lmao probably both. fucking secret squirrels
stuff like this is why even though i don't agree with everything he does, i do still generally trust torba.
i won't enjoy it until i know for sure this bullshit won't get in the way of me growing vegetables, and going to church.
hes also fidel castro's son
this is actually brave. she's essentially giving up her career in the name of real justice. my respect for her just went 📈📈📈
i don't need some jew to tell me something i already know.
because it lasts forever, is incredibly versatile, tastes fantastic, and is explicitly white.
don't worry. you're TOTALLY NOT being STERILIZED
truckers have been talking about that for decades now. they'll never do it.
her banner on gab is hilarious
madison cawthorn is an obvious con-inc plant.
the only thing I've noticed recently was a few coworkers and i all got covid. only one was "vaccinated". personally i think he was in the control group though because he never got any side effects, and his covid was real mild just like everyone else's.
I've not seen a single person sniffling or sneezing. its also not super cold where i am either though. my grandmother had some mild allergies before she got covid. but she's been clear since then.
I don't know why any modern woman wants that in a partner.
birth control fucks with their hormones.
reminds me of that amazon show Utopia. where the elites are trying to halt human reproduction for 3 generations to reduce population.
in the show they literally manufacture a fake pandemic and then give people a "vaccine" thats really just a sterilization shot.
no they didn't. the video doesn't actually show anything.
i can't believe bitchute STILL has no volume controls.
could have something to do with that netflix show that recently came out.
this is my grandmother. watches fox news all the time and constantly talks about how "stupid" the democrats are. despite the many times i've tried to explain or show that its not stupidity it's outright maliciousness. that the leftists aren't dumb, they're evil.
i'll give him the optics and trigger discipline, but not the well oiled part. Afghanistan has some of the best gunsmiths in the world. skill and craftsmanship beyond what you would mostly find in the US. they know how to take care of guns. their weapons being well oiled is not unusual.
it's been dead for a long time already. why do you people still go there?
are you trying to tell us what worked on you?