by DrLeaks
NooneFor2024II 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmm now 11 yrs old... I think just a young, false "teacher"/prop

Their "vision" page screams CRT/SEL/TSEL

WHY is this a topic they felt they even needed to address and declare on their website"

NooneFor2024II 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why are they going to a foreign nation to sign bills? This shit should be illegal. ALL politicians are corrupt as fuck and do NOT represent their constituents but rather their puppet masters.

Assaults and attacks on people are already ILLEGAL and NO group of people should have special bills/laws created for them when the ones already in place INCLUDE them!!!

NooneFor2024II 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is there a whole video of that man asking RFK Jr questions considering it jumped in the middle of an already asked question not really giving what true context of first question he was being asked about?

NooneFor2024II 1 point ago +1 / -0

And while our Govt rapes us with financial taxes, compare how much in taxes the Govt of those nations steal from those citizens who claim their healthcare is cheaper. What else are they giving up for their false sense of cheaper healthcare? NO nation has citizens who ARENT being fucked over by their Govt, each nation just has devised its own implementation of how they fool citizens into not realizing it.

NooneFor2024II 1 point ago +3 / -2

Blackstone and Disney among his top contributors... smh Just found this out. Should have dug sooner for this info

NooneFor2024II 2 points ago +2 / -0

We lose either way, a new govt, one that stays the same... its all the same in the end and it was INTENTIONALLY designed as such

NooneFor2024II 3 points ago +3 / -0

You are on the internet right now... you are STILL participating

NooneFor2024II 1 point ago +1 / -0

White hats, black hats... members of same big faction who are in a disagreement on how things should run and are using us as pawns to swing things their way. NEITHER of them is for the citizens of this nation and they are all about being the group to rule over as all in the end

by pkvi
NooneFor2024II 2 points ago +2 / -0

2yr old kid didnt know how to speak? WTFE

And this is not how a veteran speaks of their missions, especially one that would be so high and private. This guy gloats FAR too much and shoulders held way too fucking high. Guy is a FRAUD

NooneFor2024II 3 points ago +3 / -0

uh, what do you think this WHOLE website is for? The name wasnt changed to SCORED for nothing

NooneFor2024II 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here is a closer photo of Hoover's pin

And notice him subtly giving the middle finger to photographer

NooneFor2024II 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agree; zoomed in and they are definitely not the same

NooneFor2024II 2 points ago +2 / -0

He is too old to be the AC; if any of this IS correct, it would be more likely that one of his children, or theirs, would be AC. However, I dont think it is a Trump; Maybe Musk's kid or someone we have not heard of yet

NooneFor2024II 1 point ago +1 / -0


there is NO 1A, or even constitution, in the one world government. Wake the hell up

by pkvi
NooneFor2024II 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have no damn clue what point you are even trying to make in this.

by pkvi
NooneFor2024II 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course she is invested in things that draw the attention span of children

NooneFor2024II 2 points ago +2 / -0

WHO/WHAT is Q and why do you believe what it/he/they have said when they already came out and told people following "the show" that they lie? dIsInFoRmAtIoN nEcCeSsArY

NooneFor2024II 3 points ago +3 / -0

Soroshas kids that would have received all his money... this isnt Soros

NooneFor2024II 2 points ago +2 / -0

A very good naturopathic physician I met recently who had a lot to say about the absolute dismal status of food and healthcare here in the US said that he does NOT recommend shelf stable pro/prebiotics. He said that they are supposed to be LIVING and how much life could be in them if they are in powdered shelf stable form. He recommends refrigerated ones; first in liquid forms such as keifer, yogurts, kombucha, and other forms before even the refrigerated powders.

Also, from the linked article: "Case counts may also have increased because of enhanced efforts to detect cases, including increased colonization screening, a test to see if someone has the fungus somewhere on their body but does not have an infection or symptoms of infection."

Of course...smdfh

NooneFor2024II 10 points ago +11 / -1

No shit. I mean, his plans to chip us all using neuralink and then having starlink upload and transmit all data is a dead giveaway to what side of humanity he truly resides with.

by DrLeaks
NooneFor2024II 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then 7 yr olds should be legally allowed to purchase weapons (along with beer, smokes, get a driver's license, etc) to protect and defend themselves against predators.

by pkvi
NooneFor2024II 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why was this deleted?

NooneFor2024II 1 point ago +1 / -0

We spent two years huddled inside not being exposed to anything.

We? I am in South Dakota and did not live that life. Didnt even mask up except on the very rare occasion that I had to be in the hospital or a doctor's office in 2020-2021.

I am not sure WHAT is going around, even if it is a new bioweapon, but SOMETHING is making a LOT of people VERY sick and for WEEKS here.

I really pray that you find answers to why you are having medical issues. If you have naturopathic physicians in your area, I highly encourage you to seek them out for a second opinion. Go purchase one or two natural physician-type medical books/herbal remedies books. The medical community is NOT about getting to root causes of medical conditions but rather about keeping patients for life.

Look into metal and parasitic detoxing as well.

Best of luck

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