I dont think the jewish mobsters like Lansky and Rothstein or Eastman cared much about Israel.
Its crazy the Italian Mafia is really like the Sopranos, they are like a NJ mob when compared to the NY mob. On the world stage the Jewish mob has always been stronger it appears.
A while back I saw some people on some website talking in a comments section, about how they always make sure their apparent numbers infiltrating a society are very low,
and that the 2% claim they make is basically in-our-faces hogwash.
I dont think the jewish mobsters like Lansky and Rothstein or Eastman cared much about Israel.
Its crazy the Italian Mafia is really like the Sopranos, they are like a NJ mob when compared to the NY mob. On the world stage the Jewish mob has always been stronger it appears.
A while back I saw some people on some website talking in a comments section, about how they always make sure their apparent numbers infiltrating a society are very low,
and that the 2% claim they make is basically in-our-faces hogwash.
crypto jews, the donme