posted ago by oculusprimenumber ago by oculusprimenumber +5 / -2

if you figure out a psyop, connect dots (allegedly) the abcs want to hire you. Like a puzzle in a magazine (old days). For example (I already posted some of this, rewording), the sky king event, after “the plane was stolen” (just say allegedly after everything from this point) in seattle and crashed into a house/black site (server room) on ketron island, the house then went up for sale, the “real estate agent” (lol) was holding “seminars” on “how to connect dots”, basically “research methods” at the same time.

An example of a recruitment psyop, I am sure it accomplished other “end goals”, besides recruitment but that recording of the “sky king” that “stole the plane” was fake as fuck.

The same thing with the “puzzles” the ABCs put out that “no one can seem to solve”, solve it and you’re hired!

Sounds out there but there are dozens of examples.