MidnightToker 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've always wondered if this ties in with sacred geometry and occult symbolism....kind of like the "source code" of consciousness.

into to sacred geometry

Jesus is also interesting to me as I believe in the Christ consciousness. Jesus was a teacher and there comes a point where you need to graduate and practice the knowledge. IMO far too many people who call themselves Christian focus on the man and not the message.

MidnightToker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stop blowing their narrative open or they're going to find more kids to shoot places up as a distraction.

MidnightToker 7 points ago +7 / -0

This isn't just Biden. It's the entire US corporatacracy. One person doesn't just destroy the largest economy in the world. It's compliance by hundreds of thousands of brainless people who are "just following orders". From the people who run the formula factory to a farmer who destroys their fields, they are all compliant.

MidnightToker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Any politician who has attended any WEF conference should be barred from holding office. I don't care how hot Tulsi is.

MidnightToker 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was up 5% for the day. I shorted the market a few months ago.

What's really telling overall is the earnings warnings by Wal Mart and Target, followed by a sell of in Kroger and Dollar General. This is where the poor and middle class shops. I believe the economy is going to die via stagflation. We're most likely headed towards a depression rather than recession.

MidnightToker 12 points ago +12 / -0

They start this by chopping the tips of our dicks off only several days old. Our minds have been systematically destroyed since birth to numb our consciousness so we're better manipulated. After that we get pumped full of vaccines into a developing immune system and fed diet of corn syrup. No wonder we're so sick.


MidnightToker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Democrats are still going to steal the election even though their voters and candidates are dead

MidnightToker 14 points ago +14 / -0

I'm local. 100% false flag. All the politicians and police are repeating the same key words and doing it poorly. Listen to any interview with the mayor. They're focusing on someone coming from an "outside area" into their "community". They're coming for the rural areas, the last of the ones that would hold out for their take over. This is just a chess move to steer their narrative.

Also remember a few weeks ago ghost guns were in the news cycle. They tell us what their plans are.

by pkvi
MidnightToker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Same here. I started investing in 98. Made boat loads of money right out of high school. New car, parties, general stupid shit..I drank more under 21 than I have since. I saw the bubble coming and bailed a few days after. I'm pretty good at predicting stocks and markets. You're right, when some random .com would IPO, it would skyrocket the next day. News would break on a company- soandso.com might be turn a profit in 10 years, then it would go up 300%. I knew that couldn't last. This downturn we're looking at 2000 stocks, 2008 housing, and 70's/80's inflation all in one. It's not going to be good.

Now that I know about options, I've shorted the shit out of this market and it's paying off nicely. All I own are commodities futures, puts in some tech stocks, S&P, and ahem...a couple pharmaceuticals if you know what I'm sayin.

MidnightToker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Blackrock and Vanguard are the two biggest shareholders. Any further questions?

MidnightToker 9 points ago +12 / -3

I work on cars. Teslas are the biggest pieces of shit I've ever seen recently. Horrible quality issues. Thin paint, thin sheet metal, misaligned panels, constant computer glitching, corrosion issues, and a horrible parts supply network. If your $100k iPad goes in the shop don't expect to have it back for a month or more. If you want an electric car, Hyundai makes a damn good one at half the price.

VW has a solution that makes the most sense. Solar bio fuels.


Regardless, cars are demonized because they're easy targets. Destruction of ecology, suburban sprawl, plastic waste, monocropped agriculture and meat, etc. have a much larger impact on the environment as a whole than bubba's V8 truck ever did.

by pkvi
MidnightToker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Haven't we always experimented on black people first?

by pkvi
MidnightToker 1 point ago +1 / -0

They also share the same corporate address. 1209 N Orange St, Wilmington DE


And lets connect some dots...

That street name has popped up before....


Nassau...another tax haven.

And who's from Delaware?

by pkvi
MidnightToker -1 points ago +1 / -2

That one I need to do more thinking about. I've never been on social media. It's poison. It doesn't matter who's it is, you're eating the same shit from a different plate.

Don't ever go full Q tard, but twitter was obviously used to promote the left, censor the right, and cover up legitimate covid information....perhaps to a criminal level. If you wanted access to all of the evidence, buying the company is very effective. A puppet? Possibly, but who's pulling the strings?

by pkvi
MidnightToker 4 points ago +4 / -0

Blackrock took over Merrill after the 2008 crash...or controlled demolition (not the first time they've used that trick) which would explain their large controlling share percentage.

My personal belief is they're being used to control corporations through owning shares in most of the public companies in some way shape or form. These other banks they own shares in are also investment banks. They have influence over everything. This allows you to control mergers, the boards, and corporate agendas...like why companies promote diversity, climate change, etc. The money has both everything and nothing to do with it. Read my post on the birth of AI which leads straight to blackrocks trading algorithm. It's purpose is to make predictions to maximize ROI obviously, but money begets greed and greed begets power.

Even today, there is a 1.4% decline in GDP. This is NOT good news. The markets are UP. The market makes no logical sense any more.

Also Blackrock...black cube of Saturn....they don't try to hide it.

MidnightToker 2 points ago +2 / -0

I came across this doing some research on Aladdin, Blackrocks AI trading software. I've always traded stocks and in the past 10-15 years, nothing made sense. Thing go up when they should go down and vice versa. It goes much deeper than that. For those who are caught up in all this social media trash, this is what's under it all. To understand something, you must understand it's origins. The program is the one responsible for Blackrock buying up all the real estate. People are just doing what it tells them, because it's profitable. This AI program is now being used by the federal government. The genie is most likely already out of the bottle.

MidnightToker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can we make the Bills win a Super Bowl?


by pkvi
MidnightToker 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is like watching a WWE match where they beat the shit out of each other then go out for drinks after.

MidnightToker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amazon has it, but I'm trying to stay clear as best I can. At least privately owned book stores should have it listed on Ebay or even Etsy. The author did a podcast with Joe Rogan awhile back for a "grade school" understanding of it. It's good to start because the information is easy to digest. He just did a podcast with Bret Weinstein that is more of the "gifted and talented" level.

FWIW, look up Jonathan Pageau on youtube. He's got an amazing channel that goes into many of the topics people are bringing up.

I look at ancient knowledge as the particle physics of modern conspiracies. If you can understand the operating system, everything else falls into place.

MidnightToker 12 points ago +12 / -0

Ancient wisdom. Take the Pyramids for example. You don't just "build a pyramid". The mathematics behind them are very precise and must have taken generations to develop. They didn't have the luxury of even a calculator. Vedic astronomy also pertains to this. The mathematics behind it is staggering.

The "mystery religion" of ancient Greece. If anybody hasn't read The Immortality Key I HIGHLY recommend it. It answers a lot of questions but opens up many more.

Sacred geometry. Government buildings, corporate logos, etc. I believe this also is behind mind control. We think we only can communicate using words. It goes much deeper.

I like this topic. This place used to be about conspiracies. It turned into the news.

MidnightToker 7 points ago +7 / -0

The internet could have been the modern Library of Alexandria. It became the Tower of Babel.

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