New money is all woohoo I'm rich life is wonderful and lucky for me. Old money has been brainwashed from birth that they are part of the natural order of things, not only intrinsically superior but that their superiority is a noble burden that society needs, and they are all kinds of weird as a result. Seeing new money openly suggest that no it's just fun and lucky but has no deep meaning sends old money into an existential tailspin. Every cult is like that, people born and raised in the cult environment who are permanently compromised mentally.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Quite the timeline to be in where conspiracy theorists are trying to help the NPCs understand that the "aliens" are NOT real

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know multiple people who are extra traumatized because their loved one was tube murdered, there's the trauma of the loss plus a whole additional layer where their subconscious knows something wasn't right but they can't mentally process it, another one of them their loved one was sitting up and TALKING to them on a video call to say goodbye because his "lungs didn't work anymore" and the only breathing assistance he had in the video was a tube in his nose, the medical staff then "allowed nature to take its course" by giving him a HUGE dose of morphine

VanillaBean 13 points ago +13 / -0

Nobody trafficking/ raping kids is on my side

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because it was in the headlines several times around the US that some places "accidentally" received saline instead of the mrna concoctions in their vax shipments and that just doesn't happen by accident, let alone on such a scale, unheard of, that was people in the medical field on a local level realizing it was saline followed by talking heads going "whoopsies silly us it was an accident!" and when people started going wtf how is that even happening it was hardcore memory holed, saline would've been cheap af and risk free while making pharma big money too (huge profit margin) while government entities did their power creep, ALL the animals died prematurely in mrna animal trials but then the first try on humans went off with barely a hitch, lol not buying it, most people got saline and small controlled percentage got the experimental shit and got fucked up, plus it helped create a ton of hysteria reactions in the saline crowd making it easier to distinguish hysteria placebo responses from actual mrna effects

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fear of the mob is what effects normies, vast majority of them couldn't give a fuck less about antisemitism or hardly anything else for that matter, but they have a deep fear of being "othered" and then targeted by the social mob, yet they love a spectacle, they will sit as close to the fire as they can get without being singed, ie the noticings about jews or any other demographic doesn't deter them one bit, they just don't want to openly participate

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

So what's going on in predominantly black and hispanic schools, literally everything I ever see anywhere regarding trans stuff being pushed in schools features predominantly if not entirely white classrooms, are there any examples of non celebrity black kids being trans or black teachers pushing trans ideology, seems like black america is way too based for this horseshit so it's not even attempted

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is the creepy part imo, when I see really awful cringe ads but have to reckon with the reality that the ads are done as they are because it actually works on a significant portion of the population

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

More than anything else millenials have been severely unorganized, which is weird since that's the generation that had it spoon fed to them with movies like bugs life, but still can't manage to band together for a strike, it really has seemed that millenials just collectively gave up and accepted being depressed slaves, and I get blaming the boomer+ CEOs but the blame and shame game does nothing, but that's the only game millenials as a generation seem to know how to play and when they can't cancel culture their way out of a dying rigged economy they just flail

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah humans like everyone else and so with their own fair share of nasty evil trash, but I have always envied the simplicity of their lives. It's the same reason many homeless men would rather not rehabilitate when given the opportunity, they get a taste of a simple free existence and it resonates with thousands of years of ancestry in their dna and they can't stand to go back to the complicated micromanaged rat race of modern society. They would rather die under a bridge.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump is a bandaid on a gangrene leg, I don't fault people for supporting him one bit but in the context of supporting him "as opposed to" say the clintons, but he can't fix the mess this country is in because he's 100% all in for the very system that allowed things to get to the point of tyrannical coercion to accept experimental injections, the angle he offers is that he'll fix the system so it can be saved and continued but that necrotic leg needs amputated, he represents a different problem unto itself

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean the overwhelming consensus you've been exposed to your whole life is that men aren't intelligent enough to clean their natural genitals so it's more hygienic to just cut parts off so I genuinely get how you accepted this without question, but it's still really fucked up and makes about as much sense as the notion that leg hair is somehow unhygienic when it's on female legs

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