by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They're sending troops and have been sending weapons. Syria has also sent troops. Iran not sure of has sent weapons.

On the other hand how many Nato countries have also sent mercs and weapons.

It is what it is.

Has China yet? Officially no.

It suddenly and like in the previous Korean conflict suggests Russia did indeed help them with their???? How did they claim successful Hypersonics and nuclear SLCMs so quickly? I guess there's no need for speculation. I wonder who else?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

ChatGPT is a Chinese A.I?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

They are Chinese studies.. Why is A.I linking China?

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Is he being Gay?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep. The "Planet" goes through periods of warming and cooling all by itself. They're not unique.

The fundamental problem is the more population there are, the more they feel any weather. It goes without saying. 100 people getting snowed on, don't notice the snow. It's not significant. But suddenly millions do. Why does it snow

The biggest con in the book is when you read and record the weather, the more it seeks to claim damages. Until no sooner is every storm called little names. And everything is blamed on the Climate Change.

There's probably a bit more to it. Not much. We are in a period of warming brought on by our sun, rotation, and alignment.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They have been depleting their reservoir. More population, the more it drinks. It is situated on a ground table in Europe's mini desert. Spain has a desert. One of the few in Europe. In fact at one point it was probably the Sea. But it really isn't being fed by underground aquifers, due to the geography, on a water table subjected to depletion, even things like Roman aqueducts are a thing of the past.

Suddenly OMG we're all gonna die. Because of the climate change. Please donate all proceeds to the EV and it will make it rain. No, just parts of Spain are expanding their natural desert. They also had the storms a few weeks ago. It was climate change as well.

What's up doc. Every weather event is the climate change. Until y'all buy the EVs. Then it's back to being the weather again.

Yawn. If we check the records and not the narrative what do find?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What happened to California prior to the 1800s? It was an Island. Today its inland peninsula is a desert. The sea, waterway, has completely rejoined the mainland.

What happened to all the supposed Archipelagos connecting Australia to Asia?

Outside of the vastly different countries of detailed terrain today.

Was it simply cartography? Or was there worse tectonics then?

Another unheard of was a huge inland sea, massive lake detailed by Herodutus stretching from the Nile to Libya. Lake Moeris in particular. I won't link. Research it. There is only controversy and of the Labyrinith that once sat there.

Aside from this the water/ocean levels have increased in the last 100 thousand years.

There are quite a few more. If you wanted a disappearing Island. One further off Ireland springs to mind in the Atlantic. Detailed on heaps of maps, more or less gone today. Explanation of the plates, where in the Atlantic, it contains the biggest underwater mountain range on the Planet.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes but Madeleine's family won't. How many more tests will be asked of them. Off every imposter. There have been 1000s. Imagine their own grief. That fault was their own. They left her alone. Horrible. They have been through hell since.

Her own family. She read it. Hates them. Simple pictures of them could give the audience of this gossip their own chance to profile her. Without mystic meg's detective school. What was the point of that bullshit. The first thing every trained detective seeks is evidence. Not mysticism. The press might as well have claimed she's been possessed. No liability? She's hormonal. It's not her fault. It's Instagram. It provides fantasies and gossip.

Yes any DNA test and hospital, birth records could easily establish it from her own family. If they don't match. Okay problem for Mystic Meg. It was probably the local pig farmer.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They used to give needles to people like that. They sent them to the asylums.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hate bullshitters even more. It will be easily proved. I think the private detective is almost as ridiculous.

Computer imaging and imaging by association puts it in a huggggeee anomaly. The bone structures hair and eyes are different. The person claiming is very polish features, ethnicity. Height is also wrong.

I also despise completely despise how this press has been sensationalised. Where is an audience opinion of her family, we can match her family characteristics ourselves outside of her erratic claims. How it has been given the time of day prior to the evidence.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0


Excuse me hahahahaha.

I'm sorry hahahahahaha.

It hasn't changed anything except the poor wildlife cannot cross countries anymore. Reindeer. Wolves. Bears. Plenty of other species who don't know why mines and fences are now cutting the landscape up. Meanwhile any citizens pay more for it. The price of energy has peaked. More taxes.

