Primate98 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's just too bizarre. AP originally reported it, probably some stringer who actually, you know, wants to report the news. But watch it drop out of the narrative--way too inexplicable.

I mean, if I was some paid spokeshole and someone asked me about it, as creative as I think I am I'd just say, "Ummmm... pass. Next question."

Primate98 3 points ago +4 / -1

Do you think cops in Pennsylvania don't have radios on their person? They should probably think about getting some, right?

Primate98 2 points ago +2 / -0

The connotation is to non-violent crime based on dishonesty, like fraud or corruption, that would also entail typically financial gain.

As an entertaining example, I saw a video once titled something like, "My Jewish grandma in Israel is an anti-Semite". This young guy is visiting his grandma and she asks him, "Did you get a job in America?" He says yes, then she asks, "Are you working for Jews?"

He says, "No, Grandma, they're actually goys."

She says, "Good, I'm glad to hear that."

He says, "What? Why would you say that?"

She says, "All Jews are crooks."

Primate98 6 points ago +6 / -0

Here's the scenario: Imagine yourself a couple of hundred yards away from Trump with your rifle. People are pointing and flag down a cop. He approaches you, then.... The scenario ends with the cop walking off.

Okay, so what could possibly go in the dot dot dot?

Primate98 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yeah, okay, thanks for the textbook example of exactly what I was talking about.

See how it works, everyone? It all makes perfect sense in their heads. You will never, ever convince them otherwise.

Primate98 5 points ago +5 / -0

That guy was a patsy if there ever was one. Oswald was an Intelligence agent and at least knew something was going on. Who knows what They told this poor, ignorant bastard. I'm certain he had zero idea what was coming.

Primate98 0 points ago +2 / -2

Even for the ones that aren't actually paid shills, there's a level of consciousness that locks certain conspiracy theorists into a conclusion. In that mode, reasoning becomes reversed.

That is, it isn't that some evidence leads to the conclusion that it was "Da Joos". Rather, the conclusion is predetermined that it was invariably "Da Joos" and the conspiracy theorists need only figure out how it was "Da Joos". Those dirty Heebs.

Again, this is not something to do with intelligence or knowledge, but rather with consciousness. I've listened to a ton of Alan Watt, a highly intelligent and incredibly knowledgeable guy, and with him it's the Masons. Even when he can't tell you exactly how, it's definitely the Masons.

In his experience, of course, it's always been the Masons. Confirmed, right? That's how such people get locked in.

Primate98 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always assumed that the bleachers wee just filled with randos that got there early and got good seats, but from what some of the attendees of this latest rally are saying, it seems like those are actually VIP sections. You might imagine these are local donors, party officials, bureaucrats, etc.

The question it raises is, whoever Vincent Fusca might be, how does he end up getting VIP tickets to all these rallies in multiple states? He sure isn't the owner of the Dodge dealership down the street.

Primate98 4 points ago +5 / -1

My Christ, there is a flood of shills over on r/conspiracy like I haven't seen since that preposterous "MH370 was taken by a UFO through an interdimensional portal" narrative that was pushed a few months ago.

The point is, they hit instantly and were clearly part of the overall plan. The "lone gunman" narrative is obviously off the table. To sell it, though, all they need now is a Netflix docudrama premiering before the weekend is over.

Primate98 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think, as you mention, there was someone with a suppressed handgun in the crowd. There's this report we have to account for:

ER Doctor at Trump Rally Says He Attempted to Save Man’s Life in the Crowd Who Was Shot in Head (VIDEO) (TGP 7/13/2024)

There's no way a 22LR @ 200+ yards is going to literally blow anyone's brains out. Just rank speculation, but perhaps right at the critical moment, the unlucky bystander stood up and got in the way of the shot. The meaningful one.

IDK where the bleachers were in relation to the stage and the rooftop, or where precisely he was hit, but those factors alone might more or less rule out the rifle shooter.

It sounds ridiculous to think someone could pull out a pistol, shoot someone in the head (albeit accidentally), and just walk off, but I think you have to consider it in terms of that famous "passing the basketball" test.

Everyone's attention snaps to the sound of gunfire and, for all practical purposes, lots of stuff suddenly becomes invisible. Errant shot, mission failed, blend into the chaotic crowd.

Primate98 6 points ago +6 / -0

You always, always, always hear these personal security detail types say that what they look for is anyone behaving out of the ordinary. Waving and gesticulating at the security personnel seems pretty far out of the ordinary.

Plus, it looks like the rooftop shooter was also a diversion, firing wildly from a small-caliber rifle. Then of course he gets ventilated, so we never get to ask how he came to be on that rooftop.

Primate98 0 points ago +1 / -1

The article doesn't comment on it, but those who suspect much history is hidden simply by neglect may want to take a closer look at the photo in the article captioned:

Archaeologists also recovered well preserved pottery, complete with an LMLK stamp on the jar handle which is very rare in the Judah foothills. These markings are ancient Hebrew seals meaning 'of the King'

Take a look at the associated symbol. Remind you of anything? Like an Egyptian "winged sun", right? But no one notes that here it used as the symbol of a Hebrew king?

(I don't want to influence anyone's thinking on this, but I personally believe the "winged sun" represents Nibiru. Also, some believe that the quite peculiar Pharoah Akhenaten was the model for the Biblical Moses.)

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think you may have missed the point: the differing levels of consciousness lead to differing ways of selecting authorities. Normies accept the default authorities. One level up, they have the capacity to select alternative authorities. One level up from that, and the concept of "authority" loses significance. They can develop the capacity to disregard and dismiss any and all authorities if their judgement guides them to do so.

