Such a coincidence.
Really was. Since then, it's been reported. The reason I reminded you, was because you are bordering on abusing users here, not just calling a person a name.
I happened to see your comment whilst reading the thread.
I'm not a slave and Presidents actually do have power if they had the balls to exercise it (ie. Martial Law). That though, would be 50/50 and no one has the balls to exercise that Authority.
Easy there, Eisenhorn. Must I remind you of the rules?
Anarcho-Capitalism (Voluntaryism) is the way.
As u/Questionable said, it represents the Company Flag of the District of Columbia which is a Company/Corporation of the Tri-Sovereign States (City of London, District of Columbia, and Holy See (which is different than the Vatican). The District of Columbia was established as the Military Wing of the Tri-Sovereign States via the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871. It is what the "Civil war" was really about.
Lincoln was a traitor (and tyrant), and thankfully his head was blown off for that. However, that void was filled. Thus, where we are today. However, that's all really just a continuance of 1776. The united States in Union never really won the war. Show me one case in history where the "victors" made huge concessions as such were made in the Treaty of Paris. Lysander Spooner brought this up, in the 1800's. Constitution of no authority.
Damn near everything we know, or think we know about history is a god damn lie.
Income tax is extortion.
Maybe he's just finally seeing the demons he had a part of conjuring into this plane of existence?
Eh, I'm going to disagree with that. We are not "all one and nothing exists". We humans label and define things because things are different and serve different purposes. We don't plunge the toilet with a tooth brush, now do we? Labels and definitions exist for a reason. There is nothing wrong with categorizing a,b, c, etc etc or having rules/principles. Even animals do this.
The problem comes into play when we cannot have a god damn respectful discussion with one another for whatever reason or entertain a thought for whatever reason. That would be more about the ego and dare I say, a spiritual discussion of Natural Truth/Law.
Which takes us all the way back to the big bang or a mysterious non-existent ancient monkey ancestor. We never get to it. *Paraphrased from Alan Watts. *
As much as I like and respect Axo (which is a lot), he was just sadly used as a scapegoat. He has/had good intentions but was naive of higher forces at play. He is a good dude who literally had /r/conspiracy served to him on a silver platter by sheer luck. Only for a specific time, though (as we now know). He was never going to be able to fully control it. I told him that. Just like what I'm seeing here on the win/scored/whatever the fuck this place rebrands as networks. We are beholden to questionable forces here, and I'm hoping we can change that. I'm in the process of building something and I wish Axo would respond to my PM.
Anyways, yea... It's always been this way and will always continue to be this way if we do not take shit into our own hands and start decentralizing and self hosting/ running our own shit. Until you do that (become Sovereign), you/me are merely Citizen's/Subjects of the Sovereign. Whoever that may be.
Don't be all doom and gloom. That is exactly how TPTB want you to feel. You'd be better off taking the money and buying some rural land and homesteading it. Requires a bit more work and dedication but it's completely doable and far more enjoyable than buying a shitty van and delivering food.
Eh, they've always been. For example, /r/conspiracy was created by the admins to keep 9/11 conspiracies theories quarantined from the rest of Reddit. It what drove Aaron Swartz (RIP) out of the company. He was miserable about what was happening with the company/website.
I'm still confused. Are you saying you had to resort to this or that people have to resort to this? Furthermore, I wouldn't eat anything that that van delivered to me. Just being honest. I'd be worried about passing out and waking up later in the back of it.
Wait until your perma-suspended for a comment you made 4+ years ago whilst on your "last strike".
Yes, that's actually what they had to do in order to perma-suspend me...
Bruh, you just ruined an on point comment by using "nigger". I get that you can use it, but, why poison your own well? Not trying to derail or anything, just saying...
Eh IMO, you're better off putting your money into a good hunting rifle, a good bow, and a good fishing pole whilst becoming proficient at all three. You're also probably going to need basic to intermediate medical (and their "wild" alternatives) knowledge. Also a plus would be, how to create homemade/archaic weapons.
She wasn't anything more than a low level Mother of Darkness. Not sure why people think her and Epstein were such big fish. They were both pawns to higher powers.
Thanks for the compiled version. I would also like to add this fact which hints towards foreknowledge of what was going to happen:
Jesuit Francis Browne Was aboard in Europe on route to NYC and sent a telegram for permission to continue on the voyage under patronage. The reply from his senior was:
Things that make you go hmm.....
Side note, care to shoot me a PM about my proposed sidebar changes (ie. Ethos and Structure)? Been looking forward to hearing your thoughts. I also have an idea brewing in my brain about something and would love to pick your brain about it. Hope all is well.
Ask them if they are a traveling man.
Yea, no idea, nor do I care. There was a reason I didn't get into Bitcoin in ~2010. I could've made a shit tonne of money, sure. But, I always saw it for what it was. Transparent digital currency. Reeked of the NWO. My theory is that Satoshi was a group of some white hats and some black hats. The whitehats didn't know that it was infiltrated by black hats. Once Bitcoin took off, I believe the white hats left and went on to create Monero (XMR). All the history lines up, if you research the history.
Anyways, like I said... I care not about bitcoin. Sure, I could be a "millionaire" right now, but, I would've just swapped all that Bitcoin into Monero.
Bitcoin at 300k, lol? Bitcoin is a transparent non-fungible high fee piece of shit coin. You want to know where the true future lies? Monero (XMR). The OG private digital currency which damn near all DNM only accept. The fees are cheap ~0.01 cents and it's completely private. One XMR = one XMR. None of this "dirty coin" buillshit.
They were a root bloodline but they effectively were killed off. It would be intellectually dishonest for me not to include them as a root. You need to branch off the bloodlines to see who exists as a Venetian/Black Nobility line today. Hope that clears things up.
You miss understood. A male Rothschild was allowed to marry a Venetian Princess (ie. a girl). Rothschilds were never allowed marriage to a Venetian male.
IIRC, Tesla's are pretty much a more powerful XLS camera which is used in Ghost Hunting. Spirits are technically in our realm but in a different spatial dimension hence why these powerful tools can pick them up and map them. Some say, this is the true reason Microsoft stop development/selling the Kinect cameras.