Can anybody tell me what happens to the reindeer? They crossed, yearly, now fences are going up. Fortifications. Outposts. Border crossings. I guess they'll need a license now. Same with wolves, and bears. I guess they're gonna get culled now. Mutual science and wildlife agreements cancelled. The same in any sea. They had these, I watch documentary, science teams crossed border, flew research drones put tags on animals. Now it has just changed. Same in any territorial waters tracking whales or etc. The other border exchanging goods suddenly stops business as well.

Finland loses some of its pristine natural landscape as more drones, planes, and ships, and stuff invade it. More flightpaths.

Russia puts nukes on their border, the big nukes, it has some there, no sooner is it flying the nuclear bombers, and drones, and pretty soon they're so happy they're in the NATO

But don't worry it was worth it. Because nothing has changed. They were already doing the Nato exercises. Now they get brand new Nato bases. They have to pay for.

It wasn't like Finland joining the Nato changes anything. Except the weaponization of the border.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

People were much better dressed and were polite. It wasn't as crowded.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Go study something like forensics.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It looks like demon

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha not entirely.

There was no flight with any precision, hand dropped bombs from biplanes often only got the planes shot down. Fortified entrenchment made the flank impossible. Until later mechanisation could maneuver around any entrenchment, by surrounding and isolating supply lines and pummelling with artillery.

WW1 built railroads to the frontlines, the German trenches had railroads inside some of theirs. These were tirelessly maintained, ferrying munition and the wounded, and it had various trucks which often faired horribly in comparison to the heavy horse. Where cavalry was still used. Faired horribly although the tank was invented it got stuck in the mud and was barely deployed until later stages of the war, where again it was hardly used. A figure of probably less than 1000. The Germans had less than 50.

The comparison is heavy urbanisation. The entrenchment. In this conflict there has been no real means to render it obsolete. Except by the slow degradation of artillery and missile.

Tactically I am still struggling to understand this. Unless it is the slower degradation of an opponent's capacity, armour, troops, and munitions. Because at no point has any command structure been compromised, or its services and utilities and supply lines. There is the entrenchment. One trench to the next. From town to city. Edging forwards costing millions of causalities.

That figured last time I check was getting close to around 3.5 million on both sides wounded and dead. I reckon it was conservative.

I might agree there is different goals. Capture and territory. But if I can put a finger on it seems to have another agenda and architecture. It's seemingly wearing down capacity and drawing and stalling as wider objects or even truce unfolds. Of course some of this is assumed modern weapons sam's, anti tank, and missiles, claiming otherwise. But it is problematic. Hence our discussion.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Both are flying balloons over each other. Have been for very long time as far back as Roswell.

Balloons were often called weather or otherwise atmospheric and such.

They have become far more advanced and are otherwise drones with any balloon providing much more flight time, using solar panels can refuel, steer, and can potentially orbit huge parts of the planet.

Like a satellite, except they're exclusively a balloon. These drift with the weather systems they read. Nice an innocently. No real danger on losing them, they're cheaper to launch. Probably even self detonate. Of course they're becoming much more advanced but this is the technology. It can steer them, and allow huge flight times, crisscrossed etc.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes my point it is indeed reminiscent. Territory and territory held. Russia is indeed defending acquisitions. While also funnelling an enemy into choke points and surrounding any gains.

Except despite of this, a lot of protocols seem to be missing. Some of it is due to capturing objectives instead of forcing victory. Some are due to the enemy and its support faced.

But generally an opposing power structure is targeted completely degrading its capacity to command. As services and infrastructure of every description is cut off disrupting any ability to counter and command. Further flight plays as big a role as any ground warfare, completely pummelling an enemy into positions overrun by the ground.

Instead there are much bigger fortified lines, trenches, any enemy command centers haven't really been targeted until captured, and then commanded, many services remain partially or intact. The enemy is constantly being resupplied. As any frontline edges forwards.

It seems to be stalling. Compared to otherwise modern war. There are politics involved. Yes. There is a risk of escalation. The country is enormous. It has huge conscription. But said.

