Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Umm bollocks. First. No. Fully nationwide perhaps. Debatable, it had been done under the Soviets. It had been done prior to the present conflict about 5 years ago, but it was mainly civil service/military in parts of it. They've drilled constantly for it.

I hate dumb propaganda more. Big splashy headlines. Like they're anymore significant than it is and has been since the present conflict which is way worse than Cuba.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Who knows except it was America that was directly hit. North America was ground zero. Like it was with the bullshit dinosaurs in the continental split. The Mexico crater. Perspective on the size of its Crater, covers an area greater than the size of London.

The Greenland crater caused that cataclysm where an Iron meteor, or a comet hit the planet. They've been discovering its fragments since the 1800s, and found the crater, officially this millennium last decade, but that argument raged for the last 150 years, and think they knew more prior. The meteor/comet broke up on entry, up and down the East Coast, as far in as the Rockies. Probably impacted far more, globally. The same Iron fragments had been turning up for over 100 years in North America. A Scandinavian/Dutch /European team reported the crater

Yes currently, Mayans were the most advanced, because Egyptian pyramids hadn't been built, and Indians have been dismissed, despite of their recordings.

What occurred was existential, pockets of people survived in various places.

Don't quote me, look it up. It's still a theory. But there's the presumed Greenland crater. It is supposedly all of 11000-12000 years old. It is enormous. It certainly proves what our ancient races have all said.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thank you, I'll watch it.

At this point who knows what's coming. Except it is becoming ominous. A slow drum roll spiraling more and more. Free falling. It has been like this since it centralised the media. It has become our cursed Babel. The Internet and social media are a great big fucking sponge. Where all it says is bullshit. Nothing but bullshit today.

But a biological weapon again will only preempt a chain of dominoes where it might as well have bottomed out, completely. War is easier. Because it will be war.

In the height of escalation, I suppose it isn't off the cards, but it will cripple that ability if it's significant. A virus hitting everyone. Causes everyone to get hit. COVID wasn't particularly, but it prompted that board. A board that was walking into it. COVID escalated it, where it thought to contain and cause agenda, and instead provoked. Until you tell me?

So in any probability, statistically. It isn't probable. Unless they're all in on it, and they're not.

Imagine another wave of something worse. The public will have gone nuts. Completely nuts. War is occurring in places and more are entering conflict. Global recession. A lack of trust in government. Mass protests globally. Coups. Shortages.

Again what happens? Honk.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Can somebody put on another link. The troons are censoring bitchute. They're calling it hate speech

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's a sponge?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

They've met their objectives. It has been dastardly clever by design. This is the scary scenario. Along comes the tiger in the flank.

At this point it is simple attrition as the pendulum swings.

How much is by design, a design greater than its patriots, conscripts, and the dumb band playing along, to what extent remains escalation and agenda, but the more it plays out, the more it pulls into it. Until.

Both sides are strategically aligning. Except you're buying dumb propaganda. While there's a big huge vacuum. A convergence. It isn't localised. It's erupting.

But as far as this topic. It will keep fighting. This topic, you'd have expected full mobilisation. Almost to that extent. It is becoming it. But there's time as it unfolds.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

It is hygiene. Imagine it. Try for one second.

Slavery common, whoring. Entire temples dedicated to whoring. Entire brothels, and harems. When did they wash. Some did, but it wasn't daily unless they were wealthy. They were also fucking animals.

So what have you gathered yet? Yes under the foreskin, and the balls, and arse, often get the signs of STDs. Yes?

I have never had, I don't know. But those warts, spots, pustules. Where? Under the foreskin hides this. Like freaking vaginal lips or inside the cunt. Harder to spot. Skin in the way, or hair then.

You dumb fucking idiot. It had nothing, I repeat nothing to do with religion.

What's even more laughable is you're all woke, and ignorant. Cancel circumsion. Hahaha. Probably, probability, psychology, why is this? You feel inferior? Hahaha.

Research it. Moses ten commandments stopped them animal fucking, then circumcision is adopted?

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

It is painless. Try doing it as an adult. Where the Jews of the bible massacred an entire population by circumsizing them as adults. Fantasy probably. Because dumbass, it had nothing, and I mean nothing, get it through your dumb skull to do with religion. Nothing at all. The Jews claimed it as theirs. It wasn't. It's far older. It isn't localised to just the Jews, Muslims the largest religion practice it, and Christians. The only people who weren't doing it were in the South East. Different practices of deviltry. They bound feet, bound heads, stretched necks, and ears. Etc. There are those who stretch their dicks, certain hindu shaman, and blacks. Stretching their dicks out. Forget those others who tatooed their genitals, not with simple ink, engraving, Polynesians.

