Gazerbeam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Social Finance Israel board of directors

  • Galia Maor - a board member of Teva Pharmaceuticals which would have an interest in selling gender chemicals
  • Sir Ronald Cohen - owns a gigantic British spy ring
  • Ariel Weiss - CEO of Yad Hanadiv, the investment firm of Lord Jacob Rothschild

The Yogyakarta Principles - the Transgender law and the people who created it.

An Activist's Guide to the Yogyakarta Principles - the activist organizations pushing Transgender

Global Philanthropy Project, C/O Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice - the same collection of activist organizations pushing Transgender

The Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice is led by Arab activist Katherine Acey, the longtime head of the Palestine Solidarity Committee.


Gazerbeam 6 points ago +6 / -0

I was banned from /r/conspiracy because a mod did not like something I had said. It was not against any of the rules.

Gazerbeam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Russia. It's the doctrine they used for the African National Congress. If you follow the money of the people pushing this stuff, the money comes from Alfa Group and Sberbank through Soros, the Clintons, and Queen Elizabeth.

Gazerbeam -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's a foreign psyop to get them to install known foreign agents. The people at the Pentagon know that this is coming from Russia, China, and the state sponsors of al-Qaeda, but they are still forcing it on everyone.

Gazerbeam 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Clinton mafia ran under UK intel cover.

Assange was probably warned not to leak names of intel assets. That was a very big concern in the WoT, and it's probably a crime if he does it. The secrecy becomes a problem when the intel assets are working for Russia, China, and al-Qaeda.

by pkvi
Gazerbeam 2 points ago +2 / -0

This page explains why. He is one of the guys behind the global censorship of everything.

Gazerbeam 1 point ago +1 / -0

The owners seem to be British nobility and the Rothschilds.

Gazerbeam 1 point ago +1 / -0

The ADL was neutered by a lawsuit in the early 1990s when they were caught spying on the Russians and terrorist organizations. ADL is currently run by British intelligence, the Aspen/Apax team. They had them running PR for Hamas and al-Qaeda on behalf of Qatar and Saudi Arabia. They have the ADL demand censorship of "hate speech", the British give the job of tracking it to the Islamists, the ADL vouches for the Islamists, then the ADL tracks everyone online who complains about the Jews committing treason and uses these examples to beg governments for more money and power. It's a giant scam. The British have taken over most "Jewish" organizations and have had them all doing the same thing in unison. It's hard to find one that's not guilty.

Gazerbeam 0 points ago +1 / -1

And if your were correct, it’d be Zionists vs a different faction of Zionists

All of the groups that people thought were Zionists turned out to be run by someone else (theory: MI6) who slaps the word "Jewish" and puts the Star of David on all of their propaganda. Actual Zionists are completely frozen out of that group which currently controls the media. Try to think of the last time you've seen the MSM publish a Zionist argument that Jordan is Palestine or should be part of Israel.

Gazerbeam 3 points ago +3 / -0

Soros represents Alfa Group, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar with Lord Mark Malloch Brown providing the cover to call it a British intelligence operation. They have people everywhere, it's amazing how widespread they are and no one ever got the word out that they were a problem.

Gazerbeam 2 points ago +3 / -1

Much of Antifa are combat veterans from Clinton's covert wars in the Middle East. They came back with training and organization, combat experience, modern weapons, top secret security clearances, covert cover, foreign funding through an international support network, and they work as Pentagon/DHS contractors.

Gazerbeam 1 point ago +2 / -1

Every other news source is a Muslim anti-Israel operation run by the people who manage the Rothschilds' investments and are chasing the Arab oil money. Similarly Breitbart was founded in Israel as a pro-Israel news source because Andrew Breitbart saw that there was no "mainstream" source that didn't take a hardline anti-Israel stance on everything coming from that country. The ideologically Zionist media are among the only ones standing against the Rothschilds even if they don't know who they are fighting.

Gazerbeam 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's the theory that someone threw a Rod of God into the Tonga volcano to cause the weather change. There was a gif going around that showed something falling into the ocean just before the eruption. Of course that could have been faked.

Gazerbeam 2 points ago +2 / -0

If this is the same John Nichols from "Free Press", they are Hezbollah. Their secretary Olga Davidson was chair of the Ilex Foundation of Mohammad Ja'far Mahallati whose father Ayatollah Fazlollah Mahallati ran the operation to bomb the American barracks in Beirut in 1981.

The funding for their Free Press Action Fund comes from, you guessed it, George Soros and Jacob Rothschild.

Gazerbeam 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are enforcing UN laws against refusing to be conquered by Islam. They picked the enforcers out of the Russian and al-Qaeda front groups that British intelligence was running as honeypots, and they put them in charge of national security throughout all of NATO.

Gazerbeam 1 point ago +1 / -0

The ADL's head Jonathan Greenblatt came out of the White House Office of Social Innovation. That was founded by Sonal Shah. Who is she? A board member of Social Finance Inc. with Sir Ronald Cohen. So the head of the ADL is part of a shady foreign funded social engineering group run by a British agent.

Point two, ADL people show up around America the Inclusive. Who was that sponsored by? Carnegie. Who is on the board of Carnegie? Edward Djerejian and Vartan Gregorian. Who is on the board of Qatar Foundation International? Edward Djerejian and Vartan Gregorian.

And if you follow the money around Ronald Cohen you find the Rothschilds. That explains their $23 trillion in assets under "socially responsible" management.

Gazerbeam 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's no such thing as an 8chan extreme account, maybe that's what they show when someone direct links to a file. Here's the thread.

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