Leporidae 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's my point; there isn't much technology to speak of yet, but unscrupulous people want to apply the sexy term to whatever they're doing anyway.

By their definition, a gas is nanotech :)

Leporidae 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, that's what the term has been dumbed down as now. Back in the 90's, it used to mean building with atomic precision, out of individual atoms. Now it means "whatever the hell is fairly small and we need to hype up for investors and/or hollywood", and the new terms "atomically precise manufacturing" and "machine-phase chemistry" have been invented to cover the original meaning.

The same way "AI" used to mean something else, and now functionally means "whatever the hell we can do right now with really large statistics if you invest infinite money", and the original meaning has been repeatedly renamed and now is something like "recursively self-improving artificial general superintelligence". Rolls off the tongue...

Leporidae 2 points ago +2 / -0

China should send a couple hundred million people over, to change things up a bit.

Leporidae 4 points ago +5 / -1

It's real. If you google something like "ancient carving handbag" you'll get a number of sources, and they've also been shown off in numerous documentaries, including the recent Graham Hancock show on Netflix.

Leporidae 8 points ago +8 / -0

In a better world the punishment would involve being castrated to death with a chainsaw. For both of them...

Leporidae 1 point ago +1 / -0

Every problem would be an exaggeration.

But since they are only 2.5% of the American population, and a rounding error in terms of global population, it would be nice if they'd stop being massively overrepresented in endeavors such as pedophile blackmail rings compromising leaders and industrialists, peddling pornography and attacking traditional values and the family unit, using their control of Hollywood and the press to spread anti-white anti-western propaganda and retcon history, using their control of banking and governments to wage war against western culture and the middle class, using their control over investment groups to force corporations to play along with their anti-white hatred, facilitating the third world replacement migration into western countries, running the in-your-face new world order organizations, all while getting their subverted pet politicians to write laws that make it illegal to criticize jews or boycott israel or question their retconned history. There is more, but lets leave it with this.

Leporidae 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Starting the war" by having an opponent subvert most of the world and have their backing to move in and declare "this is my land now" and then repeatedly expand the borders of "their land" while killing and displacing you.

Stupid goyim should just accept extinction like the west is doing?

Leporidae 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well those Palestinians won't be crying because they've been killed, but that wont stop the flow of taxpayer dollars.

Leporidae 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wrong. This is ONE of the ways they are cheating.

Leporidae 7 points ago +8 / -1

They failed to overthrow the ZOG, same as America.

At least in America, people can comfort themselves knowing they have guns, so that if the line is crossed, say, by a few hundred billion dollars more sent to the middle east, or a few hundred thousand more white girls and women are raped, THEN they'll put the foot down...

Leporidae 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nothing hypocritical about it. The jews don't like unscripted disobedience in their occupied territories.

Leporidae 3 points ago +4 / -1

I don't believe he was fucking children on that island, like certain other presidents and billionaire war-criminals were.

If he was, the videos wouldn't merely have been leaked, they would have been blasted nonstop on every channel for years. The controlled media would have shoved his dick-pic in your face until you were seeing it in your sleep.

Instead what we know is that he accepted a ride with Epstein between two US cities once, and later banned Epstein from his hotels, and was the only person to go out of his way to help the prosecutors.

Leporidae 4 points ago +4 / -0

Release Epstein's list of animators!

Leporidae 6 points ago +6 / -0

At the same time you could do the deep dive on other side effects such as testosterone and sperm counts plummeting, and countless allergies and diseases becoming common. Growing your own food should be very high on everyone's to-do lists.

That said, it is thermodynamically impossible for someone to be fat if they ingest the same or fewer calories than they use.

Oh, and also read up on the health benefits of regular fasting, which purges many of those poisons.

Leporidae 1 point ago +1 / -0

20 times normal, ouch, I hope you've got it under control now. Not sure it counts as evidence for or against there being a Covid virus, since pretty much any symptom during that period was attributed to it. Opinions are good and well, and we can't help but form them, but we need hard evidence to /know/.

Leporidae 1 point ago +1 / -0

So do we believe this story, or the story that it was created in a lab in Wuhan funded by the US and that patented DNA sequences have been identified in it?

Leporidae 3 points ago +3 / -0

You see what I mean though? There are so many of these stories where supposedly advanced civilizations are advanced only in name and engage in bronze-age level exploits.

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