Rather than getting all these vaccines repeatedly for bacterial or viral respiratory illnesses, perhaps a course of oral doses of ivermectin could be used.

Was the coronvirus/adenovirus treatment oral ivermectin for 5 days? That would probably work for all animals. Just need to figure out the dosage.

Subcutaneous if really necessary. But oral is obviously safer and easier.

Do they find a way to get a work address or is there a work around like with vpns?


I expect things to get worse and see more extortion and coercion in 1st world countries. How did the East handle this sort of thing? Did the same type of events slowly start happening with previously trusted institutions?

I am wondering how professionals like doctors, accountants, dentists will being extorting and coercing people??? How do you think? How to avoid this?

The dog owner went in with good intentions but the diagnosis was not confirmed by anyone else and the cost was high for a low income person (vet could have easily done it for free since probably killing the dog would have been just as expensive.

The dog owner wanted to take his dog elsewhere and think about it. But the vet wouldn't let him take his dog. :(

I couldn't find any good videos online of the ritual chanting and hypnotic rhythm, but here is the basic script.

Concentrate game:

Two people play. One person sits behind the other. The person seated has their eyes closed and is silent. The second person sitting behind them says:

(Every time they say this, they pound lightly on the person’s back with both fists) Concentrate. Concentrate. Concentrate on what I’m saying. People are dying. Children are crying. Concentrate. Concentrate. Concentrate on what I’m saying. (Verse 1: Tap the person on the top of their head with your fist and run your hands down both sides of their head) Crack an egg on your head. Let the yolk run down. Let the yolk run down. Crack an egg on your head. Let the yolk run down. Let the yolk run down. Concentrate. Concentrate. Concentrate on what I’m saying. People are dying. Children are crying. Concentrate. Concentrate. Concentrate on what I’m saying.

Then it gets creepier…

(Poke the person, then mimic running hands down both sides of their back) Stick ten needles in your sides. Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down. Stick ten needles in your sides. Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down. Concentrate. Concentrate. Concentrate on what I’m saying. People are dying. Children are crying. Concentrate. Concentrate. Concentrate on what I’m saying. (Tap them on the back with their fist, then run their hands down their back) Stab a knife in your back. Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down. Stab a knife in your back. Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down. Concentrate. Concentrate. Concentrate on what I’m saying. People are dying. Children are crying. Concentrate. Concentrate. Concentrate on what I’m saying. (Mimic wrapping a rope around their neck and then pull the imaginary rope. The person’s head should move back as if they are being hung.) Wrap a rope around your neck. Wrap it till it’s tight. Wrap a rope around your neck. And… PULL!

As if this is creepy enough, now you tell them that they’re on the top of a building and someone pushes them off- The person narrating this entire thing pushes them and quickly asks “What color did you see?”… and THAT determines how they die:


I haven't been following this incident closely. Any legit thoughts/info or videos are appreciated... more for animals sake than my own :p

How are you guys dealing with the fall- out? Adding detox supplements to food?

It feels like this is a test run for the 3 days of darkness prophecy where we have to close all the doors and windows.


Sometimes I dont blame normies for being too tired to investigate the vaccine and all other 'conspiracies'


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by Helloworld0 ago by Helloworld0

I think the livestock cull was from mad cow? But maybe pigs were culled too? I heard something about this event from people who lived it. There were huge biosecurity meaures in places.

Also, there are goat diseases that cause sterility.

And Mareks disease in chickens (who already get vaxxed at birth).

So if you have some backyard chickens and your buddy talks, you could be in trouble in a worst case scenario future.

It means people will have to plan how and what to feeds their birds discreetly.


Fisher popularised the use of Jacques Derrida's concept of hauntology to describe a pervasive sense in which contemporary culture is haunted by the "lost futures" of modernity, which failed to occur or were cancelled by postmodernity and neoliberalism.[28]

Fisher and others have drawn attention to the shift into post-Fordist economies in the late 1970s, which he argued has "gradually and systematically deprived artists of the resources necessary to produce the new".[29]

In contrast to the nostalgia and ironic pastiche of postmodern culture, Fisher defined hauntological art as exploring these impasses and representing a "refusal to give up on the desire for the future" and a "pining for a future that never arrived".[30][31][page needed]

Discussing the political relevance of the concept, Fisher wrote:[28]

At a time of political reaction and restoration, when cultural innovation has stalled and even gone backwards, when "power ... operates predictively as much as retrospectively" (Eshun 2003: 289), one function of hauntology is to keep insisting that there are futures beyond postmodernity's terminal time. When the present has given up on the future, we must listen for the relics of the future in the unactivated potentials of the past.