Romans did it. Greeks. Egyptians did it. Summerians did it. The freaking historic region did it. Prior to the Jew claiming it. It was done for hygiene. Not religion. Religion simply adopted its practice, putting it into those texts. Since, it's global today, lots of hospitals offers its procedure. They offer far worse when it comes to troons, it is genital mutilation, it can mean no choice there. They also do the vagina surgery, this is choice, where they size the clit, align the inner lips, and etc, but this obvious costs. Unlike any brutality of girls being circumcised at puberty.

I don't care. I find it amusing. Completely amusing. It ain't going anywhere. You can moan about it all you want.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +2 / -5

What are you blubbering about.

Historically all of a hundred years ago there was no cure for the clap, syphilis, gonorrhoea, and a bunch of other STDs. Where dumbass the foreskin being removed is hygiene. Those STDs often hide under it. Which is why it was done. It is a painless procedure on a baby. Just excess skin. But for the sake of it, arguably it has a few nerves there, so by having it removed can mean it takes longer to ejaculate.

Choice, yawn. Most of the Planet circumsize. Muslims, Jews, and also a percentage of Christians. Everywhere except the Chinese. Catholics used too. The Original Orthodox, because it's biblical. It was done to prevent infectious disease prior to medicine, medicine ain't solved much on those diseases either. They're still rampant.

The procedure far more brutal on girls because it's done after puberty, again was on similar concerns of disease. Obvious aesthetics. It makes a huge difference to its aesthetics. But it broke them because it kills the potential pleasure, of the clit.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Absolutely it as you said thousands of mounds and I actively watch the documentaries suggested I find it fascinating.

There are many anomalies in North America.

But ziggurat there have been largely conspiratorial. There are several reasons for it. However any anomalies are becoming much harder to write off. Like the former giants. Where evolution won that narrative. In doing so purged them globally. It purged a lot more evidence about the Red Indian there, simply because as nomadic hunter gathers, it easily claimed colonisation.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +5 / -1

It used to be. Because the lie was they just went and colonised it. Found a plot, and built a cave, and settled, started farming.

No, it was sold in deeds. The area, and places. They bought a deed, they worked a debt. The state and registery auctioned. Auctioned prime location. Sold land rights and deeds to the settlers.

This goes back to Independence. It didn't change when they went out West. Of course there was a lot of space, but it was bought by deed.

Until it became taxed. When it centralised government, after the civil war, and it has been unconstitutional since. Not your land that purchase. Taxed. Until the point of seizure. A bunch of forced services, regulations, laws. Can't can't can't.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No, white light. The light going out. The light is calling you back. Try it. Look at the Sun. Now close your eyes. What do you see. The sun fading.

Sick of this spoof. So utterly sick of it. It isn't factual. I've been there. It got cold and dark very quick. So cold, so dark. A tiny light fading, quick, tick tick. Panic like drowning. The cold, the dark. A tiny sliver of light in the deepest depths. If only I could surface fast. Tick tick. Time running out. The only memory. Survive fast. Woke up. Revived.

Every single one of these sell it. Every single one. They need too for their beliefs. But simple experiment. It isn't factual if you don't take my word. The light that image, your eyes capture, before it goes out. You see it when they die. Those last thoughts, before their eyes go cold. All the time. If you get pulled back, where do you wake up, here. Nowhere else. Every single time revived. Of course they might have dreamed, simply going unconscious causes you to dream. Try it get knocked out. Have somebody strangle you until you pass out. Did you dream. Obviously.

But we're talking death. That experience.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Umm if you can't grow it and feed yourself. Why are you populating like another animal in the zoo.

Dumb fucking animals no longer sustain themselves.

For millennia humans advanced. Until they became monkeys.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

A mound is not a Ziggurat.

The mound builders used mainly earth, not stone. They layered it, and then shaped it. They weren't skilled in masonry like the Maya, and Inca.

A ziggurat is like a pyramid.

That picture is Mexico. Not America. In America there are anomalies, but no ziggurats outside of conspiracy.

The conspiratorial ziggurats in America are off the Californian and Florida coasts. Florida has Mayan ruins and it has burial mounds. While New Mexico has a stone city. There is also way up on the East Coast, forget the state but it's in Red Dead Redemption 2, Viking ruins, but they're not. Stone ruins by the Red Indians. There is another Conspiracy on Eldorado where supposedly in Arizona along the Grand Canyon had hidden treasure and mummies. There are many more. But no Ziggurats. Mounds. Supposedly a huge stone/megalithic wall running across a particular state. Nobody built, buried.

