"I hope you are having lots of fun in trying to catch me. That wasn't me on the TV show, which brings up a point about me: I am not afraid of the gas chamber because it will send me to paradise all the sooner. Because I now have enough slaves to work for me, where everyone else has nothing when they reach paradise if they are afraid of death. I am not afraid of death. I am not afraid because I know that my new life is life. W'it'l be an easy one in paradise death." -Z


The presidential election is upon us, and with it comes mkultra kids shooting up the venue du jour. It's almost June and we haven't heard much from the gun lobby in a while. But where is the next shooting when School's. Out. For. Summer!

Will they wait until the school year starts back up? Will they combine it with this Summer of Love's Floydstravaganza? Will they combine it with tranny stuff again?

Who's heard something about this year's MKU?

Biden to Seth Meyers: the other guy is about as old as I am

The President of the United States expects Trump to be eligible and to run.

Hence, all the lawsuits to disqualify him are a puppet show for the libs. Get them riled up to vote.

Just a thought--if 'the universe is expanding' (red shift/dark energy), that is identical to 'everything in the universe is shrinking'.

'Everything' including the size of every atom, bringing Uranium atoms closer together, causing more chain reactions, lowering critical mass. In a billion years every nuke might spontaneously detonate.

Inspect your Uranium. I'd bet the half-life has changed since originally measured 90 years ago.


Ain't it?

The video is cut, the "who is that celebrity?" aspect, the immediate moral lessons given by the talking heads...

It smells like a set-up. I bet he got Epstein'd and is taking a plane to Israel right meow as they bury a body double.

I guess another thing, it's a talking point of the media but it didn't show up on here as anything special.

Did everybody survive the 5g emergency alert?


I've always said it's weird how the names suspiciously match the events in a lot of these strange occurrences. Anthony Weiner showed his weiner, Bernie Madoff made off with people's money. Bankman-Fried was a bankman who was freed...

Victims were

  • Ms. Carr, shot in her car

  • Mr. Laguerre (lager), shot buying beer

  • Mr. Gallion (gallant), who only wanted to spend time with his family

It's a calling card to those who can see, that the events were manufactured rather than organic.


originally used because 1st Gen web crawlers couldn't parse the text out of a jpg. OG memes were used to communicate covertly without raising the algorithm's alarm.

It was the humans' first attempt at hiding from the machines. Yes?

I'm sorry if this isn't worded well, the idea isn't yet crystallized in my mind such that I can precisely express it. (foreshadowing)

Basically, when the 'Al' is given a prompt, it takes a random image of chaos and adjusts the variations in the pixels over many steps into a target or goal image.

Youtube - Computerphile - Stable Diffusion In Code

Pretty awesome. The video I linked he made frogs on stilts. Wild.

But what if the parameters of this algorithm are changed? Say, the input goal instead of an image of frogs you ask for Complete Control of Earth. Then, instead of starting with random noise, it starts with a snapshot of the entire world in its current state. The Al adjusts the virtual world in small increments, revealing a path of little steps from point A to point B.

Whoever runs this algorithm learns of a way to turn chaotic Earth under his complete control. All he needs is for all the world to stop and smile for the photo. How long did it take to Stable Diffuse a plan for world domination? About two more weeks...

In conclusion, the "AI art" Stable Diffusion algorithm can be used as a plan-maker. Think of who gathers the most algorithm-training data and who has the most computational power.

P.s. if they're giving free versions of this tech to the general public, does that mean they have applied the algorithm and are already enacting their plan? Is the Villain revealing his scheme because he feels we're inescapably trapped?


I was mulling over the idea of whether the Rittenhouse Event may have been a Deep State Plot.

While comparing to other mass shooting events, I noticed that most media-covered shootings happen within walking distance of a Hospital. Now I'm wondering if it's Deep State Protocol that dangerous false flags must be executed near a trauma facility, in case of bystander injuries...

My data is the following:

  • (number of hospitals in the state) / (square miles area in the state) = Mean Coverage Area per Hospital

  • Distance of shooting Event from Hospital

  • Percentile nearness-to-hospital (DEH²/MCAH)

With these calculations, I ran a list of half a dozen media-hyped shooting events from the past 15 years or so. In each one, you'll find that the shooting event occurred within the nearest 1-2% of a hospital's coverage area. Weird.

  • Virginia Tech shooting: 3.1mi, 98%
  • Sandy Hook: 0.1mi, 99%
  • Parkland: 2.6mi, 98%
  • Vegas: 0.1mi, 99%
  • New Zealand: 1mi, 99%
  • Kenosha: 0.1mi, 99%
  • Astroworld(?): 3.3mi, 99%

If you want to avoid dying to the FBI's false flags, don't go within a mile of the hospital.


  • Pulse Nightclub: 0.3mi, 99%
  • Gilroy Garlic: 4.1mi, 96%
  • Columbine High: 6.9mi, 95%

Chauvin, the secret agent, is sent to keep tabs on Floyd. For years he watches, taking odd jobs around the city to stay near, always watching, always awaiting orders.

One night, the call comes in. The sickness out of Wuhan is confirmed to be of NWO-origin--they're doing the coup.

"Shit!" says Chauvin as he moves to the bathroom sink with a knife. He looks himself in the eyes. "You can do this, old man." The knife plunges into his underarm, and with a wet scoop, a USB drive falls out from under his skin into the sink.

In a dark basement, the glow of an old CRT monitor reflects off Derek's sunglasses. He pulls up the black hood from his sweatshirt and puts on gloves. After typing at an incredibly fast rate for a few seconds, a single line of green blocky text appears on the middle of the screen, one letter at a time:


Derek Chauvin was activated to assassinate a key member of the global new world order.
