My point, if I may elaborate, was that for all the ignoramuses either demanding that Trump say or condemning him for not saying, "Set my people free!", they are so far behind the curve of what's really going I have no time whatsoever to sort through all the rest of what they might have to say in hopes of finding something of value.
Sounds brutal, but liars and fools can generate bullshit a helluva lot faster than I can sort through it. I have to be very selective. I would suggest the same to anyone reading this who desires not to spend their life chasing shadows.
I believe the hang up is that they (probably fake-ly) had to indict some of the fed provocateurs that were involved, and Trump doesn't want to issue some blanket pardons that lets these traitorous bastards off the hook. In fact, I think they were shit scared Gaetz would prosecute them all to the fullest extent.
And frankly, I think the vast majority of the J6-ers are phony anyway, so it's not like this is as big a deal as it seems to everyone.
Sure he is! America's Sweethearts
Haha! You know, sometimes I think it's more about the evolution in basic mental outlook. I mean, the details you can always bookmark or copy-paste to another doc and refer to later. But, if you're anything like me, your worldview has to shift to, "Jesus H., however weird I thought it was before, it's way weirder, and in a way no one is talking about it."
Can you imagine trying to bring this material up in a conversation with someone you just met, as something novel and interesting you'd heard? If you were sensible, you'd at least say to yourself, "Welp, I need to start reeeeeeeal slow."... lol
Beirut was another nuke. It's an extraordinarily long story (that ends in a Blackhawk orbiting my house) but that device was one of the ones described in this article:
US Deploys New Low-Yield Nuclear Submarine Warhead (FAS 1/29/2020)
No, it wasn't a US sub that fired it, which is part of that very long story.
In any case, if you research the W76 mod 2, you'll find that it's 5kT nominal yield, and that matches up perfectly to the size of the fireball which is the same as the grain silos next to it, about 500' IIRC.
Also important is that is was never engineered as a warhead itself, but as the primary for a fusion weapon. That's going to give different results, such as the very apparent Wilson cloud.
Mysteriouser and mysteriouser. Anyway, good luck with your research!
The videos are now extraordinarily hard to find (of course), but here's an article with tweets from three angles:
Khmelnytskyi: Two NATO Tactical Nukes in Western Ukraine Storage Hit by Cheap ‘Iranian’ Drone…Radiation Alert Over Europe (The Intel Drop 5/13/2023)
It's quite spooky when you have some idea of what you're really seeing up close. If you watch at the third video, compare the size of the blasts to the much closer apartment buildings in the foreground. The explosions are absolutely titanic.
The linked article does not discuss the matter, but the headline suggests the alternative narrative that the bunkers were hit with conventional missiles and that the Ukrainians were storing secret nukes there that were accidentally set off.
Personally, I could never figure out whether this was deliberate disinfo on someone's part to occlude what really happened, or whether a couple of analysts didn't know how hard it is to set off a nuke. You'll run into this alternative narrative elsewhere.
I wouldn't argue the point, but I would just suggest you may want to reconsider as to whether nuclear weapons would be used. From my research, they have been used, many dozens of times.
Just as one example so you don't think this comes out of nowhere: Remember all that talk about depleted uranium weapons going to Ukraine? So much discussion! And then they were finally shipped there? And then no one said anything more about the subject like it never existed?
The weapons ended up at a warehouse in Khmelnytskyi, and it was hit with an airstrike on 5/13/2023. Go back and look at the footage and you'll see titanic explosions followed a strange glowing rain coming back down out of the mushroom cloud. In my very inexpert guess, that was the vaporized depleted uranium raining back out. That's why you would use tactical nukes, and that's also why no one ever talked about them again.
But that's just my opinion and, as I always say, everyone is free to believe as they wish!
I've kind of noticed that too about "nominal yield". I mean, 2000 pounds of TNT is a helluva lot of TNT, and a thousand of those is only 1kT.
In any case, when you watch one of these things go off and compare it to the explosion of even a big conventional bomb, like a 2000-lb job, it's mind-boggling how big these nukes really are.
Right before the Ukraine War broke out, an anonymous video surfaced showing twin detonations that I would guess were 100kT each. I think it was "leaked" by the Russians as a final warning (which was, of course, ignored). It was spooky, though, seeing detonations that enormous "in the wild".
Something I've noticed over the years with social engineering operations: "They" will almost exclusively use fake events instead of playing up real ones. That puzzled me for a long time.
I figured out that They avoided real ones because They didn't have control of the Reality. Unexpected circumstances or inconvenient facts might surface. Real things lock into all other real things and are hard to dislodge.
With fake events, the facts and narratives are infinitely malleable. They can always shape them to any degree desired at the time or in the future. With the current state of the art, They will offer multiple narratives, often directly contradictory or exclusive, and you are free to choose any of them since they're all false.
If anyone wonders why "They" might have wanted to knock Freemasons down a peg or two at the time, you might be interested in this factoid concerning the guy that fought and won what came to be known as the Bank War. Think of it like blocking the creation of the Federal Reserve.
This article was written by Masons themselves, if that makes any difference:
The Morgan Affair: Who was William Morgan and why did he disappear?
