Traxx 4 points ago +5 / -1

Such is the role of the sheep and the shepherd. But there are so many wolves in sheep's clothing...

Traxx 1 point ago +2 / -1

This young researcher has done incredible work exposing Joe Rogan with examples from his podcasts and connections within the Joe Rogan podcast system.

If only more could prepare so well for a conspiracy topic!

Traxx 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's actually man-made climate change. HAARP, NASA, US Air Force... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl6rqdx51fk

Recently, there was a really hot wave, that the media inflated too much. However, later there was a cold wave, which is how the weather actually compensates normally, when you use the ionosphere to heat it up, as HAARP is designed to do. https://youtu.be/Pn_tPpQQdaA?t=188

You're telling me 20 degrees C for one day is just "summer"? :D

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Really? You don't think China is the most "pro-mRNA" country?

A 63-year-old's breast cancer or this - https://www.bitchute.com/video/1GzaHd7T9fqh/ ... It seems like news about some rich old woman having surgery... Big deal... Even if it's from the mRNA, what does that suggest? I don't know, I don't get your post.

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

You quote a game??? Shin Megami Tensei II ... :D :D :D

"a calling card from G-d"? :D You have completely lost your marbles. :D But this made me laugh, so thanks! :D Good luck with whatever rage episode you have this time... :D Sheesh...

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looks like Tom Hanks' cousin.

Traxx 2 points ago +3 / -1

On the subject, I recently heard a great connection with Jesus in the Old Testament. You know how Abraham, the father of Isaac, was climbing the mountain to offer his son as an offering? Similar to God and Jesus. Also, Isaac was carrying the wood, same as Jesus. His son didn't die and was the beginning of God's promise to Abraham, similar to Jesus.

It's amazing how God's word is true on so many levels that to this day, we can still find new and amazing discoveries...

Traxx 1 point ago +2 / -1

Because Jesus comes directly from God, while we are a copy of a copy of a copy, etc. There's a big black book that explains everything.

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

How long until the bank states "there was a cyber attack and russian hackers stole our data", then "your fingerprints were found at the scene of the crime"...

Traxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice find. He was great to make you angry with actual facts, so he can slip the lies of the globalists and focus that anger. // Sons of Anarchy

Unfortunately, same with Dave Chappelle - racist towards white, straight, sex jokes. With that description, he could be an Illuminati trading card. :D Check out why he went to Africa with the Clintons and Chris Tucker...

You gotta figure out by now that you cannot talk about them and make money off of it. Bill Cooper...

Traxx 4 points ago +5 / -1

I thought it was satire... You really promote this as real?! :D

"taxidermied terrestrial cryptid mammal" - AHAHAHAHAHHHAAHAHAHAHAHh :D You are bonkers mad, pal... :D That's either the saddest delusion or the best trolling ever... :D

Traxx 1 point ago +2 / -1

Sure, and the perplexed rabbit, in the middle, is the Egyptian god of agriculture with googly eyes...

:D People are actually buying this? :D :D :D ahaahhaahahah ... You guys are lost... Even I can photoshop better than that...

Traxx 1 point ago +2 / -1

Now that is how you apply for president. Trump knows how to be sensational and this is just the start. He is a good candidate to be the antichrist - his son was gathering the anti-vax tour, while his daughter is married to Jared Kushner. Definitely major pawns for controlling the conservative opinion in the US. Trump is also really popular in Israel.

Now, he is promoted as "the new Moses"... while Jim says "I was Christ"... I can bet that he will be the next president of the US.

Traxx 3 points ago +3 / -0

The clear evidence that Sound of Freedom is not a good movie and leads only to bad is that Jim and whoever was the director went to show it to Trump recently. Trump... :D As if he is not on the Epstein list...

And Jim calls Trump "The new Moses". How much can you blaspheme after the Jesus movie?

He is just an actor. Trump is also an actor. Didn't Trump start his campaign for presidency on child trafficking? What has he done? Now Trump is calling for the death penalty for such crimes. Please! You first, Trump.

That is such a cr*p. Just like QAnon, which was also to push Trump's conservative position, there would be nothing done. It's only to keep US - the actual researchers hoping that we don't have to do anything on this, look - Trump and Jim got it all covered. Too bad that some immediately bought this story when it came out. I should admit, I was also hopeful, but when you go and seek Trump and specifically forgetting about his involvement with Epstein is a Huge Red Flag...

Traxx 2 points ago +2 / -0

Check out "House of Numbers" documentary on AIDS, very definitive on the topic of HIV.

Traxx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Again, the usual attacks. "I am not the problem, you are". :D I guess your own life is the result of your tactics. :D

What I do is to say that you express low quality, while I believe this place needs high quality. You get insulted and insult me. I respond in a fantastic way to show you how well I know your inner actions. :D And you act like a hurt child. That is typical for almost every hurt child. I imagine your life choices have brought a powerful reality. :D

Sorry, you can't take criticism. Butthurt hospital is 3 minutes away. :D Good luck in life with attacking personally everyone, who tries to show you the error of your ways. :D Let me know how that turns out.

