That would be an awesome discovery. But whatever like, I can't hate on Jews anymore. I just don't care enough and don't care to give the breed Amy credit. Most definitely of them r cowards. Most. They r users and they r gross. Not all of them. But it's hard to shake 2000 years acting like a victim and blaming everyone
I dont think the jewish mobsters like Lansky and Rothstein or Eastman cared much about Israel.
Its crazy the Italian Mafia is really like the Sopranos, they are like a NJ mob when compared to the NY mob. On the world stage the Jewish mob has always been stronger it appears.
Hah!? All these Harry Potter wanna be lesbians need to STOP. People can take so much. I KINDA UNDERSTAND why people were burned at the stake this point.
I prob won't share these thoughts anymore. I just think, that a person like that fat crazy crossdresser might need to be jailed
I can relate. Kinda sucks. A new Hitler is gonna come. We told them to stop and STFU but.... they r too headstrong.