Cancel culture

Fisher was an early critic of call-out culture and in 2013 published a controversial essay titled "Exiting the Vampire Castle".[14][15]

He argued that call-out culture created a space "where solidarity is impossible, but guilt and fear are omnipresent". Fisher also argues that call-out culture reduces every political issue to criticizing the behaviour of individuals, instead of dealing with such political issues through collective action.



After a recent post about chicken tendies in western schools, I am curious about the social engineering differences in the East. u/crazy_russian

In the west, Baby Boomers were given everything. They were born in a huge burst of prosperity after WW2.

Their parents, the 'Greatest generation' were the worst parents in history and set in motion the complete distruction of society and culture.

Having gone through tough times they decided to spoil their kids and give them everything they never had. The Greatest, although they had to be generally budget conscious when younger, still were able to raise large families on one salary. They had war time homes and vehicles. They had milk delivered to their homes. They had real food, butter, meat, and they cooked. They knew how to repair and fix things and build.

In their later years they, and the boomers, retain the wealth of the nation.

The Boomers had the greatest material wealth in all of history. As adults they were able to afford a house, boat, cottage, trips and family often on one salary.
The Boomers (and Greatest) happily sold out the economy, knowledge and industry of their civilization to foreign interests as long as it gave them a bit more cash. They had no thought nor care for past nor future generations. In the old days, owners of industry felt some kind of attachement / responsibilty to their nation and workers.

As eternal 'Babies' the Boomers never realized that they had to 'parent' their children. The Millenials were possibly the first generation in a prosperous time without parents or elders, who raised themselves. The Millenials often had to be the parents to the Boomers.

Since the Boomers usually only had one or two kids so as not to interfer with their lifestyles, the Millenials didn't have older siblings to learn from.

The lifestyle was more suburban so they rarely saw their extended family. And often the parents kept them at home because it was too dangerous to be with other kids.... But this attitude was on the border of the Zoomers childhood.

The Millennials raised themselves at school, and at home through books (Harry Potter etc), music, videos. At school they had little gambling rings with Pogs and trading circles with stickers.

With the parents off doing their own thing, the Millennials were never taught how to change light bulbs or cook. And without any association with elders, extended family, or lots of siblings/friends, their opportunities for knowledge transfer was small. They have about 5% of the nations wealth.

The Boomers were at least around their parents and either absorbed or were taught the basics. They are the last generation who obtained knowledge transfer.

(The boomers also didn't transfer any knowledge to the small forgotten Gen x, who were given more freedom as the world wasn't as scary at the time. By the end of the Millienial childhood and beginning of Zoomers, isolation was more prominent.)

The Zoomers were raised on technology. The parents generally gave them computers and devices and let them be raised by tech/social media/internet people.

Zoomers are oddly more pragmatic then Millenials in many ways. They grew up in a strange dystopia and their expectations are generally more grounded.... But their priorities are usually more about social issues. They hate Harry Potter's creater as a TERF feminist, because she says men can't be women (they call her transphobic). Rowling has many many serious death threats.

The Millenials have more of an idea of freedom and were the last generation not raised by technology.

Zoomers are in many ways more useless and ignorant then Millenials. Millenials at least had books and real people around. Zoomers were raised in CRT schools by radical leftists and by internet people. This gave them tons of knowledge that other generations didn't have but left them ignorant of history.

Zoomers will probably have some kids if they can afford it and raise them to be socially conscious. They will probably be more involved in their kids lives than Boomers were. The Zoomers are a quieter generation.

Zoomers were also raised on the backdrop of race issues, riots, social disturbances, climate scares, school/public shootings, gender fluidity, diversity, equality issues, promiscuity, sex tape blackmail, child p0rn, drugs/ODs, muslims, and with many race mixed kids around. See the tv show 'Euphoria'.

It is especially a lawless hellhole in England with most Millenial kids having lost their virginity in orgies at age 11/12. Their parents would just have a bunch of kids sleep over and ignore the 'kids being kids' orgies. They would also have intense gangfights. Muslims have generally taken over the streets and dozens of cities have Muslims control white child prostitution rings.

English people don't really have maternal/paternal attachments.

. Seems like it has happened in the last month especially. The sites are still there but mostly only via I2P as the tor access is under attack? I haven't been following it this year.

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