posted ago by TurnToGodNow ago by TurnToGodNow +24 / -0


"The background to the decision is signals of an increased risk of heart muscle inflammation (myocarditis) and pericarditis (pericarditis). Data from Australia point to an increased incidence, especially in younger people, in connection with vaccination with Nuvaxovid. The recommendation is made for precautionary reasons and applies until there is more information from the ongoing studies. The vaccine can continue to be given as a primary vaccination or booster dose to individuals aged 31 and older.

Novavax was lauded as being a more traditional style of vaccine since it would just use a measured dose of the spike protein arranged in a novel nano-structure. Supposedly no mRNA or any other genetic shenanigans going on (though the proteins are produced using genetic shenanigans prior to injection). And yet it is still damaging people's hearts. Gee maybe this spike protein is itself toxic and shouldn't be injected into anyone.