For years Freemasonry had played a very public role in American politics and the President elected shortly after the Morgan Affair was Andrew Jackson, a prominent Freemason. The Anti-Masonic Party galvanized itself around a message of anti-elitism and anti-corruption and sought to unseat Jackson and Freemasonry in general from American politics both at the local and federal level.
Had the "Morgan Affair" fully succeeded, we could have had the Fed a century before we were finally blessed with it.
The thing is, when you boil it all down, the only "evidence" of the whole affair is that William Morgan didn't seem to be around town any more. That's it. All of it was based on few people telling tales, which is a pretty low bar for executing a psyop.
As pointed out in the post, the reaction of the Masons at the time was basically irrelevant. I have yet to come across any reaction recorded in history from Masons of the time. If nothing else, you think they'd like to clear their name, right?
That's par for the course, though, given that they weren't the targets of the psyop. For example, If you imagine all the emergency services personnel that were at the Sandy Hoax event and might have something to say about exactly what they saw or did not see that day, 0% of them speak up. Just... not their business, you know?
The thing is, when you actually start to follow up on all the tiny splinters that have been carefully sanded away over the centuries, it's like a gigantic snarl of fishing line (to mix metaphors). Just a quick example from your first paragraph from material I've yet to write up:
Know how this post mentioned Essex as the origina of the Spook Families? They tried to overthrow Elizabeth I back in something called "Essex's Rebellion". Liz looks like the JFK of the 16th Century. IOW, one of their own that got out of control.
Her real father, I would suggest, was Henry Percy, the sixth Earl of Northumberland and previous "accepted suitor" of Anne Boleyn. Liz is born not even 9 months after the marriage of Anne and Henry VIII, so they retcon a "secret wedding" a little before.
Fast-forward to Barbara, and while the Crowley thing I think is true, more interesting is that she was born Barbara Pierce, and those Pierces trace back to the Percys with a metric shit ton of historical manipulation along the way.
Seriously, you cannot even make this up.
I consider it as evidence giving insight into the true history of our planet. Exactly what it is evidence of, I don't yet know.
It seem to be consistent with certain aspects of the general narrative of the Bible, especially the OT: a segregated population, forbidden from freely interbreeding with neighbors, a firm distinction between themselves and "goyim" and not necessarily as the result of a social construct, and the idea that it is their consciousness that's different.
I can't help but think of Jerry Marzinski's work, and his conclusion that schizophrenia is, in most cases, demonic possession. I should further hasten to say that I don't think that the concept of "demonic possession" should be left at "evil spirits".
You want to think (well, at least I want to think) that people are all the same and we should understand that and act accordingly. That seems like the right way to be. In the case of Jews, if someone is born into it, they pretty much just go along with the program just as the vast majority of Christians, Muslims, and whoever else do.
Regrettably, that does not seem to be quite the case. Further, I do not think we advance the cause of Truth and the alleviation of human suffering by ignoring truth wherever and however we find it.
Thus, there really does seem to be a "problem":
Haaretz report suggests up to 40% of Ashkenazi Jews may suffer from mental disorders like schizophrenia (Newstarget 10/21/2024)
Another forgotten episode from his past is when he and MTG went to visit the J6 prisoners pretty early on. Neither on ever talked about it, nothing ever came of it, and it has vanished from the public consciousness. So what happened?
Well, to get it out of the way, if Gaetz was some real reptilian in the grass, then why the hell would he do it in the first place? Those were the only two, AFAIK, that tried to get in to see the prisoners.
I believe what they found out that day was that the "J6-ers" were almost or entirely phony, another gigantic psyop. Further, I believe he was smart enough to realize that the Swamp was far deeper than he had ever guessed, and that just yelling and wading in was going to be pointless. (BTW, exactly the same thing happened when Tucker went to try to see the already long-dead Julian Assange.)
If that was, in fact, the lesson Matt learned back then, then he's had over three years to think and plan and coordinate. No wonder "They" are shitting a brick over his nomination.
Ha, join the club! The insanity goes on forever. I just spent like 3 hours writing up a post with a hilarious premise: tying famous UFO incidents back to participants in the Salem Witch Trials. It came out too long.
I thought I'd just let it fly, but then I went to check one last incident, the "Hopkinville Goblins". Yep, that one too! I was just now staring off into space and contemplating how to break it up in two.
Since you're working on the Pratts, here's a preview so you can make sure to get this jackhole in there:
Not done yet! Ralphie Boy was educated at the Pratt Institute, founded by Charles Pratt. Our second “7”! He made it big managing the transition from whale oil to petroleum for Standard Oil. (Historical aside: We’ve been talking about Salem, but the other nest of vipers was in Nantucket, where they had become fabulously wealthy getting whale oil out of unalived whales. See how they run the whole show?) If you read carefully between the lines, it seems like the Pratts were running Standard Oil and John D. was a front-man. That’s on brand for these spooks, isn’t it?
Oh, our third “7” for the jackpot? The Pratt Institute has an extension campus in Utica at the Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute. Cha-ching!
I appreciate the support, more on the way!