He looks like the garlic festival shooter
There have been fewer propaganda campaigns this year because they've had to work on creating two narratives: one for if he lived, one for if he died. That's labor-intensive to maintain two potential timelines until you find out if the shot connects.
If the training data is words then it spits out words. If the training data is pictures then it spits out pictures.
If the training data is Social Media Accounts then it spits out NPCs, bots, sock puppets.
If the training data is wartime stratagem and genomic research? It spits out Covid19 and mRNA vaccines.
The Venezuelans is more Democrat propaganda:
They're trying to make white folk noticeably standoffish in fear of Hispanics, so that they can play the race card later and say "ew, look how white Trump is and how white he will make things. White people don't like you. Just look how they stare at you. If you're brown vote for democrats."
Spics started leaning to the right. This is meant to knock them back in line.
I'll just leave this here:
I think we should get these buttons in production ASAP.
Make a button that destroys Isreal, give it to Isreal and tell them it destroys Palestine.
Make a button that destroys Palestine, give it to Palestine and tell them it destroys Isreal.
Both areas, in their hate, will destroy themselves with instant mirror-like karma.
Two tribes of sand niggers with one stone.
Come to the front lines and stand only on this big target. Now shoot your gun only at these places that have no strategic effect.
It's genocide dressed as war. Poor slavs and gypsies always getting scooped up to die.
It's weird how every election season I get to point out how school shooters always get really active during election season, at least ever since Obama legalized propaganda to be used against Americans.
"Vote blue so we can take your guns. Or else."
I liked the original better: https://www.memri.org/tv/war-song-palestinian-websites-strike-blow-tel-aviv
The groundhog saw its shadow. 6 more Octobers of Surprise.