TallestSkil 3 points ago +3 / -0

One of the flatties on Voat kept claiming Earth has no curvature because he could “see the water tower” from a given distance. This was a while ago.

TallestSkil 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s not like he actually signs anything. He hasn’t been aware of what’s going on around him for years.

TallestSkil 6 points ago +7 / -1

Open convention is cleaner. The nigjeet is thrown under the bus and humiliated for life, Hillary/Newsom happens, and all the voting machines get set to 2.1:1 Democrat and 0.6:1 Republican votes.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +3 / -1

Crowdstrike’s incompetence had fuck all to do with the election.

TallestSkil 6 points ago +7 / -1

laws matter

They’ll simply print new ballots with the actual chosen puppet and no one will do anything about it. It’s not like voting exists or the ballots are counted anyway.

TallestSkil 4 points ago +6 / -2

Finally, proof that the Earth is flat.

That’s a deep cut, for those wondering.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Darn, I didn’t get to see it. What did it say?

TallestSkil 1 point ago +2 / -1

Hey, thanks. That’s the first top-ear photo I’ve seen since this started. It really solidifies the whole thing, because ears are almost as good as fingerprints in profiling someone.

Begs the question, though… Where is Maxwell Yearick?

TallestSkil 1 point ago +4 / -3

You’re not even pretending to read posts before replying. You’re not here as a real user of the website.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +3 / -3

We have video of the bullet entering his ear. You should probably drop this retardation.

Yes, Trump worships the beast. It has fuck-all to do with this actual assassination attempt.

TallestSkil 4 points ago +5 / -1

The worst part is that no one cares. Not even the people who claim they do.

TallestSkil 4 points ago +5 / -1

Ever read The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion? Because it says this word for word. It’s exactly what they do what they do.

TallestSkil 5 points ago +6 / -1

oy vey goyim Iran destroyed trump

Israel invades Lebanon in October

Iran attacks Israel

oy vey goyim you are required by law to invade Iran now because of a treaty we have

trump takes office

invades Iran

Why did you think they were drafting women? Iran is huge. Go die for Israel, goyim.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1

I could have sworn FBIAnon was

  1. In 2014
  2. Real, but completely unrelated to Trump, et al.

But maybe that was a different FBI anon…

TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1

Maybe! I don’t know enough about Jones’s programming to have heard that. I just know when the Qult started.

TallestSkil 4 points ago +5 / -1

that nonsense copium that Trump's campaign pushed to help him get elected. Remember that?

I remember it started on October 31, 2017, a full year after he had been elected already.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jews are setting things for a MUCH bigger war in the middle east.

Oh, absolutely. I expect them to formally invade Lebanon in early fall, sometime right before the election. When Iran then enters the war against Israel, the jews will demand that the US fulfill its legal obligations to Israel (we’re forced to defend them in war and they’re not forced to do anything for us ever) and invade Iran directly, which Trump will either immediately do… or he’ll pretend not to do, which will cause Israel to nuke a second-tier US city and blame it on Iran in order to create 9/11-style support for total invasion and occupation.

Either way, Russia and China will defend Iran, the latter will invade Taiwan, and that’s WWIII.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +2 / -1

Did he have a change of mind? I guess we will all know soon enough.

Did you not see his VP’s announcement at the RNC, literally to the tune of a dreamworks movie about hebrews (whose lives the jews have co-opted) sung by an orthodox kike?

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

"well, I don't like Trump, but we need to support him because he's better than the alternative!" was massively upvoted. It reeked of a consensus-cracking astroturf campaign to keep people psychologically trapped in the fake voting dialectic.

I saw that exact shit in 2015-16. I remember it so vividly. It’s how white nationalists lost control of /pol/ on 8chan to literal neocon paid shills who permanently banned every single person who said anything negative about Trump for years. Across entire IP ranges. I have no doubt the same people are doing that right now.

Before that happened, I distinctly remember repeatedly posting, “If we want Trump’s narrative to turn into anything for us, we should be his strongest supporters until he’s elected and then his harshest critics once he’s elected.” The jew simply… erased the second half.

Now, if the attempt was indeed genuine, yet still failed, then it really lays bare the sheer retardation of everyone involved.

I’m willing to believe that now.

It also would further prove a point that leftists are complete garbage with guns and would easily be steamrolled in any civil war type scenario.

I’ve known that for years. The problem is that many people even here don’t seem to understand why I say what I say.

The ZOG behaves as it does because it’s terrified of losing any amount of power in any way. Half-redpilled people like to claim, ”If we were losing, the propaganda wouldn’t be necessary! They’re afraid of us!” The first part speaks to a total lack of understanding of the enemy and its thought processes. The jew needs an eternal enemy to justify its behavior. Because its behavior is predicated on sophistry—ephemerality—the enemy can be equally ephemeral, so long as it exists. It’s men, it’s whites, it’s fascists, it’s the rich, it’s… When all whites are exterminated, the jew will still claim that antisemitism and the demon ghost of whiteness are the world’s biggest threat.

Clearly, unequivocally, obviously, we are losing. We aren’t even gaining ground. And yet (seemingly) otherwise intelligent people, who know the jew is incapable of telling the truth, will claim with a straight face that jewish media is telling the truth about “rising antisemitism” simply because it doesn’t hurt their feelings to believe that (more sophistry; they’re still enslaved by the jew). And because they’ve been unable to free themselves from the childish cowardice of emotion, they lash out at me for daring to question the veracity of what a jew told me. Oh, how I am persecuted for asking for proof of the jews’ claims. My suffering is great. Et cetera.

The second half of the statement is, ironically, 100% true. But they don’t even understand why. The jew is absolutely terrified of us. It knows we operate in objective truth—philosophy. It knows that its sophistry cannot possibly defend itself against honest, open comparison to truth. The existence of even a single white person is an existential threat to all jews, which is why they maintain the same type of propaganda and same operational behaviors no matter how much power they already have.

Their terror comes from the innate (some of it is truly subconscious) knowledge that they’re both intellectually and physically incapable of beating us. Whites only lose battles to overwhelming odds (greater than 10:1) or to internal sabotage. So jews trick whites into feeding our racial enemies, ballooning their populations, and then being swarmed with them and slaughtered en masse while the jew doesn’t have to lift a finger.

Some of these people have fallen for an old 4chan image claiming “the jew doesn’t plan ahead.” Is a 6,000 year prophecy they’ve inexorably worked to fulfill literally for millennia not planning enough? Jews are the most genetically patient subspecies of humanity. By never taking any risks and jealously guarding all power they have in all forms, they can afford to take the slow road. They know their foot soldiers can’t win against us. If the 10,000 actual white nationalists in the US decided to start shooting back in a war that began ~60 years ago, we could, starting with just that contingent, reclaim the US in under 5 years. I have no doubt of this. Unfortunately, jews don’t doubt it, either. That’s why they’re so careful, so omnipresent, and so relentless with their propaganda.

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