I would sooner eat my hat than believe that there will be a version of the First Amendment that banned Holocaust denialism. Ain't gonna happen.
You can read the 3rd without reading the first two, and Lewis really predicted the future in Hideous Strength.
More like "good choice."
I mean, this is pretty good but the connection to the name Malachai is just wrong.
Anybody named Malachai is named after the minor Old Testament prophet.
Suspension of free speech to you can't criticize the Freemasons? That's beyond retarded.
It would absolutely be a good think if Europe became fascist. Mass deportations all around.
The Jews ran the multiculturalism game in Europe, but the mohammedians hate them, and now they are trying to get control of their golem.
I must have missed it back then. I do remember the Netflix show.
Yep, it's an easy grab at some diversity points.
The food is poisoning us, but it didn't start out that way.
Take the ingredients for a ice cream sandwich in 1960. It's milk, cream, eggs, etc. Then they change one ingredient in the product every couple years for 60 years. Every single small change makes sense, and make the product virtually identical to the product it was 2-3 years prior to the change.
But if you compare an ice cream sandwich from today to one from 1960, it tastes different and had a ton of weird unpronounceable things in it to preserve shelf life and to hide to taste of the weird chemistry items in it.
The result of this process on lots of food is why we are getting poisoned.
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
The US is already in a recession, as government spending is the reason GDP is even "growing."
A know nothing on Green Day then. Of course.
George W. Bush?
Depends on your job, and physical health. A bricklayer who's 75 might need to retire.
Internet hacking accelerationism?
"Even though Jews make up less than 1% of the US military, they are over 50% of the General officers."
I'm as Jew pilled as the next guy around here, but I'm really skeptical on this claim.
Yea, yea, it's "muh Russia" but I'm sure all nations do it, which is my point of the cross post. US intel agencies are denying this is happening because (my theory is) they don't want the data to come out on this tech.
China shill confirmed
Good point.
But, I'm told Trump should have crossed the Rubicon and he was a coward for not doing so.
Trump is a lot of things, but stupid enough to give an order like that isn't one of them.
China shill detected.
If you missed it, again, why should I spell it out for you?
At this point, it's kinda funny.
Buying Greenland?