Primate98 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everyone gets to make up whatever Reality they please, even the dumbfucks and shills. They all do anyway, in an effort to comfort and preserve their fragile egos.

I sympathize, in a way, but it's still dismaying and pathetic.

Primate98 3 points ago +3 / -0

For some historical perspective, Edith Wilson ran the government for a year and a half after the President, her husband Woodrow, stroked out. It falls in the category of "open conspiracy", where the mainstream admits that it happened, but never talks about it as if it was no big deal. Really, probably very few have ever even heard of this.

Fast-forward a century and we don't bother with open conspiracies. It's just open.

PS: If you read the wiki, you'll find the justification to be:

In My Memoir, published in 1939, Edith Wilson justified her self-proclaimed role of presidential "steward", arguing that her actions on behalf of Woodrow Wilson's presidency were sanctioned by Wilson's doctors; that they told her to do so for her husband's mental health.

"Yes, excuse me, I have a doctor's note here that reads... let me get the wording right... hmm, poor handwriting... oh, yes, 'Fuck your Constitution.'"

Primate98 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is the limited hangout story.

It comes out instantaneously from outlets as diverse as the NYT and on Reddit from "a special ops guy I know who looked at the shrapnel wounds". They'd rather have us believe this than trying to figure out what really happened.

But it sounds plausible so why would we not believe it as stated? All kinds of other shit was blowing up after the pagers: walkie-talkies, solar panels, household appliances, etc. You can see a tweet in this post followed by comments from every shill on the planet.

Are we supposed to believe that Mossad planted explosives and triggering mechanisms in all these products just on the off chance they might need to blow them up? I don't put it past them technologically or morally, but it's wildly inefficient with a very high chance of exposure and (as we're seeing) tremendous international blowback as an act of state terrorism.

Then what did happen? I'm just spitballing here, but I would start thinking along the lines of a directed energy weapon based on Tesla's ideas about harmonic oscillation. As an aside, there's an old "MythBusters" (Episode 60: Earthquake Machine) where they try physical oscillation on a bridge. Judge for yourself, but I have never seen them look more freaked out. Then they declared it "busted" and never mentioned it again.

So the Hebraic geniuses think up (a way to steal) a technique for a DEW to induce a harmonic oscillation in small electronics. Each type of device would have a characteristic frequency, which is why they went off one type at a time. It's possible some devices share close frequencies, so dishwashers also blow up when walkie-talkies are targeted. When hit with the DEW, the device loads up with energy but you just need enough to disrupt the lithium-ion battery, which contains a tremendous amount of energy.

Would they accept the limited hangout that Mossad tampered with Chinese/Hungarian pagers in order to keep this tech under wraps and away from everyone's consciousness? Absolutely! First, they admitted to nothing and will never be held liable in any forum for this. Second, nobody has pagers, Chinese or Hungarian or otherwise. It's no threat and will quickly fade from memory. Anyway, only a bunch of terrorists got blown up.

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you see anyone wearing a babushka and holding a camera, do what you can to save the President.

Primate98 3 points ago +3 / -0

Whenever I tell people to believe whatever they want, that's rarely good enough for them. I came to realize they're not attempting to communicate with other people, but simply talking to themselves. I find this a clear mark of a certain type of human consciousness.

And when I point this point they never "get it", which is another clear mark.

Primate98 3 points ago +3 / -0

You can compare the blast to the "wunder waffe" ATACMS missile that Russia has repeatedly warned about (ff to about 3:40 for the impact):

ATACMS: The Himars Missile Upgrade Ukraine Desperately Wants | WSJ Equipped

If anyone cares to argue that detonation is remotely similar to what went off in Toropets, there's no helping them (you may know who I'm talking about). Nor is the ammunition itself exploding, since munitions fires cook them off one by one.

In fact, the blast (and/or other non-conventional effects) is so powerful that it sets off other areas of the depot, where you can see the serial detonations of munitions in the typical fashion of burning ammo.

It wasn't micro, either. I'd eyeball it to be at least 10kT. It's beyond ignorant for anyone to think the Russian leadership doesn't see what I see--and far more--and they've clamped a lid down tight before it all gets beyond anyone's control.

Primate98 4 points ago +4 / -0

Interesting to see someone with the viewpoint that Russians are incapable of lying. Does not seem that sophisticated a worldview. Can't imagine any informative analysis comes out of it, but I'm certain some people never wonder if they might be missing something.

Primate98 4 points ago +4 / -0

There was something markedly different about this one. but I would judge it pointless to discuss it with anyone who makes such a tremendously convincing case for themselves.

Primate98 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would add that I feel that MbS feared that this time would come, and has been preparing Saudi for this conflict for several years.

Early in the Trump Administration, he pushed through deal after deal for armaments, the biggest worth $110B. This was way, way beyond the use of KC-135's to drop bombs on Yemeni tribesmen.

