Rearviewmirror 1 point ago +1 / -0

The dude was actually pretty f Good at opening minds in some.cases... in others I thought he was a quack... I can't believe mofos still think most of us are stupid.. after reading that 80% or greater of parents refuse to vax their kids at all now..

Rearviewmirror 1 point ago +1 / -0

Amd yet no one saw her leave a dressing room afyer being raped... where are all the friends she told after the fact? Lined up to testify, not.. it's like watching the Cavanaugh lady in her child voice tell bullshit stories.. 40 years later. Demo have no shame because they're missing something. It's called a soul.

Rearviewmirror 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well the vhs or 640x480 resolution is what that is basically.. We're at 3900x2900 now or whatever.. but, the scans are still the same.. there are 30 frames per second amd 2 interlaced fields that make on 1 frame of video.. these rod things or flying things cannot leave streaks moving vertical over different scan lines or resolution lines.. it's impossible.. ever heard of video jello? Same principle.. if you move the camera left to right ,back and forth you'll get jello, but never ever a clean image.. I'm just ready to bet my house that these ain't no moths or bugs..

1 thing... at night the scan lines might produce a dragged blurred image. That is absolutely true.. the fps will be at its slowers to allow light to hit the sensor.. but at daytime???????? No freaking way.. I'd bet my 40 year career of editing film n video...

Here's a sample I shot a week ago..


Rearviewmirror 1 point ago +1 / -0

It cut off.. I'm a video editor my profession a d that last 30 seconds isn't enough ti determine anything... for interlaced video there are 2 fields per 32 frames a second.. the lines are resolution, and when an object moves say verticle then the fields can't scan and leave a streak crossing different horizontal lines.. it would makes sense however if the object stayed on the same path along a horizontal line.. these objects are moving all all sorts of paths.. they can't all be moths or insects..

For example try you own camera phone set to 30 frames in a low resolution and toss a stick with leaves into the field of view.. there is no known phenomenon of objects leaving tails like that unless the shutter speed is very very low, amd the image would be blurry.. weird tho right

Rearviewmirror 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look up "rods" or flying rods.. it's way nutter than you think... and they have been captured for years.. become internet sleuths have documented them in films during different scenes... Splain those

Rearviewmirror 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank u.. can't believe the times??? Wow cool

Rearviewmirror 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did he not take an elevator? I saw him with a bellboy but the cart didn't look heavy at all.. so he took the stairs???

Rearviewmirror 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good 2 kno

Rearviewmirror 0 points ago +2 / -2

Total old BS... love a good conspiracy but this one in bunk.. see how smooth and flicker free that video was?? It's not film.. the real file shows him and the passenger in front duck as jfk n is hit.. the driver slowed down into the yellow marked curb area.. the driver was in on it, but didn't openly shot anyone..n the reflection is not a nickle plated gun in high noon sun.. and his body falls back toward jackie.. the energy from.the front shot pushes him towards then drivers tide and back into the seat... Don't drink this Kool aid!

Rearviewmirror 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have to agree... I saw the money supply blow up in 08, 09.. and gild shot up to the moon... for the last few years it hasn't done what I thought it would..=(

Are u watching China and Russia repeg gold?

Rearviewmirror 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lying about precisely? I happen to know most of the lies, like u say, by research, so I think I follow you. But are ya saying the flat earth society is also not real?? They are real. Real stupid.

I'm such a 24k skeptic, I almost doubt myself,not!

Rearviewmirror 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not sure anymore.. I wonder also.. if we can get satellites with weapons and beams in space why cant we send a ship to the moon??

If we can't leave earth how do we have satellites? I can be wrong, but no way am I buying a flat earth..

Rearviewmirror 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fuck off bear jew. You're submerged in propaganda you saw on TV ir some shit.. You're gone. You're a cow and there is no saving you.. please grab a gun fly to NY and help them since they clearly need you.. other like me, don't need you.. please ask for the front line where you cam report back to us I might believe you over the mass media bullshit.. iworked in media. I know precisely how much truth is actually false in my orbit.. we're all stocked up here.. you can have the last word too.. it's probably really important to you amd may turn the tide of the Palestinian blockade they appearantly lashed out against... peace fucktardo.

Rearviewmirror 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sharp as a bowling ball.. go grab a gun, shut your pinhole and put your ass where your mouth is.. on the front line you go..! Do us all favor.. live by example. Fucking lemming!

Rearviewmirror 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess their lands got deeper underground since they've lost ground.. palestine.. you're Jewish shill.. go peddle your pedantic bullshit elsewhere groomer.. population.. gtfoh.

Rearviewmirror 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh and that pesky Balfour agreement...yeah. let's all feel sorry for who is it this week?? Please program.me...

Rearviewmirror 1 point ago +1 / -0

Finally a real news source we can all stop thinking now!! 4chan has the scoop!!

Rearviewmirror 1 point ago +1 / -0

You talk like a trusted source though... preach kimosabe! Let it all out... you make funnof other because we're skeptical?? You're some expert,because you have a made up opinion? Governments lie.. but fuck you grab a gun and send your kids and grandchildren to war.. oh and write a check too, since that's what you want everyone else to do??? Is that right? Ignore our inner voice and follow your thoughts like a cow to slaughter... riiiiiiiight....

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