I'm pretty sure the shills are low-ranking IDF conscripts, not actual spies.
Holy Roman Empire
This confused me, because you used it to refer to the original Roman Empire after it had been taken over by Christianity. The problem is that Germany called itself by this name from 1512 to 1806. I assumed you were referring to that Holy Roman Empire at first.
What he's saying in the video is about as dumb as anything else I've ever heard a nigger say.
Military formations were probably the first form of choreography ever to exist. And filming such an operation from multiple angles and putting music over it is easy for even the poorest third world country, as long as some of their population's IQ is within the human range.
"We didn't say that thing we just said."
"Yes, jews do poison wells. Here's why that's a good thing..."
by Rich Cohen
That's one hell of a cohencidence.
How do you figure? The picture has all the hallmarks of a Maoist struggle session: the angry mob, the dunce cap with thoughtcrimes the victim was accused of, making the victim stand on a chair with his hands bound, etc.
Needs more JPEG. I can almost read it.
It's to be expected. After all, they worship the "bringer of light," Lucifer. The light of hellfire is technically light.
Of course (((Fortune 500))) companies are allowed to access it to help them make better business decisions than non-jewish-owned companies, who don't have access to it.
In spite of the fact that the WHO had not declared their "emergency," the censorship machine was already activated by that time. At the time, they were censoring any information about the virus, as they wanted to keep it under wraps for long enough to allow international jews to short the market ahead of the stock market crash that would accompany the official announcement in March 2020.
I bet Yuval made a lot of money off that crash.
What kind of question is that, Shlomo?
What do you mean "what if?"
The Talmud says there are 6 genders, and the LGBTQ movement is full of jewish figures, such as Magnus Hirschfeld, John Money, Harvey Milk, the Frankfurt School people, and the list goes on and on. Critical Gender Theory was invented by the jewess Judith Butler.
It's plausible that Muslims might quietly push polygamy and a few other ideas like child marriage, but the only people pushing trans garbage are jews and those who listen to jews.
Do you mean actual islamist propaganda, or are you one of those "anyone who doesn't suck jew cock is a muslim" idiots?
He's a jew. He is here to ensure that the political backlash against open borders doesn't interfere with the Kalergi Plan.
Paywall. What's the solution to the mystery?
Cool it with the antisemitism!!
His argument is not NAWALT. His argument is that if we put women legally under the control of men, as they were before female suffrage, they wouldn't be in any position to destroy the lives of not just their husbands but also their children.
Just like a child must be stopped from eating nothing but candy and ice cream, a woman must be stopped from being a whore.
We should wargame it also. Publicly. The same scenarios they use, so everyone can see the outcomes. They can't credibly accuse anyone of being a fed just for organizing a little game.
This guy's talking about "admiralty law" and how your name being in all caps on documents means they're not referring to you but some legal entity and therefore you can ignore the law.
Classic sovereign citizen beliefs.
They can take you to civil court, claiming you libeled them. Whether you're found guilty or not is irrelevant since having to mount a legal defense is ruinous by itself.
Don't let them trick you with fake conversion. In Spain, after jews were given the choice to convert or GTFO, they pretended to convert, then spent the next 300 years plotting revenge. When the Moors came, these kikes showed their true colors and opened city gates (most famously in Toledo) in the middle of the night. They were spared by the Muslim invaders.
Today's jewish converts are typically zionists who still say out loud that the jews, not the Christians, are God's chosen people. They trick White Christians into being Zionists, too.