Fileiro 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think it's always prudent to keep a week's worth of food and water at hand and this is very doable even for urban city hellscape dwellers.

But I also think that any scenario where civilization break down for more than about a week's time, is not one worth surviving.

In stead, we should probably all focus on ways to opt out of the beast system as much as possible; move out of big cities (preferably all the way out onto a farm in the countryside), plant a vegetable garden, learn to hunt, build a library of classic books, invest in gold, silver and Bitcoin, pick up useful skills like knowledge of herbal remedies, woodworking, basic mechanical repair etc. Also network with good neighbours and the local community since these are the people that may have skills or ressources you don't have.

Beyond this, there's very little else we can do, IMHO. But this is already about a million percent improvement in life quality for the majority of people.

Fileiro 1 point ago +1 / -0

I fail to see the issue here.

Are we supposed to be pearl clutching because the NPCs that tried to kill us are dropping dead from too much video gaming?

I say the more, the merrier! 🥳

by pkvi
Fileiro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Evolution in action.

Goodbye and good riddance.

Fileiro 4 points ago +4 / -0

Or, they might consider taking a vaccination clinic with them on their way out...

Fileiro 2 points ago +2 / -0

At first, the mass hysteria around a "novel" deadly virus that killed fewer people than the common cold does, made me spend a lot of energy trying to wake up people in my surroundings.

Then, when the plan to use this mass hysteria to inject everyone with an untested, unknown substance became clear, I realised this would ultimately be a net good to humanity.

Sure, the planet isn't overpopulated. I question the official number of people on Earth.

But those people that ARE here, have demonstrated their utterly dysgenic nature during the event. Getting rid of the NPCs is vital to secure the future existence of a viable humanity.

I therefore now fully support and endorse everyone's right to VOLUNTARILY inject themselves with infinity booster shots and I actively encourage people afraid of the non-existant virus to do so at every opportunity.

by pkvi
Fileiro 1 point ago +1 / -0

2025 should be the zenith of the die-off.

After that year, we're free to rebuild the world in our own image.

Fileiro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Niggers aren't human.

If the above sentence "triggers" you, ask yourself WHY that is, exactly?

Is it the dirty word in there, that no-no word the "people" in question throw around so casually in their day-to-day conversations?

Is it the implication that to be worthy of the moniker "human", niggers would have to be in possession of certain behavioural traits that they lack?

Whatever the reason, taking offense of the TRUTH is deeply detrimental to the advancement of the human species, which the covid vaxxies are now learning the hard way and so will the last remaining "there is only one race, the human race"- pearl clutchers.

Fileiro 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand your attempt at being edgy here but if your own skin is White, it's time to grow up.

Fileiro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sandy Hook is THE third rail no one is allowed to touch.

You can claim the Earth is a pancake and Queen Lizzy is a reptilian but don't you DARE insinuate there was ANYTHING funny going on in Sandy Hook, you racist white supreme tinfoil hat!

These "people" suing AJ aren't the "parents" and the dead "children" were never their "children" and they aren't "dead" because no one died at Sandy Hook.

The above statement is 100% true and the implications of that fact should have Americans storming the Capitol for real, looking for the pedophiles that have perpetrated these psyops for 50 years, yet here we are...

Fileiro 2 points ago +2 / -0

From what I have been able to gather the Knights of Malta are a secret society built by the Phoenicians to aid and assist them in ruling the world.

This would explain why there are both a Catholic and a Protestant arm of the order.

Fileiro 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's a great article.

Fileiro 5 points ago +5 / -0

The next phase of the plan to "reset" into a neofeudalist society.

The Regime won't stop until the middle class is completely wiped out.

There will be royalty and serfs. That's it. And the serfs won't need teslas to farm the bugs and live in the pod.

Fileiro 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why would you want to be cured of a superpower?

But no, I don't think there is a "cure". Meditation and semen retention seem to help a lot, though, but both of these are hard and require extreme dedication, so...

Fileiro 1 point ago +1 / -0

'Autism' and 'Aspergers' are two different things.

It's very likely that autism is exploding due to vaccine toxicity, but Aspergers is just how the human brain used to function before agriculture was introduced.

There's also a surprising overlap between Aspergers and so-called 'fairy blood' people. We used to be ostracised by normies because they thought we were related to entities.

Yes, this is all just me theorising because I'm not a kike psychiatrist, sorry.

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