Edit: Found! Its the Urzi case.

I swear they've buried the documentary now. It was pretty damn good.

It use to be on Netflix, around 2014.

Was about a guy who was being followed by UFOs. No, its not "Curse of the man who sees UFOs." That documentary is garbage and Iv got a feeling the only reason it exsist IS to make it hard to look up the one Im talking about. (Also to make ufo ppl look crazy. Guys obviously nuts.)

Anyway. In this documentary, the guy doesnt speak English. I think he was either latin, or south American.

He is followed by UFOs wherever he goes. Going back to when he was a kid. So much so, that he captured tons of high quality footage of them. Which is featured in the documentary.

He has a little set up in his home, a skylight window in his ceiling that opens up. This is where he captures most of his footage.

Thats pretty much the basis of the whole documentary.

If anyone can remember anythibg else about it, Id be really grateful.

I want to submit it to Tony Teora over at Alien agenda. I think theyre doing good work and considering how hard it is to find. Might be worth bringing to their attention, or at least saving the documentary somewhere.

*** I assume, not certain

Iv seen people ask this question all the time. So yes. Im fairly sure, to the best of my abilities, that I know of several people who may have died "from" not "with" covid.

They were all elderly. They were all unvaxinated (I asked) I live in a red state and rural area so we have a high elderly population and word gets around. So, I attribute that as to why Iv cought wind of so many deaths, from credible, conservitive people, who are just as skeptical as I am.

They all died from strange symptoms like organ failure and strokes. Not like the flu or pneumonia. It was much more severe. Much more debilitating.

At least 2 I am certain were not placed on ventalators. 3rd is assumed based on context.*

One notable was a lady who lost her ability to walk, and eventually had a stroke like attack (blood test doesnt show stroke happened) while having a hard time with COVID.

My father who is very diabetic and aunt who has lupus also cought it. Was around them both. So were most of my family. (Were very close, small knit, and alot of them live together) No one else cought it. Not even my 80+ grandmother who lives with my aunt. Shes very healthy for her age.

Still. It was certainly different from the flu. My aunt only got better after reciving a theraputics transfusion. My dad, being a stuborn man, stuck it out and it took months to recoup. This was in the early stages of COVID, before ivermectin. He would have definitely take that if Id known about it.

Anyway. Ask me anything. Call me a larp. Whatever you want! Lol. Just here to share my story the best that I can, and to challenge my conclusion.*

*** Edited. Marked with *


Commie tyrants dont need a functioning economy, so long as no other functiong economy exsist to threghten it. I believe, communism is so abhorent, that any free people, even the slightest of free, would threghten it, out pace it, and ultimately defeat it.

A free market, a healthy economy, a wealthy populace and individual freedom are all inherently intertwined.

Its why Commies hate capatalism.

(And no, I dont think capatalism is perfect, just objectivly better than the other systems.)

China is stuck.

Its centralize economy is scheduled to collaps. (Like all Commie economies) It cannot exsist indefinitely on exports. It relies solely on foreign nations. If it doesnt conform, it will collapse.

So, the Chiacoms have 3 options.

  1. Await the enviable, lose power, become a democracy, or like, the weird thing Russia is.

  2. Pounce too soon, alert the global masses, become an economy-less, Irellevant nation like North Korea

  3. Collapse all economies simultaneously, precisely, so communism can regin supreme, unchecked.

3 is their goal. This is not just Chinas plan, but the NWOs plan. China is simply a vessle.

This is the plan of our 3 letter agencies running shadow governments out of 3rd world countries.

The irony and tragedy of it? I believe it is completely funded by American tax money. All of it. For decades. Even through China by proxy. (Theory, feel free to correct me. On any of this actually)

That's one major reason as to why capatalism isn't perfect. Almost too much power and wealth. Its ideas inverted on itself.

Oh, and you can thank Bill Clinton for setting the stage for China.

Anyway, idk where I was going with this, Im sure most of you know this and Bill coopers already figured this out on an old podcast somewhere lol, but its a thought experiment I found worth sharing.


I have a gut feeling the results will never be released.

Correction, they WILL be release, only, theyll be held off for countless months. Then the truth will trickle out over long periods of time, in small narrative controllable chunks the media can handle. Where it'll inevitably become a nothing burger.

Too late for relevancy and psychologically de-hyped.

Like the do with all scandles. Every last one.

Im not saying this is the plan the awesome auditors, local governments, or Trump is trying to do.

Im saying this is the deeps states signature move and they're very good at it. They have a system of relentless delay and narrative controll. Till its been 2 damn years of Biden so "why does it matter now?" Or "Muh statue of limitations."

They do it all the time and im sick of it.

I was around 10 years old, hanging out with my dad at his appartment. We were sitting on the carpet, playing with decks of cards. He was showing me some magic tricks.

Him being quite good, and me being 10, made me wonder if telepathy was possible!

(I knew he wasn't telepathic, it just made me think about it.)

After awhile he goes to his room, which was also his office, to do his own thing, shuts the door. Leaving me to play with the cards.

I decided to begin my quest of training in psychic abilities. Lol.

Im really working at this. Trying to predict cards. Trying to picture them in my head. "I can do it. Magic IS real!" Heh. I was an over imaginative nerd.

Worth noting that I was using my favorite deck. The picture creeped me out, but it felt kinda magical. The one with the two dogs barking with the creepy moon.

Anyway, at some point, I gotta go, but im really excited about the cards. So I run to the bathroom, which is right there, and run back. I was gone for like, 2 seconds tops.

I come back to find the mess of cards, scattered across the floor, had vanished.

I look around and find they have been moved to this old, antique, hard wood desk. They were neatly spread out. Perfectly lined up in both numerical and suit order. One side red, the other half black.

I stood there for a long second, taking in what I was seeing. I blink. I mess the cards up. Pick them up. Put them away.



No way it was my dad. 100% the same deck of cards. Distinctly worn and nicked from card tricks. I was in and out so quickly, that I even strugle to see how some "phenomenon" could have had time to do this, more less my dad. Even with a fresh pack of cards, waiting behind his door, just, not possible.

Idk what it was. Gives me this, "break in the matrix" feeling that I thought was worth sharing.


Imagine if you will, that the ancient alien's, in it's aptly named theory, were actually a group of humans, dominating the world, opressing their own race.

Humans, with tech like today, hailing from an isolated area. Perhaps the island of Atlantis. Able to fly back to congergate at a whim, and fly out to their kingdomes to dominate lesser humans as gods and kings ruling in whatever manner their hearts desired.

Then, something big happens. Perhaps the great flood, it sinks Atlantis and with it, the elitist source of technology. Was it divine intervention? Was it betrayal?

Whatever it was, It scatteres the elitist, levels out the playing feilds. Humans are finally free, tho they didn't know it. They forget about the "magic." Only stories remain, glorifying gods of old.

Elitist however, kept knowledge of their golden age alive through secret societies. They worked hard to keep their bloodline clean. They worked hard to supress archeological discoveries of ancient technology and hide their dark secret.

In hopes that one day, they can force us back into the dark ages, on the premise of green energy. Where they can rule again from a technocratic authoritarian strong hold, only better and more advanced than before.

While our children's children, forget what tech truly was, how it works, and only know enough to operate it in awe.


Ha. Probably not true, but it was interesting to think about. Id be willing to bet this is a cabalist wet dream! Thats for certain.

That is all.