I'm sure most of the baby stories and rape stories are fake.
Why? Because it's hard to get an erection during a fight. Almost zero rapes are strong-arm.
I'd bet the attack really happened. Who knows though, almost everything is a flash mob political stunt these days.
And even if the attack was real, it was set in motion by the same people who organize those political flash mobs. The Media are the Architects of Society.
Ben Shapiro said there were only 2 deaths and that anything that hit the ground was in the open desert.
You always got to verify when dealing with two bands of sand people.
The interesting part is the lack of Day 2 of missile salvos. Do they resume after Yom Kippur in the hopes of establishing terms for a safe Ramadan?
Especially since that picture isn't Mossad HQ.
COMPARE: 32°08'41.43"N 34°48'15.32"E
Lots of circles in OP's pic. Lots of squares in the mossad HQ pic. Both Sides lying to take our foreign aid dollars.
Note that OP just lost his handshake icon 3 days ago. Convenient time to sign up yeah?
Not allowed to have a container unless it has a specific type of lid.
California has such open buttholes, they really do love taking it without lube.
If only they were allowed to have magazines with 11 rounds, then they could fight off the oppression.
I wonder if attacking into Lebanon was really a great idea? Gaza is in Isreal, that is civil war, a local matter.
You go on the world stage against and into another nation and you might attract attention.
US has 2 carrier strike groups on Iran's southern edge. Nothing, from either side, is going to happen without US consent.
Thus fulfilling the prophesy:
13 What I saw next troubled me deeply: three foul spirits like frogs appeared, belched from the mouth of the dragon, the mouth of the beast, and the mouth of the earth-beast. 14 These frogs are demonic spirits. As they go into the world, they perform miracles persuading the kings of the world to gather for the last battle on the great day of God, the All Powerful.
A Voice: 15 See, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is the person who watches and waits, dressed and ready to go, so as not to wander about naked, exposed to disgrace.
16 And the kings gathered at the place called Har-Magedon in Hebrew.
-St. John, The Revelation Ch.16
And the other prophesy: They're turnin' the frogs gay!!
-Alex Jones
Main alcohol: Irish whiskey, Irish cream, Stout
Ingredients: 1 pint Irish stout, 1/2 oz. Irish cream, 1/4 oz. Coffee liqueur, 1/4 oz. Irish whiskey
Preparation: The whiskey is floated on top of the Irish cream in a shot glass, and the shot glass is then dropped into the stout.
Served: Straight up; without ice
Drinkware: Pub glass, Shot glass
Toast to your efforts!
Crimea. They're just going to clip the corner of Ukraine off before they spend it, to steal away some of its value: just like any other coin or foreskin.