Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you only knew the massive abundance and wealth of the world.

Shortages are man-made.

But I dislike humanity, so I also agree with your statement.

But a better reason for population control would be to return to eugenics that would eliminate negative mutations.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0


No-one is going to fight as a group. That era is over.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

This leads to organ trafficking, as has occurred in America's hat

by DrLeaks
Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

Doja Cat wore a red outfit recently referencing one of Dante's circle of hell... Boiling blood iirc.

And then used a bag with a skeleton hand in the style of using severed heads as hand bags.

It was with her uninspired Valentino outfit

Helloworld0 4 points ago +7 / -3

Slippery slope. Next it will be Sandy hook, alex jones, Las Vegas banned. Why not ban users that post about Big Foot and skin walkers? Those are also absurd according to our current understanding of the world.

I'm not saying that you would start banning other topics, but maybe other mods/future mods will.

Does Hollow earth fall under FE? Or Electronic universe?

You are a great mod, very active and helpful... but in this instance, you have been very clear that you want to ban users who post (or comment!! ) about it because you personally don't believe in the topic. So that is a bit .... Over reaching.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

Terrain theory doesn't pass the smell test.

Like you said, Terrain alone doesn't explain everything.

Ofc, everyone knows terrain is important, like you have to be healthy to help prevent sickness. And take vitamin c if you are sick. Terrain theory in its proper place is not some revolutionary thing.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

The esoteric Steiner circles have some real juice in their prayers. The schools are more esoteric but ok. The felting project is really cool.

It would be an interesting subject to explore, if you are willing.

Helloworld0 5 points ago +5 / -0

All the fillings I had were fraudulent. I never had any cavities, even as a kid. I start going to a new dentist, having only ever had trustworthy ones.... Every time I had a visit they said I needed at least 1- 2 fillings. I thought I had some mineral deficiency. Started with new owners, now again I have no cavities and I found out the other owners were just billing for unnecessary procedures.

Helloworld0 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wow, I had a similar experience.

Take care.out there with all the toxins!

Might want to add quercetin and turmeric to the stack.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Thai people really respect their royal family. There are pictures of them in buildings like with English countries.

However, I'm not sure if the current royals are strong enough to stand against big pharma. The King is a bit of a twink/hedonist and there is probably lots of blackmail material on him. But then again, he has had many scandals and they just wash off. https://worldofbuzz.com/thailands-new-king-eccentric-playboy-even-spotted-crop-top/

Either way- https://www.eutimes.net/2023/02/thailand-to-ban-pfizer-after-thai-princess-falls-into-a-coma-following-booster-jab/

Helloworld0 15 points ago +24 / -9


. Most people don't know about the FE community and /or don't use it.

Bigfoot is just as ridiculous to newbies as FE.

Censorship sucks, especially since the posts might be by newbies or people who forgot the ban rules.

If you want, you can update the rules to suggests FE got to FE community. And comment in any posts that they might want to post in FE for a deeper discussion.

You can steer the posts to FE comm without being ban happy. There aren't even many FE posts and comments anymore compared to when that one guy used to post daily in the beginning.

Slippery slope. Once this topics is banned, others will follow.

Normies and newbies would be just as disgusted by Sandy hook posts.

You can make it clear in the rule list that FE is not supported by the community but not censored, so that newbies know the community is not FE.

by qclick
Helloworld0 1 point ago +2 / -1


Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remunder that chickens have been given vaccines since the 1970s, who knows what they have been injecting them with (besides the mareks vaccine) and how it affects the eggs and meat

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is an important point to remember

I have heard prophecies, remote viewers, and dreamers state that a devastating event will take place before June 2013.

Do yous have something to do with this?? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 31435329


This type of thing is promulgated to keep a certain portion of the population occupied with stressing in curcles rather than action.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol, 8 years

The secret to understanding natural law is balance. No one law is more powerful or important than another. That said, my progenitors were very adept at exploiting the law of cycles. The human sheep-ape has an effective memory of 8 years. So, we can repeat any and all tricks of the trade at that interval. We have comical names for this, such as "business cycle." Inside joke!

Helloworld0 0 points ago +2 / -2

He called it on Trump's behaviour, him being a puppet.

And the odd person who didn't take the vaccine has started to drop dead - Diamond and Kirsty Alley.

I don't know about the religious components he talks about, but he could have been right about a few things.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

You might want to check out qigong or wim hof breathing and meditation. It would be amazing to find a group class for learning qigong. I have always lived to far away from any classes. Even if you just commit to a few months of practice to sea how you feel and learn from it ... It is probably one of the best energy works available. Also, it is fantastic for elderly in your life because you are using your brain to visualize plus having to learn body movements. A great brain workout.

Or you could try the wim hof breathing. I had never been able to go into real meditation until I used the hyper-oxygenation breathing which also raised the dmt levels. From the breathing and holds I immediately threw myself into a meditation. It started working really well and after a few months of doing practice, I could easily meditate for 3 hours. It was a really good feeling and experience. I hated to come out but unfortunately I was around a controlling and paranoid guy so I had to sneak in my spiritual and energy practices into early morning etc.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, and apparently it damages babies brains and makes them more prone to mental illness.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sorry to hear your heart isn't in it and that you are feeling down :/

It would be interesting if you shared more about Mormonism. I think there are some positive aspects of it - aren't all Mormons supposed to be preppers and live clean without coffee? They are also very well represented in the alphabet agencies.

by NotACop
Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

This.... Plus, possibly they are afraid deep down and want to believe it will be ok, so they want everyone else to take the vaccine too and trust the govt.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

If this is true, something I have never heard about.... The original people were redheads but they were killed off. I think the Cherokee bred with them. So the rh - could come from that.

Otherwise, almost all Indians in the modern day are mixed with the French. Even if they have Indians status, they don't have to have full blood.

And then there is the even more mixed group called the metis which is mostly bench with a bit of indian, but they now have full indian privileges, like the get free school, don't have to pay tax, get free give money and housing and vehicles, can freely pass into the US, own gambling facilities, steal cars, etc.

So the Rh- could have come from the French blood.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

Iirc Ireland has the highest concentration of Rh neg people.

You might want to look into that fork - I think they were also originally the Tribe of Dan.

The Stone of Scone / Lia Fail came from Egypt into Ireland and apparently then to Scotland. It was Jacob's pillow and the kings were always crowned on it.

The location of the true stone is not publicly known.

Scottish nationalists stole the real stone before Queen E 2 coronation but they pretend they got the real one back. The Stone has been returned to Scltland, except for when they use it for coronations.

Or the actual real stone may have been hidden when Scotland was conquered.

I think the people who came from Egypt were also redheads.

Most royalty and world leaders have rh- blood.

But we also have to remember that many people are carrier of the gene, even if they don't express it. For example, if an rh- blood type woman procreated with an rh+ man, her kids would all at least be carriers of rh- blood type and could produce rh- kids.

It would be interesting to study the IQ of people who are carriers and rh- people versus pure rh+.

This far, I believe the studies are not exactly accurate because they put carriers in the same category as 100% rh+.

Example: mom gives O- to the kid, dad gives A+. Kid is A+O-, but considered A+. He can have kids that are rh- by throwing the O- with the right partner.

Some people were looking at how covid would affect the different blood types because different blood types are more prone to different diseases.

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