SicilianOmega 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Antichrist is more of a king and a warrior figure (Nero was a type of the Antichrist in Rome).

This is also what jews say their messiah will be.

SicilianOmega 2 points ago +2 / -0

National Socialists don't want that label. Let the jews have it. Jews are Nazis and National Socialists are not.

SicilianOmega 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Oakland, CA is a great place to live now, goyim! No deadly mosquitos, just lots of deadly niggers friendly neighbors!"

SicilianOmega 3 points ago +4 / -1

Tay-Sachs Americans have no room to be speaking about hiding genetic defects.

SicilianOmega 4 points ago +5 / -1

Stop noticing, goyim! It was irrational hatred, all 1,030 times, in all 109 countries! The Talmud says you're supposed to want to be our slaves!

SicilianOmega 1 point ago +1 / -0

Eventually, all of that will require an ID. Many people think it's technically impossible, but it's really not that difficult. VPNs aren't even anonymous today.

SicilianOmega 2 points ago +3 / -1

What it's going to be used for is identifying jew-namers so they can be targeted personally.

SicilianOmega 4 points ago +6 / -2

They're on the same jewish side, and they have the same things planned.

SicilianOmega 1 point ago +1 / -0

The niggas in da hood be in da hood and dey gangbangin in da hood cuz dey be gangbangas dat live in da hood. But dey dindu nuffin cuz it ain't nuffin dey did.

SicilianOmega 2 points ago +2 / -0

The states:

  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Oklahoma
  • Pennsylvania
  • Tennessee
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Wyoming
SicilianOmega 1 point ago +2 / -1

Who is "they" and what software is this?

SicilianOmega 6 points ago +6 / -0

There's an ongoing conflict on the meaning of words such as "megabyte", "gigabyte", and so on.

Historically, the computer industry had agreed that rather than being based on powers of 10 like the metric system, these values should be based on the nearest power of two, which can be obtained by multiplying things by 1024 instead of 1000. So, for example, a "kilobyte" was 1024 bytes instead of 1000, and a "megabyte" was 1024 kilobytes instead of 1000 kilobytes.

Then the metric fags came and said everybody had to change it. They said that a kilobyte had to be 1,000 bytes, not 1,024, and the 1024-byte number should be called a "kibibyte" (abbreviated as KiB to differentiate it from KB for kilobyte). The same convention was applied all the way up the scale, and the metric fags thought they had "fixed" the system.

The problem is that only some of the tech industry went along with the new convention, so now when somebody says "megabyte" you can't be sure if he's thinking of original megabytes, known as "mebibytes" by metric fags, or the new metric megabytes.

Also, all documentation and standards from before the metric fags came along has to be read with the knowledge that those words didn't have the metric meaning back then.

SicilianOmega 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's already treated similarly to the word "nigger," leading to euphemisms being developed on mainstream platforms, which eventually mods learn about and add to their automatic filters.

SicilianOmega 1 point ago +1 / -0

(((Soros))) funds the "anti-Zionist" side while (((Greenwald))) advocates for it. Meanwhile, Bari (((Weiss))), Ben (((Shapiro))), Chuck (((Schumer))), and others take the Zionist side. They always play both sides so they can decide which side wins.

SicilianOmega 2 points ago +2 / -0

Except he's not a goy at all, but another shapeshifter.

SicilianOmega 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wonder if they're accounting for Earth's degraded magnetic field.

SicilianOmega 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everybody here is jew-aware, and soon, all Whites will be. You will own nobody, and you won't be happy.

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