All the fillings I had were fraudulent. I never had any cavities, even as a kid. I start going to a new dentist, having only ever had trustworthy ones.... Every time I had a visit they said I needed at least 1- 2 fillings. I thought I had some mineral deficiency. Started with new owners, now again I have no cavities and I found out the other owners were just billing for unnecessary procedures.
All the fillings I had were fraudulent. I never had any cavities, even as a kid. I start going to a new dentist, having only ever had trustworthy ones.... Every time I had a visit they said I needed at least 1- 2 fillings. I thought I had some mineral deficiency. Started with new owners, now again I have no cavities and I found out the other owners were just billing for unnecessary procedures.
Yep! The dentist I went to through my teen years did the same. Eventually he was sued but suicided before the court date.