Fileiro 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm fairly certain she died years ago.

The royal family of baby eaters is just saving her funeral for the right astrotheological time and date, to be conducted as another mega-ritual designed to entrance and enslave the NPCs further.

Fileiro 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know the various 'factions' monitor the chans looking for talent, and I'm not just talking about the unbeliebably incompetent federales hunting for huwite supremes and posting their (yous) in court, there are definitely secret society reps scoping out the potential enemies and assessing the need for 'pre-emptive action' on select individuals as well as doing some general talent scouting.

Psychopaths ('elites') vs. Empaths ('autists'). The war is as old as human civilization and very much real.

Fileiro 2 points ago +2 / -0

It will be possible to gauge whether this is an organic revenge shooting for the depop shot, or another .gov psyop by the level of media coverage.

Media memoryhole in a day? Revenge shooting.

Full-on media hysteria with talking bobbleheads reeeeing about common sense gun control plus masonic calling cards everywhere? PSYOPPPPP.

Fileiro 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good advice here.

Check out Massad Ayoob's video on what to do after a self defense shooting (retired cop and self protection expert, all his books and videos are quality):


Fileiro 5 points ago +5 / -0

The single unshod foot is a masonic calling card:

"The Masonic shoe, commonly known as the Blue Slipper, is a physical confirmation of a spoken act. In ancient times, verifying a contract meant loosening one’s shoe and giving it to another person."

Fileiro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol. In the defense of the hapless redditor, misspellings and grammatical errors is incredibly irksome to aspies (although I obviously have no way of knowing if this is the case here.)

Fileiro 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know how I know this was another hoax shooting with no casualties, like all the others?

The freemason crisis actors and the fact that this is plastered all over the news, even in far-away European countries with absolutely zero 2nd amendment rights to take away.

Fileiro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, giving women the right to vote and work outside the home really worked out great.

Fileiro 2 points ago +2 / -0

What if the world's population is far below the reported number?

Then the depopulation scheme simply becomes a 'trimming the fat' type of operation, a fine tuning to get rid of the worst retard NPCs dragging us all down.

I think anyone with an IQ above ~140 realise people that consume more than they produce is nothing more than locusts...

by mrfoos2
Fileiro 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm delighted to report I now have a loyal following in Top Morons Of Peddit that monitor all my posts and replies so they can coordinate their downvotes and shilling in my posts. I guess my Covid hoax documentation really set them off.

I remember how they took very good care to stalk you as well, so I'm in excellent company, at least.

Fileiro 9 points ago +9 / -0

Good noticing!

Fileiro 7 points ago +7 / -0

Looks like some of the gigavaxxers are hankering for a refund.

(No refunds, though.)

Fileiro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Before I read any of CC's (33!) work in my youthful prime, I once foolishly ingested Datura during a psylocybin mushrooms trip.

Everything around me turned blood-red, my vision was seeing the world in shades of blood-red only.

Imagine my surprise several years later, when reading CC and he quoted Don Juan's explanation on Datura, stating that the spirit living in this particular plant medicine was very powerful but also dangerous:

If your vision turned red, it meant the spirit had accepted teaching you. If everything turned black, you were dead.

I am a firm believer in the truthfulness of Don Juan's existence since then...

Fileiro 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Christchurch hoax was absolutely fake and ghey. It was thoroughly picked apart on pol, blood bags, cgi and all.

I'm leaning towards fake and ghey on this latest on too. I haven't seen a terror attack conducted in any Western nation in the latest 20 years that wasn't crawling with crisis actors, which is ALWAYS the hallmark of a hoax (because why bother with retarded inept crisis actors if you can just kill randos).

Fileiro 1 point ago +2 / -1

Kys midwit

Fileiro 3 points ago +4 / -1

Molten salt reactors are great.

Safe, inexpensive and would completely void the 'need' for retarded mega-windmills and solar cell desertification.


by pkvi
Fileiro 3 points ago +3 / -0

Absolutely ZERO shootings or terror attacks occur without the detailed involvement and planning of the intelligence services.


Fileiro 10 points ago +10 / -0

Thanks for posting the link.

Getting real tiresome with the weekly gayops from the feds.

Fileiro 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with the article that Sars-cov-2 virus doesn't actually exist.

The CCP lockdowns are not because of an outbreak of a fictitious virus, it's simply asymmetric warfare against the party's enemies in the West (US, EU).

By destroying the supply chain again the CCP achieves rampant inflation in the West while putting a damper on demand-driven price hikes in commodities.

I'm very sure the lockdowns in China are coordinated with the Russian oil and gas embargo on their common Western enemies.

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