the American people are documented US citizens by CHOICE and by the usage of the US currency.
American currency is coined gold and silver. (and the option to trade goods for services...but technically the US gov made that illegal in the Trading With the Enemy Act) Americans are the enemy of the UNITED STATES.
by the small detail of us accepting the birth certificate, the drivers license, property registrations, voting regs, using the dollar and signing IRS doc, we willingly subject ourselves to the UNITED STATES corporation defined title of "property/"thing" as defined in Blacks Law.
we each have the CHOICE to operate as Americans/State Citizens......or....US citizens.
getting into the weeds of the game, there are 3 tiers of law on the planet. L.A.W. land air water.
air is highest. ecclesiastical. trust laws. land is Common Law. where the people, American/State Citizens are. water is Admiralty Law. the laws of commerce/contract. ONLY paperwork.
by us accepting the title/name in ALL-CAPS, we transfer from land to water. (above gov, to below gov)
we fall into the definition of "thing"/property. we lose our rights and gain benefits/privileges.
by using the "dollar" we accept the debt of the US corporation and are subject to its laws. THEY bankrupted America during the revolutionary war. THEY then bankrupted the UNITED STATES corp. (over and over)
by assigning us to "US citizen" titles, we "accept" the debt. = liable= surety.
with 335million "US citizens" and approx 1million Americans in this country, we are now stuck in the democracy.
until we each pay our assigned debt off, we can not institute the Republic back into America
the catch is.....there is not enough gold/silver to pay the debt.
so deep within the system lies the method to discharge debt WITHOUT physical currency. learning the goal for people seeking sovereignty.
the whole system operates under the 1881 bills of exchange act.
"payment" is defined as "tender". to "tender payment" is to give a promise to pay. payment is promise of, NOT actual performance.
once you learn how to "promise to pay", you will find that since the US is bankrupt, the only value left is our labor.
when we promise to pay, IT becomes currency. debt becomes currency.
the act of repayment DOES NOT = payment. only the promise is payment.
i know....sounds crazy. but its ALL in the USC/UCC codes. the bible of money.
this is how they converted slavery into "willful slavery".
NOTHING is forced until you allow them to force it. (contract law)
without your consent....THEY have NOTHING.
“every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowman without his consent.” CRUDEN V. NEALE, 2N.C. 338 (1796) 2 S.E. 70
“Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; but, in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts. Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, 370 (1886).
an American is NOT subjected to the laws of an Admiralty corporation until we accept it. (this is where you become a US citizen. = subject/property/"thing".)
it was a con job.
WE are the money. our labor. our promise. our ability. our signature.
MAXIM of law says, “the money of the sovereign is his credit, he is the wealth for which no substance on earth can establish a value for.”
learn how to write a promissory note. learn how bills of exchange work. discover how your NAME is a trust account. discover how you, the living being, are the beneficiary of that Trust.
now you think in terms of freedom/America/Republic.
“Federal Reserve notes are valueless.” IRS Codes Section1.1001-1 (4657) C.C.H
“Legal Tender (Federal Reserve) Notes are not good and lawful money of the United States.” Rains v State, 226 S.W. 189.
“The giving of a (Federal Reserve) note does not constitute payment.” Echart v Commissioners C.C.A., 42Fd2d 158.
“The use of a (Federal Reserve) “Note” is only a promise to pay and not payment” Fidelity Savings v Grimes 131 P2d 894
“A debt is not paid by the giving of a note.” Nolan Co. v. Maryland Casualty Co.
get away from the dollar. it is a Satanic icon, with slavery at its core. AVOID the coming CBDC digital is designed to erode humanity. =permanent slavery.
this is BEYOND evil. this is their final move.
Sovereign Citizens are even dumber than flat Earthers.
Who mentioned sovereign citizens?
This guy's talking about "admiralty law" and how your name being in all caps on documents means they're not referring to you but some legal entity and therefore you can ignore the law.
Classic sovereign citizen beliefs.