posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +7 / -0

Here's the nuke that will shake up your mind enough to flip it back right side up so you know who you are and what's happening around you.

Your Spirit is a perfect creation of God. It is infinite and all-powerful, all-knowing. This Spirit entered the Universe of duality to go on an epic adventure from an atom all the way back up to Spirit mode through many lives. It is literally a simulated game run in a holographic universe powered by God.

No other part of the infinite life has a duality area in it except this universe which is like a small pocket game in an infinite life of diverse perfection that never ends and is always different everywhere you go.

The whole of Life is run by Spirit in the Mind. Physical reality is just a creation of the mind because nothing exists. Athiests who say nothing should exist if God doesn't exist were right. Nothing did exist but for any concept to exist, the opposite must also exist so the opposite of the void is God and so God exists by the nature of Life. The universe wasn't just designed for entertainment but also to harvest very important experiences that help everyone in Life.

It's a spicy game that can go horribly bad or heavenly good to different degrees with the highest degree being heaven. These degrees are many as total perfection is a long way away from what we see around Earth atm.

What determines where we are at is 2 things:

  1. We connect to a life form in this World. In this case, we connected to Humans. We take on the Human DNA to have it's flaws and talents. Then we build on that.

  2. The emotional spectrum is fear to love. Those who focus on love are considered lucky in life while those focused on fear are usually struggling in life. This is because God is in Love but not in fear and so when you are in a state of fear, God can't help you. You must stay in a state of Love where God is to help you. You do this simply by imaging what you want to see yourself as, and then act like you are already that. For example, there's nothing wrong with abundance. If that's what you want, just pretend you are that all the time and you will be focused on something you love instead of what you fear. Since God is in the emotion of Love, like a good Father, God uses it's power to rearrange 3D to manifest your dream over time. Just hold the thought that you are already what you wish to be. Abandon fear altogether which is worry about the future. Caution, which is in the now, is ok.

The deep state know all about this. There is a huge secret about them too which one of them revealed in an online Q&A. I can't remember the name of the Q&A but they admitted that they were programmed to destroy Humanity in an effort to cause us to jump out of our slumber and help ourselves through a united effort. Basically, certain People are programmed in the DNA to be evil tyrants from birth by loving evil in their bones even though their inner Spirit hates it. The body kicks the Spirit to the curb and runs itself in a way. This leads to serious problems for those they tyrannize which forces them to save themselves and learn many lessons while doing so. Those lessons cause very fast growth and maturity which is great.

This doesn't usually happen this way but Humanity has been stuck in the caveman age for 1 million years now. The only difference is that instead of hitting People over the head with a club, we hit them over the head financially. This is just a milder form of savagery.

This puts us into a toddler age group as a species. But then again, our Spirits remain as the perfect creation of God as they were. The body is a temporary vessel we wear like a mask to see how imperfect beings think and feel.

The bottom line reason the deep state don't want us to know this is because it would awaken their sleeping souls. Soul is like a middle man between body and Spirit. It is like an atom of the Spirit that left it and entered the body. It is basically asleep at first and learns to awaken overtime through growth and then it perfects whatever vessel it is in like the body. This post alone is enough to shake your soul enough to lead it to a faster awakening.

Once this stage is passed, the next stage is learning that nothing can harm us thanks to God's grace and that we have many dormant abilities that are very useful in life. All this is the Spiritual Awakening that the deep state are afraid of because then Humans are too powerful to be controlled and their power comes to an end.

This information is the way out. Spiritually awakened People aren't afraid of anything anymore as they have abandoned fear and replaced it with Faith. The awakening has been spreading worldwide which they tried to stop with poisons in food/water/etc. and have been messing with everyone's emotions with cell phone towers.

Now this information leads to being "reborn" in Spirit as Jesus explained because one is no longer the body but the soul and the soul experience is an all new experience like "seeing through the eyes of a child".

If you want self-empowerment, think about this for a while and it will all come to you through your inner "Kingdom Of Heaven Within" which is the Father itself inside all of us as a fragment. All of God's power is in there to make us happy and successful in Life but learning how to use it through Faith is a little tricky. (many hints provided in this post).

Do all this and you will be free. Spiritually awakened People are the Spartans of the Spiritual War against the deep state. The more Spartans we have, the faster we tip this World into the Golden Age which is basically guaranteed to happen by now but the speed of which that happens depends on our behavior as Humans. Time is depended on our actions.

All this will lead to the Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth which is that our society will be flipped back right side up and on the divine path to eventual perfection.