You are subject to whom you obey.
Once you declare “sovereign” status, you become a country with a population of 1. You are your own standing army and every other nation in the world will consider you a foreign adversary. If you bought an island and tried to do that, you’d better be in the club with the rest of the elites or you would be invaded before you could even crack open your first beer as a free man. You can’t be free in this world. This is why the Bible tells you to store your treasure in heaven. You will only find true freedom in Christ.
You have to use the Bible to define biblical symbolism. The portions of the statue in Nebudkadnessars dream represent the kingdoms that inherent Lucifer worship and run the planet starting with Babylon. The iron and clay represents the last kingdom will combine political power (iron showing it inherits its political structure from Rome) and ecclesiastical power (miry clay showing apostate worship). The meteor represents Christ. It strikes the feet and destroys the whole statue meaning He comes at the end to destroy the entire system. The time prophecy you mention in Daniel can’t mean a period of time in the future as the start date is definable. The 2300 day prophecy in Daniel concluded in the year 1844 and we’ve been in the “hour of judgement” since then. This period is the final probationary period before the rollout of the mark of the beast.
I would know because I am a medical provider and I would absolutely sound the alarm if something that obvious was occurring.
If this were true, we would know. It would be glaringly obvious any time a man sent in a sperm sample at the urologist.
The end goal is to enshrine the worship of Lucifer and usurp God’s authority on earth. It will look like global fascism directed by a religious moral system. If you want to see how it will all be structured, you should look at the Roman Catholic Papacy and their structure along with their political beliefs. Things like Gnosticism, Jewish mysticism, theosophy, new age, etc. are merely lies fed to the initiated elites in order to seduce them into going along with the larger plan.
You can also look into historical incidences of high level rings like the Dutroux Affair which implicated the EU, the Boys Town scandal which implicated the Republican Party and even the Regan administration, Pizzagate which covers the Dems and corporations, Jimmy Saville which implicated the British royal family and the music industry, and Jeffrey Epstein which implicates high finance, Hollywood, and five eyes.
If you want to see something interesting, do a google trend search comparing the phrases “Pizzagate” and “fake news” around August-October of 2016. Real eye opener.
Lilith is revisionist propaganda from rabbinical oral tradition. The oral tradition was picked up from the mystery schools when Israel was captive in Babylon. It’s satanic revisionism of scripture.
The ultimate white pill is that you were told all of this would happen ahead of time so you wouldn’t lose hope when it started to happen. All of this ends with Christ returning to earth and setting everything right. Evil will be permanently destroyed and truth and righteousness will reign forever. Until then, things will continue to get worse. No matter how bad it gets, God is still in control and He loves you. This war isn’t yours to win. All you need to do is chose which side you’re on and endure until the end. As humans, we are completely unequipped to resist against the spiritual powers trying to destroy us. Once you know the truth and can accept your place in all of this, you will have peace.
With any luck, he will turn to the truth and we will all get to hang out together in heaven.
Have you ever actually read the Bible?
Good morning. Today we will continue our study on the prophecies in the book of Daniel which will help us understand the book of Revelation and allow us to identify important topics as to the identity of the antichrist, the false prophet, the mark of the beast, and more. These foundational topics are very important for fully understanding the more modern and esoteric topics I will talk about later. Enjoy.
According to her, 2025 is the year in which they will hold a meeting to decide the final date for disclosure. I’ve seen other sources from in the pentagon claim they expect contact around 2027 at the latest. This would make sense if you’re familiar with the 6,000 year timeline hypothesis in Christianity in which Jesus comes back around 2,000 years after the time of his ministry which would put us somewhere around 2027-2033 depending on the date you use.
Either way, you only need two qualities to be saved. You need to have the faith and testimony of Jesus Christ, and you need to keep the Commandments out of love for God.
All roads lead to Rome. The Papacy with it’s many secret societies and puppet organizations are the puppeteers.
This guy was almost certainly taking testosterone as a base for whatever stack of steroids he was using. One of the big issues with steroids is to keep an eye on your hematocrit while on. As you increase the androgenic load, your body upregulates erythropoiesis. It makes more red blood cells. This can be beneficial to a point as having more red blood cells gives the same benefits as high altitude training on performance. The big drawback is that it can make your blood thicker and thicker as you make more rbc’s. After a point, this will increase your clot risk and thick blood is linked to cardiovascular issues in the long term. Guys will try to get around this by periodically going to a phlebotomist to bleed off some of the extra rbc’s they make to keep things in a normal range. Bottom line is that anyone who uses a lot of gear should consider themselves as an increased clot risk regardless of their biomarkers. Depending on what you take, you can also have increased blood pressure which is bad for the kidneys and any aneurysms you may be developing.
Hello. I have a lot of things I would like to share about current events and Bible prophecy but I feel that it is important to get anyone who would listen to what I have to say up to speed in terms of their foundational knowledge. I will be linking quite a few lectures explaining certain biblical teachings so that everyone can have a certain base level of discernment when analyzing the extra biblical writings and materials coming later.
It appears to have been a ruptured aneurysm. Likely aggravated by high blood pressure instigated by his extensive PED use.
It’s the nations with large Christian populations that take the hit according to Deagel.
All of this is Biblical prophecy playing out. For the time being, country living will shield you from the worst of what’s going to happen societally. Unfortunately, once we get to the part of the story in which the mark gets rolled out, there will be absolutely nothing you or any other human can do against what’s coming. Jesus himself has to come and destroy the enemy. This is referred to as the “time of trouble”. During this period, your only two choices will be to die along the way, or completely and totally submit yourself to and trust in God for everything. If you try to store food and shelter for this time, it will simply be taken by the hands of evil men. If you are one of God’s people during this time, your best case scenario will be that of a homeless vagrant living deep in the woods, being fed and watered by God until the end. Most of the saints will be imprisoned, tortured, and even killed for not taking the mark. I don’t say this to make you scared, but to give you hope and understanding so that you can recognize the situation and mentally prepare yourself for it.
It’s actually really interesting you say that. There was a period of 120 years after God declared the earth would be destroyed in which Noah was building the Ark and warning the people of the earth that the flood would come. After this period in which everyone who would turn to God was offered mercy, the doors of the Ark were closed and everyone’s fate was sealed, signifying the end of that probationary period. Those who were in, would stay in, those who were out, would stay out.
Typologically, we are in that period again. This period is termed “the hour of judgement” and occurs before the closing of probation just after the mark of the beast rolls out. We have been in the probationary period since 1844 if you know the prophecy of Daniel and things will continue along until the prerequisite events have occurred that will trigger the rollout of the mark and the last plagues. There is a loud cry that will occur very soon in which the message to come out of Babylon and seek refuge in God will stretch out across the earth. In fact, it’s already started to happen.
Pretty sure Q is just a repackaged Operation Trust.
Part of the dietary commands God has given humanity states to not engage in cannibalism or the eating of an animal that is still alive. You find that most of the dietary laws given in the Bible actually go a long way to prevent the spread of disease while still providing good nutrition. There are also symbolic reasons for not eating certain things.
Some things you can look into are fasting, carnivore diet, and intravenous vitamin C therapy. All are things you can do at home. The problem is, cancers are extremely diverse in terms of how they behave and what they respond to. Home remedies like I mentioned above do have some evidence of being helpful in ridding yourself of certain cancers but have been shown to work best when combined with modern medical treatments.
Looks like something that will get at least 5 seasons despite not being popular.