NEVER trust a turncoat
"they are actually crypto jews"
and? They're still Jews. Even worse, they have to lie about who they are because Jews have been notoriously hated throughout history for being the biggest pieces of shit to ever exist. What's your point?
It's depressing that so many Christians have no idea what Judaism teaches about Christ. Every time I hear The term "Judeo-Christianity", I can't help but get triggered.
I believe one of the reasons the Jews are so successful in deceiving so many people is that they always prey on the good nature of humanity. How else would they have gotten back into society after getting kicked out of so many countries all throughout history? They took advantage of the forgiving nature of people, knowing damn well that every time they had no intentions to do anything different than that of their past.
One big Jewish psyop that they've been in the process of for a while now is the Democrat party seeming to be against Israel publicly. It makes no sense that the party of the Jews with something like 90 congressmen holding dual citizenship with Israel would be against Israel. It doesn't make any sense that AOC has claimed somewhat recently that she is a Sephardic Jew, but she would be against Israel. It doesn't make sense that Kamala Harris who is married to a Jew, would be against Israel. They're doing this because they know full well that their reputation is complete shit.
Just when it started looking like maybe enough of the population has become aware of these perpetual liars, Israel pulls a "hold my beer" and, yet again, chooses to dude just like their father, the devil, and deceive.
With the left openly advocating for everyone to hate them, it's clear what's going on. They're trying to make Israel look like the golden child in all of this. Truly scummy.
Why do you require them to be articles that OP has specifically written? That seems like an odd request...
It's pretty cut and dry, to be honest. All you need to look at is the Talmud, Judaism's holiest text, even regarded higher than the Bible, according to them. Judaism's hatred of Christianity is quite clear. I don't think you can get any more anti-Christianity then blaspheming Christ himself.
Yeah, this story of a ridiculously long sentence over a social media post (kek) has one goal, and that is to quell any potential uprisings amongst the citizens. The silver lining here, I guess, is that it shows you how afraid these government faggots truly are of the population that they try to control.
Best part of this one was the retard clown cop claiming that they will extradite people over social media posts, "even Elon Musk".
Lol. Lmao, even.
I feel like I don't need to check the Early Life section to know...
Did you know that it's Every Single Time?
the Jew created Christianity as a psyop
I see this claim all the time, but not once has anyone provided any evidence that this is true.
Quoting various random verses from the Bible, and therefore removing any context.
You can twist the meaning or intention literally anything if you remove the context, which is pretty disingenuous.
People who don't know what the Bible says trying to explain it to others
Every. Single. Time.
You can be sure, gentlemen, that it truly is all so tiresome.
While I obviously don't know him personally, I like to believe that Hulk is genuinely a believer in Jesus Christ. I haven't seen every single clip of things he has said since he said he became a Christian, but going off of what I have seen, he isn't pushing any false doctrine, and he doesn't promote himself or anything other than Christ. I think the whole RNC thing was just him cashing in on his previous fame, and I 100% believe that they reached out to him, and not the other way around.
The whole twin towers promo with him and macho man from the early 80s sure is wild, but I doubt that they personally had any inkling of knowledge about what would happen in 2001.
Trump, on the other hand. I've always said, and still will say, that no one can deny the benefit of Trump's first term for Americans. Specifically, whether it was intended or not, his term woke a lot of people up, and brought a lot of people into a stronger mindset of awareness and concern.
However, it's crystal clear to anyone who has paid even the smallest amount of attention that he is not going to benefit us anymore than the next person. I used to defend him on things that were obvious lies from media and Democrats, but he has become everything that, imo, the Antichrist of Revelation is characterized by.
It's obvious that the establishment wants Trump as the next President. The Left may be stupid, but their not retarded. No one would do so many stupid things trying to smear their opponent that actually end up making voters like their opponent even more. At least, if everything was genuine, they would have realized that their tactics were having the opposite effect than they intended, and they would have changed strategy a very, very long time ago.
With the shooting that never happened recently, a lot of those who are still on the fence about Trump will hopefully see enough to know that he isn't for them.
Does anyone else notice how they always blur the person out, even if they have them on film as being a shooter, but with this specific story, they have zero problem shoving the "shooter's" bloodied dead face into your view, no matter where you look???
Edit: They want the story to be whatever they say it is, so damn bad. It's like a spoiled child whining incessantly until they finally get their way, not for any other reason other than to shut them the hell up.
All glowniggers, Jews, and Lefties can tongue my anus.
Q-tards currently waiting through their 176th installment of '2 more weeks'
Sorry, not listening to any Steins, Bergs, Witzes, or Baums. Won't play along with Every.Single.Time. anymore. They aren't any fun, anyway.
Why would Jews make up a figure who opposed them at every step, and whom they deny being their Messiah?
That is a very non-observant take.
This. It's pretty easy to see that the world as a whole has been severely dumbed down after countless propaganda for, basically, most, if not all, of their lives. It obviously went into high gear, starting with the "COVID" scam.
I'm no "expert" (lol fuck the media), but I'm 150% sure that the way news is delivered/consumed has contributed largely to this. News, as we know it currently, is basically "information overload". You have someone reporting a story verbally to you while you're also watching imagery related to that story, but then you have the nefarious ticker at the bottom that is reporting headlines non-stop that have nothing to do with whatever story you were trying to listen to the anchor tell you about.
There's so much reported day in and day out about anything and everything imaginable, but most of it doesn't need to be reported. It's just there to clutter the mind, and spread your mental resources as thin as possible.
The way they huddle from @1:12 on is the most awkward shit. And when are people awkward???
When they're acting in a false flag.
We've seen it several times in the past. Sandy Hook. George Floyd. To name a few.
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. - Revelation 13:3
Check this out, and no, I'm not having a go at trying to impersonate free-will-of-choice or however that username is spelled.
The word "government", comes from the latin word gubernare which means "to govern" and the suffix -ment, as in 'mental', meaning "of the mind".
So, essentially "government" means "to govern the mind", or roughly, mind control.
Across the internet, of course there are always people who dispute this, but never offer an alternative explanation to it. And, as we all know, there is plenty of mental manipulation attempted, and unfortunately, successfully implemented throughout society.
Something to think about.
Kill it. With fire.
"star of David"/star of Remphan as their symbol
lol, lmao even
Also, 2nd Corinthians 11:14 "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light."
I'll never hold it against anyone to suspect any Jewish subversion, as we have seen throughout history, the lengths (((they))) will go to undermine literally ANYTHING that doesn't bow down and worship the synagogue of Satan. And for those that think that the blame Jews receive is unwarranted, even in the least, haven't been paying attention.
Crying out in pain as he strikes us.
It really is all so tiresome.
This is one of the (many) reasons these idiots shouldn't be allowed to cast a vote.