Ukraine's main buildings still linger large. Its services are still largely operational. I know this I was playing computer games with people in Kharkiv two weeks ago. It was a common multiplayer phone game. The gamer worried there might be disruption. But wasn't very worried about it.

I support neither. I independently question the information offered. It seems reminiscent of WW1, trench warfare.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

It was a transportation hub. Town located on the interstate Highway. Some strategic importance to both. Ukraine can push down the highway into Russian integrated territory. Russia it's in its integrated territory.

But the entire war stinks. Something isn't right today. I cannot put finger on it. It is reminiscent of WW1 warfare, without flight. Trench and artillery warfare supplied by trains. Requiring millions of troops and causalities. Not that Syria was much better just flight no troops. Strangely it is quite unsurprisingly boring.

Both think they're bleeding the other. But yea it has been retaken, and it's off to the next trench.

I dunno why there are so many trenches today. It seems to be stalling and exchanging troops to get an upperhand.

Did an assassination happen yesterday? Early reports of Ukrainian backing? It cannot be that good for them. Meanwhile Ukraine is getting the new tanks and a few more biplanes to help their morale, and push any trenches forwards, as Russia just conscripted another half a million troops. I don't think it will be done by Xmas. But you never know?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's not an EV he's driving, battery depleted

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

It doesn't happen on Twitter to anybody else. You're right. Unless it's about vaccines and tranny's

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

No the French dismembered people like Marcon. High Treason. It was done in little bits at a time. Hands, feet, slice, slice. Nice little cuts. Otherwise it was done by horses pulling them apart, after using their penis as a gag. Then they boiled all the body parts in burning oil this was Punishment for counterfeiting, and often ate them. French ate them. French eat everything. These practices only stopped in the 80s.

If we're talking about the guillotines reserved for nobility.

High Treason and Counterfeiting. Slice into nice little pieces, then cook, and eat. I am sure the French will think of delicacy for this. Not because anybody wants to eat Marcon. But because it should be some kind of a French course of something.

All those cuts, one cut at a time. Cooked into oil, and put into casserole. I am sure the Louvre would exhibit it for centuries.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes clearly it's an infestation

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

How to provide the Tik Tok, for Disney? Cancel the Snow White, and Cinderalla, it's not Chinese. Red Riding Hood isn't inclusive, the poor wolf. The 3 piggies, have been fat shamed, like beauty and the beast. We better turn it into a, what's that gender. Guys guys what else can we change, because China has banned Winnie the Pooh, and Roald Dahl. Aesop's fables aren't appropriate either. What else can we make Chinese. We better change the Little Mermaid, and Goldie Locks.

We plugged Disney into the Chinese Supercomputer. It's cancelling everything. Why is this guys?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes this is true. Except it's wrong. Whether certain pyramids provided energy, not simply spiritual, burial, perhaps actual, and were centrally placed is possibly true enough. There are theories on it. Nothing substantive. But possible.

Except they absolutely did not prevent natural disasters, preventing tectonics, like Earthquakes and Volcanoes. As I've stated they have been in the middle of natural disasters. Some are even supposedly sunk. Globally. It is factually not what pyramids did. At all.

As a premise, almost made me ignore it, completely. Except it has some information there. While it also has a lot of inaccuracies.

The entire Leyline thing is because of cosmic alignment. Aligned to the stars, and constellations, being they marked the trade routes, camel trails, early navigation, many followed prior to better instruments, and roads. So cities and temples were placed under them, and the cosmos was named into gods, and worshipped.

Not geomagneticism. Iron and ore deposits also provide this. Enough to cause magnetism, and magnetic fields. Iron and ore deposits. Rome supposedly invented all the Iron. Not the practioners of geomagnetic pyramids placing on the earth's. Yawn and yawn. There is plenty of other phenomenon likewise causing magnetism. Not the pyramids. They don't.

The myth about the Mountain, off those early maps in the North Pole was it's what? A grey mountain of?

I skimmed through it took me an hour. The more I read the more was wrong. Although some of it was interesting because I hadn't studied it. If I had read other books on Alchemy and Transmutation who knows.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yea crazy. Unbelievable how crazy that was. I guess it was the poor hospital. The poor hospital experiments on you. Hey class, stick hand up ass.

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