They've pretty much secured the guns from every nation. This is an important political narrative.
If you weren't forced to do it by the government, It doesn't.
So did these bugs you've eaten, tasted nicer than a nice slab of steak?
I'll be betting on the pillow president.
Thank you for the concern.
Just know I wasn't hosting a pity party.
That's about how it tastes, pretty accurate. Didn't taste that bad though when I used to drink it.
Perfectly controlled world? My body my choice, why did you have sex? I likely won't bang another woman for as long as I live. I just got fucked over every single time.
I don't believe a dude should be free to be running around banging random women. A real man should be considering to start a family with a woman and bang her exclusively.
Oh, a woman should be banging her man exclusively too.
We'll be able to get out of this one. Just say you believe in my body my choice but why did you have sex if you weren't prepared for the consequences?
Can't post it on so it's somewhat based.
I'll die for my guns. They're not getting them.
People have been saying that to me lately. I'll take questions about anything I said.
Don't believe in me buddy then?
The jews will straight up suicide you if start doing that shit.
Niggers exist, fact or fiction?
Jesus brought the cure to lepers. Dumbasses thought that shit was contagious too.
I still operate there.
I say it because that's what I am. I like telling people the truth about reality.
Axo pinned the topic lad.
I like them so I disagree. At least we had a nice FE discussion in that thread.
Every time I'm around a white person, I make it a point to ask them why they're not racist given that racial statistics are detrimental to that idea of equality. That's really all I can do for them given that the leftist male absorbs all the retardation of what they learned in school. It doesn't help that the kiked news supports their retardation.
The study of aeronautics accomplishes this. It's a mix of fluid mechanics and dynamics.
There's engineers who will never come out as FE or even question the shape. I'm a failed engineer myself, never cost anyones life though.
Buoyancy helps with movement. This is how boats float, it's how planes fly with lift.
volume = mass / density
So density = mass / volume
It's all related.
Mass is real so isn't volume.
You want an equation that suggests density over acceleration of g, equivalent to 9.8 m/s^2 or 32 ft/s^2
The problem with your question is it depends on the medium your moving through and at what angle. That's why I suggested aeronautics.
Objects tend to fall slower in water because there's more drag.
9.8 m/s^2 is basically junk physics because it just describes what can occur in a vacuum.
You did just get me thinking about why an object would fall faster in a near vacuum. If gravity is fake, it has to be because the mass is denser than that near empty space. I don't know if gravity is fake, just shooting out ideas. But given that the moon mission was likely faked, we honestly don't have a lot of other planetary bodies to run these types of experiments. on. I believe it mostly theoretical at this point.
I would like to say copium but I am worried that they have the power to ban the word faggot from the internet. It'd be similar to how you can't say soy on 4chan because there's a bunch of soycucks who got offended because of their soy titties.
I'll take this bet.