LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

We should counter this by making an antisemitic bot.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your quotes address the point: over time it became equated with individual gods, and Hadad most prominently. Although it does remain somewhat mysterious which god is being worshipped in the modern day. Clinton mentioned Moloch instead of Baal / Hadad in the Podesta emails. Freemasons worship Lucifer (and all the signs in OP's picture are Masonic signs). So 'Baal worship' may not be precisely the right term, although it's in the same spirit.

by pkvi
LarrySwinger 3 points ago +3 / -0

After 0:51 when she mentions them meeting over several years, Billy shakes his head but not in denial of what she's saying, rather as if to say: don't go there. He can demand that of her. The whole interview is held just to give people a semblance of having critical media. When an independent journalist tries to interview Klaus Schwab, he goes: "no, thank you," that's a more telling moment of the real situation. That's what you get when you allow spy agencies like the CIA to exist.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

They've had a hidden political control for thousands of years, but traditional values are in fact antithetical to what the illuminati want; they keep them out of people's daily lives. Furthermore, it's like calling for Nuremberg 2.0: a flawed concept upon scrutiny, but it's about the sentiment that's being conveyed. Explaining the details can be reserved for a later point in time. We have to use rhetorics to reach the masses first.

LarrySwinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Straight from the WHO.

Straight from the WHOrse's mouth.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can you just post the picture? I don't have an Instagram, and neither should you.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here's another hashtag people can use to counter the NWO: #OldWorldOrder, representing an allegiance to traditional values.

LarrySwinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks. Kind of ironic that Youtube is still the most functional. I feel like more videos should be uploaded to Dtube for better permanence.

LarrySwinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

It starts with bigfoot. Soon they'll 'discredit' real, important footage simply by having AI fill in some gaps. (Or the opposite: they'll point to a few details and convince people that it's an AI glitch and the whole video is a deepfake, when it's real.)

LarrySwinger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Check out a pleasant surprise I encountered when I typed "was 9/11 an inside job" on Yahoo. That search engine still feels like it remained in the '00s, including in terms of results. That link is a bit of a limited hangout compared to what we know in this community, but the results are miles ahead of the propaganda Google feeds you. Brave Search is decent as well.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

It isn't a bad idea to use the CDC's data, this way you take it straight from the horse's mouth. The problem is that they aren't interpreting the data correctly.

LarrySwinger 4 points ago +5 / -1

Projecting a life expectancy based on an average age people die is very misleading. If you can comprehend this text, your life expectancy is above average because you didn't die as a baby. Likewise, if you've taken multiple shots, but the last one was more than a month ago, it seems that it didn't kill you in the short term. The average age for people in your category may be 55, but your life expectancy is still higher than that. The anomalies drag the average down significantly. In my opinion they should separate the people who didn't die within a month of receiving the last booster from the ones who did. Presumably the others have a lower life span because of immune system damage, but we don't know yet by how much that shortens their lives.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imo he should go ahead and get rid of whiteness but start with himself.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see two downvotes so I'll link this: nukelies.com forum archive. There's also this video. It's a reading of a Miles Mathis paper, but please give it a try anyway, it should be about arguments and not about who's making them. (I'm suspicious of Mathis for the ridiculous conclusions he jumps to and the lack of sources, although you can often learn from someone even if they're controlled opposition, often they just give away nuggets of truth.)

by DrLeaks
LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

His name checks out.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for the pointers.

leanr who controls [...] the peer reviewed systems Is it not Skull and Bones?

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm open to terrain theory, but I don't feel like you've sufficiently explained the examples I listed. The scientist became ill early in 2020 before the lockdown, and like I told you, he exercises every day. He's doing research into healthy lifestyles and practices it. And the other things are so severe that I think those likewise can't be attributed to a lack of exercise or sunshine. You mention food again, but that's why I initially asked if they have approved new drugs and our foods have been altered to make us more sick. That would be required. 5G could be a contributing factor, but can a correlation be shown between 5G rollout and disease? I believe there are areas all over the world where covid symptomps were experienced even though there was no 5G network. They were only in the beginning stages of the rollout in 2020.

Another argument for virus theory is that people become sick together. People who share a household, for example, but also people who are having dinner together. I have read many such anecdotes, including in conspiracy aware forums from users I trust not to be shills. This phenomenon unto itself demonstrates the virality of some diseases, regardless of what happens at the microscopic level. It shows that socialization carries with it the risk of becoming diseased. How does terrain theory explain this?

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +1 / -0

The title at least makes it seem like you want to talk about covid symptoms. Something markedly different has been happening since 2020. I can tell because I noticed it around me, and I'm only paying attention to more severe symptomps than a regular flu. A scientist who was already skeptical of all MSM and who exercises every day reported more severe symptomps than a regular cold or flu or whatever. I've heard second-hand of someone with obesity getting hospitalized after getting what was probably Covid. I personally know someone who had no energy and took almost 6 months to fully recover from his disease, going to a revalidation centre for help with his muscle movements. Someone else visibly lost muscle mass. Someone from /r/conspiracy whose handle everyone here would recognize reported feeling like he would faint each time he stood up when he got the delta variant. These things didn't happen so routinely to people before 2020.

LarrySwinger 1 point ago +3 / -2

It isn't Christian to stone people. Forgiving people is.

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