Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

I never even hear of it till just now and its interesting!

Did you see the post with the pdf on the book called the cult of the black cube? I was reading it last night and its trippy.

Where the heck have I been on this one? Lol

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now they just feed us copious amounts of vegetable oils while saying farms are not environmentally friendly and are trying to strong arm us into a food shorta... I mean, selling our farms to the feds for the good of the planet.

No alterier motives here. Nope.

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Girl in room 13. Its not out yet but they are going to go ahead and finalize it despite her passing.

It seems like its more of a movie than a doc. Idk.


Miztivin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just because something is complicated, that doesn't make it real.

Ive noticed this too tho. Its like they make things so in depth and rabbit-hole like that it hypnotizes people into believing stupid theories.

Miztivin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I made a post about this a long time ago you may find interesting. I definitely can see it being used as a cover up.


Miztivin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Damn this headline sums up everything so perfectly.

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is true and a very real possibility.

Miztivin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its the pendulum game. They swing favortism from one group to another in order to pit us against eachother and give us valid reasons to be mad at a group.

Also feel like NWO would rather the mass population be minorities because they... are just predisposed to follow them. Not being racist. They actually say that in a WEF somewhere about asians specifically. Blacks predominantly vote dems. Etc.

Something about white people, were just rebeliois and anti authority. Idk.

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

I dont understand. Whats a woman?

Miztivin 1 point ago +4 / -3

Late but here are some question.

Why would everything be pointing at us?

If we're flat, then that means everything is flat, and facing us. Like saturn and the moon. Why us? Shouldnt some things be at an angle?

Why doesn't satalite photos of earth show all the contenints at once? I know yall think those are fake.

But if they are, then how do satalites work? How would I be using my starlink wifi right now? Or how does your GPS work?

Lastly. Why wouldnt I fall off the edge. Cant people just fly around the world? That would be a simple way to prove it. People have hobbie planes.

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not my number. Its yahoos. Thus I didn't bother editing it out.

Miztivin 1 point ago +1 / -0

(Its just an offensive joke. Not a "hate Jews" person. Just really random and yes this is what they sent me lol. Wth Yahoo?)

Miztivin 1 point ago +1 / -0

This makes total sense. Serching for anything worth while is so hard.

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Man, that is all interesting. It almost seems like you said. This was planned to happen. All of it. Even now.

Like a stage was set.

I didn't know that about Russia and NATO. That is very interesting.

Id like to also mention other oddities. Like, why would Russia would donate to the Clinton foundation during her election? (Like, an unusally large amount, after the Ukraine and G7 fiasco too)

Why work with US, as we speak, to close and Iran deal. (Such a bad deal too)

Why would Biden, Germany and others buy oil from Russia? Especially US, weve gone out of our way to do so.

Also Uranium 1 and other Obama era scandles with Iran and Russia. Like the, "ill have more flexibility after my election" remarks between Obama and Putin.

It almost feels like it is all coordinated. Like both sides are in on the game. They want a war to divide and rule I guess.

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

As usual elite do what they need and people suffer.

Thats the perfect way to explain it.

I dont think Russia wants Ukraine as an actual territory. I believe Putin when he says hes removing NATO/West.

Im certain we are in Ukraine covertly, paying off politicans, investing in biolabs, etc.

However, Russia does the exact same thing to Ukraine. Putin probably wants Ukraine "independently" pro Russian. (Russian installed leardership.)

Ukrainians wanting protection from Russia is understandable.

However, NATO and the west can be just as nefarious.

What Russia does overtly, the West does covertly.

Its like, an impossible situation. I wish Ukraine could have its sovereignty and everyone agree to maintain it. That would the peace treaty right there. Ukraine is a very strategic position for both sides so that would be fair.

I believe that was actually the deal previously with the Belovezh Accords and both sides were breaking it secretly.

Elitist don't care. It is all so stupid. The answer is simple but everyone at the top is greedy.

Sorry to ramble about how I feel about it. Im glad to hear how you guys in the east feel. Im sorry this is going on on your lands and hurting your peoples. I apologize for our involvement in causing any of this.

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for sharing info on the state of things in Russia. Sorry for the Troll.

May I ask, how do Russians view the current war? Also, Ukrainians for that matter.

(For reference, I feel the 2014 coup was indeed an escalation of force on the West's part. However, I am sad for the people involved.)

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow they must be doubble in the dark because western media ain't covering shit but pro Ukraine propaganda. Lol.

Miztivin 3 points ago +3 / -0
  1. The performance of an abortion is unauthorized if performed by someone other than the pregnant person and if either of the following is true:

(b) The abortion is performed on a viable fetus, and both of the following are established:

(1) In the good faith medical judgment of the physician, the fetus was viable. (2) In the good faith medical judgment of the physician, continuation of the pregnancy posed no risk to life or health of the individual.

From how understand it, this bill prohibits prosecution of self induced abortions without a physician IF the fetus was already dead and/or posing a risk to the "individual's" *cough* woman's *cough* health.

by pkvi
Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, 34% of people are over 50, 22% are over 60, and most elitist are in their 80s so, blame Soros.

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