The standing question was: what did they need all that gear for? Supposedly, the Saudi royals were all in with the Zionists and the antagonism was phony. People could also wave their hands around about the MIC and sales, but Trump was the only one since Ike ever to call out the MIC.

So this is it: a real fight against the Zionists for all the marbles. They have come completely off whatever chain may have existed before. The clock is ticking because Trump will pull the plug on any US involvement come January. (IDK, of course, but I think this time around mutineers will be shot. Er, I mean, suffer tragic training accidents like so many others.)

I suspect this does not track with how you'd chart the situation, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

Primate98 2 points ago +3 / -1

I think eventually we'll all be required to report to prison or be suicided. Still a free choice, though!

Primate98 3 points ago +3 / -0

Quick note on the significance of the insignificant:

I got a fund-raising email yesterday from Team Harris-Walz, one of about eight per day even though I am not registered as a Democrat nor have ever signed up for anything faintly Democratic. The subject line?

Sep 18, 2024 is today.

Somebody somewhere thought that was a good headline, attention-grabbing, hard-hitting.

My point is that the Left has always prided itself on attracting the creative types, but it's clear now that they are so odious and objectionable that they have driven out all the creatives (along with blacks and Latinos and women and Asians and gays).

Primate98 3 points ago +4 / -1

If Mossad was attempting to convince the Arab world that the Zionists were a clear and present danger to everyone in the region, and that immediate action was required while differences among them could be sorted out later, then in the immortal banner of George W. Bush: "Mission Accomplished!"

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

Calm down, I just said I thought the story was fake. But don't worry because exploding pagers are good evidence for it. You've convinced me and everyone else who might be tempted to express views at variance with your own.

You're free to believe whatever you please, but I have found that that particular freedom is actually too much for the vast majority to handle. They'd rather tell everyone else how correct and outraged they are. I find it dismaying to see displayed, personally, but there you have it.

Primate98 2 points ago +2 / -0

An article on it from Iranian media:

Hezbollah members and civilians killed, wounded in Lebanon pager explosions (PressTV 9/17/2024)

Primate98 1 point ago +2 / -1

Did anyone else just conclude this ludicrous story was a phony psyop without even looking?

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see it very much the opposite way, on a big picture level. All that They have carefully built over decades and centuries is slipping through their fingers (China and the Global South), crumbling to dust (Israel, and dreams of the destruction of Russia), and being torn from Their grasp (by such people as Donald Trump and Elon Musk).

Worse, public sentiment is tilting away. Worst--and possibly fatal--common knowledge that public sentiment is tilting away is growing seemingly unstoppably. An idea whose time has come, if you will.

I came to realize recently that almost all They have ever done is through influence, like--as you say--tiny strings pulling people this way and that. When those strings get cut, the functionality of the puppets degrades chaotically and it's hell trying to get then retied. Pull on the strings too hard and you'll snap them yourself.

If They had some brilliant secret plan to recover from all this, I certainly can't see any evidence of it.

Primate98 3 points ago +6 / -3

The first one had to be done in plain view, so we would all "know what had happened". This time around they were willing to take the psychology down a notch in return for effectiveness.

Specifically, they line up some unstable dumbass and do it in out of public view. Without seeing it for ourselves, we would have to take the word of the "authorities" as to what happened, but it would still look "true enough". The patsy can be suicided any time he begins to say things not in the script.

Who's next in the batting order? How about... one of his security detail turns out to have a homicidal case of TDS? "Oh well, maybe the mainstream should not have been so divisive. But what's done is done and, after all, Trump brought it on himself for threatening democracy."

Primate98 4 points ago +4 / -0

I just wanted to pause a second to make a meta-point about revelations such a these.

In the before-times, each of these incidents would have caused some level of scandal, leading to discussion for many days or even weeks, both in the mainstream and the conspir-o-sphere (the perspectives and agenda being different, of course).

Now, there is a steady rain of these bombshells, which I daresay is unprecedented. In conspiracy circles, there is heavy shilling to be expected as a matter of course, but each of these passes away in a day or three because the next one has dropped.

On the other hand, in mainstream circles they have reached the point of flatly denying certain things exist that are easily corroborated. The fate of domestic animals in Ohio is now the textbook example. There are no justifications, or promises to investigate, or any of the other standard bullshit responses. We have jumped a quantum level in gaslighting.

I don't say we've reached "peak gaslighting", because for the imaginative there is a long way to go: Trump dropped out of the race, Trump is dead and we're seeing a body double. Republican Haitians have contaminated the Capitol Building with AIDS and electoral votes can't be counted until remediation is done by astronauts now stranded in the ISS, etc. The sky is the limit!

As I have said many times, we're really getting down to it and this meta-point goes on the pile of evidence for that. What that "it" may be, I do not know.