Traxx 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ad hominem attacks... You shills never change...

My post history is of valuable documentaries and ideas that were researched in great depth. It is of no surprise that a small mind like yours cannot grasp the obvious.

You're just here to insult. You don't chase the point, you go directly to personal attacks... :D Typical action of a child losing an argument. :D

Vent all you want, you can't win an argument like that. :D

Traxx 2 points ago +3 / -1

Politicians are always the faces of the money-suckers. They promise big and deliver little. From the Roman Empire things have not changed. Pay taxes. Enjoy bread and circuses.

You're right. Some people won't leave Trump for anything. They think the billionaire is like their neighbor. Helping them out, not thinking of ways to make more money. RIP Logic - 2020. :D

If you see beyond the lie that is Trump, then keep expressing your opinion by votes and comments. Perhaps posts will help too. This one certainly did. Plus, this is a way to track the free-thinkers and shills/retards. Just don't give up.

The opposition only wins... if we give up.

Traxx 0 points ago +1 / -1

And here you are defending big foot. What a transformation. :D I thought you are just too stupid to get flat earth, which is basically everyone, who failed physics. But dumb enough to buy into big foot? :D I guess that's your reward for acting like a dictator when evidence was presented to you on flat earth :( - you just silenced the topic. Now, you are buying into the most obvious nonsense that has only a single picture as evidence... :D

"If your enemy is on the wrong path - let them". Here, I will even upvote your answer. Go ahead with that theory. People like you will believe anything, but test nothing. :D

Hey, you can open a discussion on that topic and pin it. You are a mod after all. I am sure you struck gold with that yeti post. You can make it more public! Now, your yeti post stands at 3?! But you can use your mod privileges to pin it at the top. Why don't you open a discussion on the yeti problem? Here - free advice. And I won't even silence you if you disagree... Imagine that...

Traxx -1 points ago +1 / -2

You should read the title of your own post. So, you can't read your own title and insult others of being illiterate? :D Isn't that ironic? :D

Oh, I am a shill because you made a stupid post and I caught you on it? :D Way to handle criticism, pawn. Make sure to complain to the local feminist movement that I hurt your feelings by being correct. :D Your stupidity is my amusement.

Traxx 0 points ago +1 / -1

I am sure. Many of you think they got a shortcut to power and yet have nothing to show for... :D

Keep deluding yourself, just don't confuse others.

Traxx -1 points ago +1 / -2

I like how you assume everyone is as stupid as you are... :D I knew Ukraine from way before your realization that this country even existed... You must be an American. Only you have the ego to assume the world follows you. While the truth is that every country hates America and they are the laughing stock everywhere.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TZW6lVLYP0 - That's the dumbest retards that don't exist outside America. Just a reality check. Nothing personal. Just your system of "education" really f*cked you up. Ukrainians know way more, if you want to compare to them...

Anyway, you posted a theory about aliens landing in Ukraine... :D I will let you figure out on your own how this is the dumbest sh*t here... And you have posters like "honesttruth", who spam insults only... I guess even a shill like "honesttruth" wouldn't stoop so low to imagine a scenario of aliens in Ukraine and promote it as the truth...

Project BlueBeam is not predicted. It is read from official documents from the FOIA act. You should really read more on the because I've seen many of your posts and they are good... but this one seems like a very confused theory... Regrettable... You show so much potential and you hit rock bottom with posts like that one... Did you know Ukraine is the land portion of Europe that leads to anywhere else outside Europe? Do you think a potential war scenario will discourage people to seek the land option for escape out of Europe from a potential attack? Or Ghislaine Maxwell's option of controlling the oceans? It's not where the attack will happen, it's where the people will flee when an attack happens...

I guess I will leave you with that and review if you actually think on the subject or you just spawn crazy scenarios. I guess you never checked that Ukraine has the largest production of electricity in Europe... Or the greatest labs in GMO modification and virus "study"... Can you connect any dots? By the info in your post, you seem to connect a movie with a news from 2021... What an accomplishment...

Traxx -2 points ago +1 / -3

That's true for every popular movie...

Sorry, but your "revelation" is quite old. If you are figuring out this now, then that's good for you. You just assume people lived in a box for the past 20 and more years...

Traxx 0 points ago +1 / -1

No one will archive misinformation. Just because you buy into this idiocracy, shouldn't make the others stupid as well.

You morons always seek for the way out that you pave for yourselves as if you deserve it. Yet, none of you has ever provided a single proof of a better life when taking those decisions. :D What a joke.

You should study eastern religions. This tactic was used long before this stupid windows media player visuals video... :D You keep falling for the same trap that you can overcome the world by using only your will. Yet, there's none of you who can brag with results. :D

Nice theory. Wanna try it out and fall for the ancient trap as well? Please do that, so you can spare me the time I spend in exposing you.

Oh, this video is little over 10 minutes but you believe it is made to "help humanity"? :D I guess stupidity never has a rock bottom... Keep up with these posts, at least you are entertaining. :D

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