KratomGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

The number 777 should tip the interest of any occult researchers around here. Interesting that the ai came up with that specific number

KratomGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is textbook defending a preconceived notion (such as trump is the savior), and just straight up making shit up to support that. It is intellectually dishonest, and does sound quite retarded to everyone who can see through the bullshit. All politics are controlled, you are a part of a religion designed to enslave and control you- it doesnt matter who you vote for. Get out of the left vs right head cage and realize that the true divide is slavery vs freedom... and ALL government is slavery

KratomGuy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great observation, plus Kronk. 5/5

KratomGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have used brave browser since it came out, it's my favorite. Reading zerohedge.com on brave browser blocks all the ads, it's wonderful. Download the app

KratomGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting choice of name Columbia for this draconian anti-free speech act. Columbia refers the the sacred feminine aspect of consciousness (emotions, care), is often represented by the white dove (especially in Christianity). "Colum" is Latin for dove. Just like the draconian "patriot act" which was named in a way that was the exact opposite of its actual contents: imposing new restrictions of freedoms on the cowardly ignorant masses; this new Columbia act represents unbalanced, and completely illogical emotions. Most of society is so emotionally deranged that they can't even bear to think that someone might hold an opinion different to their own, and out of fear and irrational hatred of not arriving at truth and being proved wrong, they wish to silence those oppositional voices with the violence of the state (fucking pussies), rather than "have their feelings hurt". This is the complete corruption of true care, compassion and emotion. Hence the name Columbia, which they named ironically, because the sick so-called "elites" pulling the strings behind the curtain know that less than 0.3% of the global population is awake enough and studied enough to get their twisted jokes. Fuck these people

KratomGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

So easy to tell by reading the comments who is familiar with Mark Passio's work, and who are still totally ignorant of it. This is a chart he made, by the way. If you're still operating with the culture programming of "anarchy is somehow bad", you are missing critical information for your life: like objective morality for instance. Lots of ill-informed comments on this thread, which is sad to see on this conspiracy forum. Most of you have investigated other psy-ops, but haven't scratched the surface of the anarchy disinfo psyop. Not that fake ass ancom shit but real anarchy. It is the only threat to government power and that's why there is so much disinfo and cultural programming regarding that word in order to discourage ppl from looking into it and understanding it. www.whatonearthishappening.com start at the beginning

KratomGuy 3 points ago +3 / -0

I drove to Sandy Hook pretty soon after it happened to check it out myself. I smelled a hoax with the weird parent interviews, and other inconsistencies in the official narrative. The town has a really spooky feel: all the homes around the school were for sale, like all of them.. the whole town was for sale. Not many people on the road, it was like a ghost town. The only road that led to the school through some woods has a fire station at the entrance. I turned down the road and was soon stopped by a big gate, the road was totally closed. I got out and tried to look through the fence to see if I could see the school or something, and two huge firefighters with earpieces in and dark sunglasses made their way to me very quickly from the fire station. These were expressionless gov thugs with dark sunglasses that seemed by be disguised as firefighters. I saw them coming for me and got a sick feeling in my stomach immediately. I hopped back in the car and floored it outta there before they got to me.

KratomGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds complicated. Never seen a torrent file so big, there is probably a reason for that. Here is the best bet if you are in the US. https://whatonearthishappening.com/ark

KratomGuy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good question. Looks like it's not complete unfortunately. Possibly this is the original ARK 1.0 on the OneDrive, which is 1TB. Passio now has the ARK 2.0 which has about 2TB of data.

OneDrive (ARK 1.0) Audio- 158 GB Books- 9.91 GB Videos- 866 GB Total= 1.033 TB

My ARK 2.0 Audio- 217 GB Books- 39.7 GB Videos- 1.56 TB Total = 1.816 TB

KratomGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I LOVE the ARK. I have one from Mark and am still going through it steadily. Years of research in this thing!

KratomGuy 5 points ago +5 / -0

I smoke weed occasionally, never made me want to control the actions of others, or start voting for tyrants. Dumb people smoke weed, and smart and enlightened people smoke weed. This post is inexperienced fear mongering. If someone else can tell you what you can or can't put in your own body... Then who owns your body?

KratomGuy 3 points ago +3 / -0

The fact that CO2 is plant food and doesn't harm the environment is a scam to being with, is not addressed. More global warming hoax, 2 idiots fighting over who is more carbon neutral. Yawn

KratomGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

People who haven't really been initiated into occult studies leave out the rest of that quote and are upset that the teaching seems to be a child's fanciful idea of "do whatever you want" (regardless of the consequences). It is...as long as it's acting in love. Thelema means WILL, and agape means universal LOVE for everything, because all is part of the one. Numerically, thelema and agape have the same value of 93, which meant that they share the same essence. "The word of the Law is Thelema... Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law... Thou hast no right but to do thy will... Love is the law, love under will... There is no law beyond."

KratomGuy 8 points ago +8 / -0

Why stop there? Why not go full totalitarian if liberty is such a threat? Maybe cars should be made illegal and everyone should walk, for safety. Also let's require all walking pedestrians to wear mandatory helmets, since people are so dumb and someone might fall. If you follow your uneducated opinion to its logical conclusion, perhaps one day you will see the error in your logic. Freedom is the answer... What's the question?

KratomGuy 0 points ago +1 / -1

Many military medals have occult symbolism. The purpose is to openly mock the military for exceeding in following orders mindlessly without activating their consciousness. They are so utterly brainwashed and ignorant that they don't understand at all what the symbols mean, and their controllers know this and laugh their asses off behind the curtain. This one is the medal of honor. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medal_of_Honor It's a pentagram with a point facing down. The downward point symbolises spirit, with the other material elements are elevated above spirit. In a normal alchemy pentagram, spirit or the quintessence is the top of the star, because it is the most important of the 5, the others being fire, water, earth, and air. The submission of spirit to the other elements is the satanic mockery. The spirit has been brainwashed out of the military order- followers.

KratomGuy 0 points ago +1 / -1

"I'm beyond Jordan Peterson". Wow that's incredible, please show me YOUR work. Show me what YOU have done to wake up and educate humanity better than Jordan Peterson. A website, video, a book, a podcast...

Nothing? Crickets? Nothing to show for yourself? Then shut the fuck up troll.

KratomGuy 5 points ago +5 / -0

Claudia's campaign tried very hard to hide her being Jewish. It's very rare to be a jew in Mexico, something like .04% of the population in the country from what I could find online. Her campaign slogans very noticeably chopped off her last name, and said only "es Claudia" (it's Claudia). "Claudia who?"- I wondered, what are they hiding? I did a quick search and found out it was Sheinbaum. Immediately I said, ahh no way, she's Jewish! Another quick search and sure enough. Worse, she's an Ashkenazi jew. Says she doesn't practice, but that's probably because Ashkenazi Jews are fake Jews anyway, and are actually satanists/ dark occultists

KratomGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Think beyond simply tracking, that's old tech. This video shows that inside your body can pick up signals post covid jab, this is highly important for TPTB, and phone can't do that on its own. This isn't a secret, they have stated that they want biometric surveillance under the skin, and that this has been enabled through the covid "opportunity". They tell you out in the open, but you can bury your head in the sand with your ass in the air as you choose. They are psychopaths hellbent on total control of humanity.


KratomGuy 4 points ago +4 / -0

Plausible. Bookmarked

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