by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

They were home chillin in bed with blood clots in their lungs huh lol, and then all they needed was some oxygen and nutrients, a true miracle of science

VanillaBean 7 points ago +7 / -0

Musk is the new Trump yeah but I'm honestly getting tired of all the armchair generals who do fuck all and just bitterly ridicule anyone who does anything for not doing enough, no need to suck musk's dick but let the guy share some behind the scenes shit from twitter, let the muppets reveal how they can't refute it and have to resort to ad hominem followed by trying to spin it as ackshully a good thing, let them all have at it on the world stage

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

It seems a lot more plausible to me that there actually was a revolutionary figure who started speaking out against the culture of the pharisees and it was very popular with the downtrodden masses and the pharisees felt their power was threatened and had the guy executed, that exact overall scenario has played out tons of times throughout history all over the world and would explain the relatively rapid overhaul of the roman religious culture

VanillaBean -1 points ago +3 / -4

This particular case is kinda interesting because musk is absolutely the type to have this thought process, starts with the historical origins of the term "scapegoat" (it involved sacrificing a literal goat so that everyone could be free of their "sins" by placing them on the goat and then punishing the goat instead of getting punished themselves), and then this is where satan eventually gets the goat symbolism from, ie the concept that he is God's scapegoat and humanity's scapegoat for all evils and bad things ever, where from satan's perspective humans and even God himself are all guilty hypocrites that just want a scapegoat to blame, and then Musk in his own mind sees himself as such a scapegoat figure, after observing the social phenomenon happen to people like Trump, Assange, Alex Jones, etc musk wants his own antihero martyr storyline, neither approving nor condemning his choice of costume but I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that this is how musk sees it, he's the type

VanillaBean 2 points ago +4 / -2

What if musk were just an autist and his thought process was literally "people don't trust having my chips in their brains because people don't trust big tech or me so I need to find ways to make people trust me and big tech more, I will buy twitter and expose stuff to earn people's trust and make a network feel safe" and this is why he can't stop tweeting about people's trust and free speech, like if google wants to put a chip in everyone's brain people would lose their minds because google is a big brother creeper, so musk thinks it's all about the approach and whether people trust him or not

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only way anyone is going to really trip up tptb is if a lifelong loyal insider publicly turns on them out of fucking nowhere with no warning while also dumping receipts in such a manner that they can be grabbed and spread quickly

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

A lot of what I've seen from "balenciaga" so far is just amateur cringe horror, you'd think they just plugged a list of horror buzz words into an AI that generates mashups, basically a mall goth that never grew up, it's just all so unironically edgy and unoriginal with no genuine creative talent, like it was just a means to an end to eventually add stuff with kids and try to pass it off as "art"

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1

Well based on the latest research it doesn't even matter asking for non mrna blood, if the person had sex with a mrna mutant then they got the mrna too, even babies were getting mrna from their mothers breast milk during the formula "shortage", good luck

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Doesn't seem that mysterious to me tbh, I just think there is this severe and pervasive mental disconnect where people can know (vaguely or in detail, doesn't matter) that their government (with its military and alphabets) is doing extremely fucked up things around the world, yet they don't (can't?) fathom that their government would also do super fucked up things to them, it's like being the young kid of a total psychopath parent, where they believe their parent must love them on at least some level because that's how it's supposed to be, and that instinctive belief thus becomes a tragedy, that's basically the relationship between western civilians and their government

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

The real issue is that the the underlying goal of these divide and conquer tactics is to make sure nobody ever takes responsibility for anything, if it's always someone else's fault that means it was always someone else's responsibility which means you are not a leader and have no power, and that's frankly how most people prefer to live, so everyone gets their scapegoat to blame so that way they never failed to uphold any responsibility since they were never responsible as they are not leaders and have no real purpose or power, just mindless eaters, no it was the white men or the jews or the women or the millenials or whichever demographic they they want to blame, so in the example from OP it's "women who are the leaders and are therefore responsible for everything while we men are the useless eaters who have been let down by women" but people think it's a totally different angle of superiority, as intended

VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1

Pretty sure the left says the right is literally hitler no matter what so oh well makes no difference, there hasn't been any nuance within the fake feuds of the uniparty in decades, and even then it's still looking like the party of "hitler wasn't 100% wrong about everything" versus the party of "your sad 13 year old kid should be allowed to use a government issued suicide gas chamber" lmao

VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

We're basically already there anyway, surely some people must still remember life before the internet was common in households and when phones made calls and nothing else, who can remember how society and the world still functioned and people still organized and frankly better than they do now, but you can see how plugged in nearly everyone is now, anytime sites like pdw go down for 5 minutes people start having anxiety attacks, all the fury over twitter drama because people see twitter as so insanely important, people can't even pay their bills anymore without the internet, most people pay more attention to what the internet tells them is happening than they pay to what is literally happening around them in their communities, and here I am on the internet to discuss these matters but certainly not with any neighbors, I don't share musk's desires for the future but I can understand his perspective, everyone is already plugged in mentally, emotionally, financially and otherwise, he thinks people should go ahead and embrace it, to make the 'best' of it, if they're not going to fight it anyway

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1

I do wonder if china released something genuinely really bad on their people, perhaps by accident, that government has never needed excuses to do whatever it wants to the citizens, the rest of the world turns a blind eye regardless, they really don't need covid as an excuse to control and terrorize their people, they can just do it as they always have, but welding doors shut is exactly what I'd expect in a situation where a chinese lab released something actually serious and then their government is scrambling with primitive measures to try to both stop and hide it while insisting oh it's just covid

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

I mean I just know 100% that if someone from the "other team" wore that costume they'd be making threads about it as evidence against the person's character, at a bare minimum of accusation, just like with pretty much everything, like if kari says one thing they don't agree with they'll be making threads calling her an ugly evil dyke, and so on, they have the same psychology as the leftists, just the other side of the same coin

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm still stuck on why this looks like it was taken in a cheap and creepy motel but it's supposed to be a sci fi obsessed billionaire's bedroom

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is how even the most special needs npc ought to know tptb are up to some evil shit, they're not trying to forcibly redistribute food supplies from obese westerners to starving 3rd worlders, they're just getting rid of the food while the 3rd worlders still starve to death, this was already okay with the capitalists who are totally down with destroying literal tons of food every year in order to keep pricing up rather than donating that food to people who need it most, so it was only going to be the bleeding heart liberals who have a problem with this bullshit now, which is why tptb brainwashed them all into misanthropy so now instead they're just like "good humans are a plague everyone should starve"

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are the incoherent screechers as always but the more savvy and articulate opponents are arguing that systems, not the people who just so happen to be running them, should be criticized, so ie it's okay to say that certain practices are bad but it's not okay to point out that a particular group is controlling most of that process, then they get steamrolled anyway because they've spent decades obsessively targeting white people even for things where white people don't actually make up the majority of culprits, of course tptb did this on purpose because just decades ago a significant majority of white people were on board with not caring about race anymore which was ruining divide and conquer tactics, but your average "anti racist" npc basically got tricked into paving the way for the white people to become super racist all over again

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Msm freaking out over frogs and the hacker known as 4chan had me about dying years ago, one article had the little clown frog honkler as an example of a hate symbol and I just lost it for 5 minutes straight

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dude just knows how to chess, look at that Jesus vs Jews maneuver, hot damn

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean yeah duh, mass noncompliance is the only way to defeat an overpowered government, it's more disappointing that it's taking so long to get to that point but most people still have food in their bellies and heat in the winter so

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've cut people out of my life 100% and abruptly for trying to defend or make excuses for stuff like this, I don't even care if they are just ignorant edge lords when it comes to their adult only aesthetic preferences but the moment they try to justify involving children it's over, same with gay people, I don't care if they're gay but the moment they try to shrug off being sexually obscene in public in front of kids they are dead to me, it's such a huge obvious line in the sand there's no excuse

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Idk if my kid died I would be pissed as hell with anyone trying to change the story while blabbing about it to the world, people's dead kids is one area where getting "triggered" makes sense

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Totally forgot about voat, went there to read the discussions with the pizzagate maps and such, the rabbit hole just went on forever

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