From a personal perspective, I used to watch the network news and never doubted a word. Now, there are a number of topics on which I would disagree with every person who writes on it publicly.

Of course, no novel thought can come into the world without first being in disagreement with everything else. Otherwise it would not be novel, would it?

Primate98 4 points ago +4 / -0

On the point of what the "Aten" actually was, I speculate that Akhenaten had some advanced knowledge he was just barely beginning to attempt to communicate to a Bronze Age people. I'm referring to knowledge of what we now call the "Electric Universe" and all it's ramifications.

The key observation comes from the carving of Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and three of their daughters, all watched over by the Aten. If you look very closely, you'll see the sun rays all end in stylized human hands. Quite an odd detail, and I can think of no other artwork depicting the Sun literally reaching out to us. So why are those hands there?

Electric Universe theory describes the Sun as being connected electrically to Earth, and thus to all of us. The Earth is connected to all the other planets, and the Sun is connected to other stars and eventually to the center of the galaxy. Indeed, even the galaxies are connected to one another by titanic currents.

Aside from being solely the simple phenomenon of the flow of electric charge, there may be a deeper operation of the Universe facilitated by these connections. Who knows what it's nature may be, but if Akhenaten knew, that may have been something beneficial he wanted people to know about. Something others did not want people to know about.

Obi-Wan Kenobi stated that The Force surrounded us, penetrated us, and bound the galaxy together. This would certainly apply to what I just described. Perhaps George Lucas knew a little something about it too.

Primate98 1 point ago +2 / -1

I've noticed that a sort of trope in conspiracy circles is that they like to mildly slam Gene Roddenberry as a Mason or an Intelligence asset or a crypto-whatever. They act like they're really "in the know" because of this. I said "mildly" because they never cite anything to back it up.

I find it all shameful and embarrassing. It's like they never bothered watching ST:TOS themselves. I seem to be the only one who noticed, but pretty much every episode is a morality play, dressed up with starships and phasers and aliens.

There's also the whole political and social backdrop pointing towards a brighter future. For example, broadcast at the height of the Cold War, a Russian is at the helm. A Japanese guy was the navigator when the Pacific War had been fought by many viewers. The Klingons were obviously the Soviets, but even with them, conflict was characterized as backwards and peace seemed within reach.

On a different matter: How is it possible that the Ferengi have never been decried as anti-Semitic? They'e quite obviously Heebs.

Primate98 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is just like an item from the Jim Fetzer Sandy Hoax trial from a few years back.

Fetzer got copies of the death certificates for "Noah Pozner" from his father. (I use the plural because there were something like four different versions of the "official" certificate floating around.) He had two separate forensic document examiners take a look, and both concluded that they were all obvious bullshit.

The judge excluded the testimony of both examiners, declaring, "That's just, like, your opinion, man."

Primate98 1 point ago +2 / -1

This is beyond intimidating rhetoric, and I think many of these people subconsciously know the end is near and have become detached from reality.

I suspect that before any full-scale warfare begins, we'll hear, "Okay, Lebanon, we're giving you one last chance to kill yourselves before we start administering the ass whooping. Trying to be nice about, here."

Primate98 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't think he hits it quite on the head.

Normies get their truth from two sources: the "authorities" (primarily the mainstream media) and personal experience. In normal circumstances, these two circles have only a tiny intersection in the Venn diagram of life.

Now, however, their personal experiences are coming into contradiction with what they are instructed is the truth. They are told the economy is great, but they're going broke just trying to pay the bills. They are told Trump (again, still) is going to destroy the country if he gets reelected, but they remember when none of the current shitstorm was happening just a few years ago.

But the thing is, trust in the authorities is their very mode of thinking. To relieve the stress of the contradiction, they just stop listening. Then they don't know what to think. It's not that they'll believe anything, they believe nothing.

You can see it clearly with Democrats. Most can no longer deny Biden is a complete train wreck, but you never see them follow through with that. They never say, "Yeah, I'm just seeing it now, but I guess what they've been saying about Biden for a while was actually true. I was lied to, and I was a fool to believe it. I need to figure out pronto who I should be listening to. Fuck, maybe I actually should have voted for the other guy." Nope, they're just adrift, don't know which way to turn.

So what we're dealing with, in the end, is the way the human mind actually works. For anyone reading this, if you don't identify closely with this description of normies, understand clearly that it doesn't make you smarter or better. Different humans just have starkly different ways their minds operate, as surely as they have differently colored eyes.

Primate98 1 point ago +2 / -1

Ever notice how all the ideas progressives have end up requiring persuasion, by which they, of course, mean coercion?

You can contrast that with Trump, who offers ideas like, "How about we don't tax tips?" He doesn't have to follow it up with, "Whoa, hang on everybody, let me just talk this through with you...."

Primate98 1 point ago +1 / -0

Suppose they added, "But since it's controversial, we'll just start off small, say with blacks."

Magically, a smaller version would instantly become The Most Outrageous Idea Ever, and that it was "Trump's secret Project 1619" to re-enslave the darkies.

Primate98 4 points ago +4 / -0

What shocking is how almost no one is shocked by any of this drive to WW3. It's really enough to make you think that humanity deserves what it gets. The ultimate irony, of course, is that no individual who gets hurt by war thinks they deserve what they got.

Primate98 2 points ago +2 / -0

That might apply if wars were fought for the reasons publicly stated. In any analysis of wars in the last couple of centuries, that's the first delusion that has to be pitched overboard.

Primate98 3 points ago +3 / -0

Does anyone else find it bizarre and even a bit unsettling to hear politicians speak the plain truth out loud?

I take this development as a sign of how far we are beyond the looking glass.

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