Primate98 3 points ago +3 / -0

That question traces back to the fundamental question concerns the origin of consciousness itself: is consciousness a phenomenon emergent from physical processes in the Universe, or is it... something other than that:

A maverick physicist named John Wheeler wondered about this half a century ago, and you can read more about this very curious fellow here:

Physicist John Wheeler and the “It from Bit” (6/29/2023)

Wheeler was one of the first prominent physicists to propose that reality might not be wholly physical; in some sense, our cosmos must be a “participatory” phenomenon requiring the act of observation--and thus consciousness itself.

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is a carefully crafted message meant to be picked up by certain Trump supporters.

He is certainly just as aware as I am that TMC (or whoever was on the roof) was not the assassin, and further that the real assassination plot involved both on-site security personnel and elements of the leadership of SS, FBI and DOJ. That's very close to him and they very nearly succeeded.

Yet he had has almost nothing to say about it, willing to let stand the wildly suspicious actions and statements of those who are supposed to be investigating it.

The reason for this is a deliberate choice on Trump's part. He could easily press the position, "They tried to kill me. You think they won't rig the election? If they say Kamala won, don't you think that marks the formal end of the constitutional republic? What do you have left to lose after that, besides everything?"

On point, to be sure, but it's putting out fire with gasoline. He has chosen the path of (hopefully) peace with a "too big to rig" strategy. That is, the specific numbers in the election become unimportant. What is important is that everybody knows he won, and--this is the crucial point--everybody knows that everybody else knows he won. As Lincoln phrased it, "With public sentiment, nothing can fail; without it nothing can succeed."

You don't attract people under the big tent by frightening them, telling them that the foundations of the world they think they live in are made of sand and scorpions. He has chosen the fairly conventional and persuasive political message that, "Everything in the world has turned to shit since these other hacks got their hands on it, but I can fix it." So he stays silent about the deeply disturbing, inflammatory, and divisive attempted murder.

Coincident with that silence (and perhaps deliberately amplified because of it), the strongest disinfo gambit has been "it was all fake". Given Trump's silence, it seems even some supporters could reasonably begin to have doubts.This is a message to them.

The subtle message that is to be understood by them--almost certainly subconsciously--is that at the highest levels, they know we're all being lied to about this and no one has gotten to the bottom of anything, but Trump & Co. are still on the case. Message received.

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

How about a bomb in Kamaltoe's left boob? She's not going to get scanned on the way in, right?

Oh, and with a backup bomb in her right boob. They don't want another "Andrew Jackson" scenario!

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

The way I would describe it, really, is a paradigm shift. One way you can characterize a difference in paradigms is that it is flatly impossible to reason your way from one paradigm to the other. In essence, this is a practical definition of how the limits of a paradigm are established.

The classic example is the geocentric paradigm, with the Earth at the center and the planets moving in perfect circles. When they could not properly account for the observed movements of the planets... they just added more perfect circles called "epicycles". Still wrong? Add more epicycles and ask for more funding. See how that will never get you there?

Copernicus comes along with simple and straightforward ideas: the Sun is at the center and the planets--including Earth--move in ellipses. Rather than being evaluated, these ideas are rejected without examination because they lie outside the paradigm. They don't say that, of course, because a consciousness trapped in a paradigm does not recognize that fact. Rather, that brain will always come up with reasons why Copernicus is full of it. And it all makes perfect sense... within the hermetically (haha) sealed paradigm.

Even the very word "believe" loses what we take to be it's meaning and we have to be disciplined as to it's use. Suppose your average Democrat "believes" Kamala to be the correct choice for President. Is it the case that an unbiased and open consciousness has been presented with evidence and reasoning both for and against this position, and now "believes" it to be the most rational?

Of course not. It is akin to an "article of faith" in the religious context. It is accepted without question. To challenge it--even in the sanctity of one's own mind, let alone in public--is a grave sin. It then becomes irrational. Does one question a geometric axiom?

But to confess a blind faith is, in our society at the present time, also considered to be a failure. Thus, they'll make up whatever facts and arguments are necessary to "prove" to all the a-holes how "right" they really are. See how it works?

Primate98 3 points ago +3 / -0

They actually say it plainly:

Satanic Temple Attacks Texas Abortion Law, Argues That it Violates Their ‘Religious Freedom’ to ‘Abortion Rituals’ (The Gateway Pundit 9/5/2021)

I'm reminded of something disturbing mentioned by former Satanic priest Mark Passio. As he was leaving, he said, "I'm going to expose you! I'm going to tell everyone what you're doing."

Surprisingly, they responded, "Go ahead. We could tell them ourselves, and they wouldn't believe us either." Even more surprisingly, that points the way forward.

It is demonstrably not a matter of discovering the truth, or even of showing that truth to others. The problem lies beyond that, in the consciousness of each person and how it functions. And I hear people just ascribe it to "sinfulness" or "our fallen nature", I find that to be incredibly lazy, naive and even bigoted, and thus an additional part of the problem.

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