Stumbled upon this from a short clip several days ago... At the 36 minute mark of part 6 of 8 this guy goes into how to cure cancer. The guy seems to be a tremendous wealth of information from every direction. I wanted to call BS on a number of his claims, but I've yet to find anything he's said that doesn't check out with more digging (from a legal perspective anyway- which is the major focus on this seminar). I ended up binging the series over the weekend-- it's something I'll need to listen to several more times as there's too much information to process in one pass.

The meat and potatoes is this: the 14th Amendment made all of us slaves under the United States of America Corporation, but there's an established legal process to change our status from US Citizen (slave with no claim to the original Bill of Rights) to State National (free man protected by the original Bill of Rights with limited diplomatic immunity).

I know- I know. It sounds like Sovereign Citizen (which is an oxymoron) bullshit. It's not.

Posting this for the benefit of anyone who wants to find out for themselves, as I'm surely not the only user here who would find this information valuable. I've no intention of arguing with glowies nor blackpillers on the validity therein.


Edit/update (9-Sept): after listening to this guy for over 10 hours, I have to say that while I believe a lot of what he says to be factual, he also makes a lot of personal claims that set off my nuclear bullshit detector. The man clearly has an ego, and some of his personal stories sound like a narcissist sniffing their own farts out of a Champaign flute. While I’m still researching this subject, I’ve abandoned this man as a resource in favor of other legal scholars who focus entirely on the subject matter as opposed to self-aggrandizement — Vocational Science of Freedom appears to be a solid resource.