In South and Central America in the rainforest, are entire cities still buried by the jungle. One was discovered since lidar, it is huge. Buried under the jungle. Ziggurats etc.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Haha, aren't half these songs from a cult where the founder's son killed his step mum then committed suicide.

I guess it's better to be ignorant

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

No. They're in Central and South America. Not America. USA has a few stone structures. It had the mound builders. Not ziggurats. Yes reportedly giants in some. But no Ziggurats outside of conspiracy. Where there are some anomalies. Quite a few. That was probably a result of the Spanish. Although I am unclear of that particular Ziggurat, and I do know its name.

The narrative is a big huge mess on when they were built, and what happened to the Mayans.

But that looks Mexican, making it Aztec. In which case the Spanish are quite responsible.

However are the Aztecs squatters of Mayan buildings, this can cause some confusion on who built what, and how the previous Mayans collapsed.

Because like in that picture, 1900, are entire cities some are believed to have had multimillions of population that are still buried. In fact since Lidar more and more are being discovered. One recently this decade. Huge.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Why is genocide wrong? No, it's not ignorant. It's common sense. If you wipe out a threat entirely, extinct, it isn't a threat.

What exactly is supporting genocide. Kill Bin Laden. He's genocidal? There you went and supported genocide. You're not opposed to genocide, are you?

You just wanted to make the rules. Until you wrote the dumbest shower thought, I've ever read. It makes no sense. Genocide didn't motivate Hitler. He killed and was killed. But you've supported genocide.

It's an oxymoron. Completely redundant.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think the time period was killer. Real killer. I don't think the church/school had bad intentions. Individuals perhaps are always corrupted and corruptible and can cause harm.

The time period TB was rampant, no real cure, multi millions dead, flu, so much flu then, then influenza, and then TB. Pecilin hadn't been invented yet. Late 1930s. After WW2 things cleaned up. Progressing. But it wasn't until when, like the 70s, graves disappeared from any public buildings, prisons, hospitals, schools, asylums. Corporal punishment didn't disappear from Christian public schools until the like 90s.

If you can imagine the damp mold and rot, in dank asbestos buildings. Where bathes until the 60s still were heated on stoves. Kids full of cooties. The staff were your doctors, teachers, parents. Undoubtedly they died. Like every fucking white kid then as well. Oh they died too. But oh no. It's this other dumb fucking narrative. Like it brings them back. Like it changes anything. When did white kids have to go to school. 80s? When did they stop being able to work and apprentice often as young as 12, after WW2, 60s?

Sick of modern bullshit today. It's what happens when insane cunts, today, more money then brains and no common sense, think, life, was the same back then. Their brains are completely fucking scrambled, and they are the byproducts of government positions appointed to be total fucking nounces, with nothing better to do than usurp history into stupid little narratives as they go around policing society with their absurdity. Jettison them into Sentinel Island.

It makes exactly no difference to the rest of the globe. It just makes Canada look fucking stupid. When isn't Canada stupid, like Australia. Totally fucking stupid. The opposite of common sense. The West isn't making any sense today. None. It has become a great big sponge. A great big sponge.

But there's this notion by those freaks above, and in your comment, that once they're on the net as its censors and rights groups to behave in your comment. Literal madness. Make white people pay for what exactly. It has become a theme across the West, it won't solve anything. It simply fans it.

The house that crumbles. Crumbling. It has become a modern cancer. There is more funding in attacking white people, propagated by every hostile actor, and every rights group trying to get paid, then there ever is teaching anything else. Integration is simply about policing society, so its wealthiest get paid their rent. It hasn't bought much. Services strained to shit. Inflation so high. Cost of living the highest in centuries.

What has it bought. A dumb fucking gadget telling you what? A dumb fucking gadget killing you with its constant stream of feces and more dystopia. It cares about everybody else so it can sponge more and more. Providing nothing but a constant stream of another dumb fucking moron telling you bullshit, and it costing so much more. The most in history. Bullshit that has no future today. No future today, the planet is dying but buy your dumb fucking gadgets. It'll fix it. Your dumb fucking Internet with another dumbass nounce on it, telling you to make white people pay and they're to blame for a bunch of sponges. Even its actors have turned sponge. all it does is keep causing more and more bullshit. It hasn't solved anything. Canada isn't that nation today. It's a disaster.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yep, it's why I hate them. Hate them, because I am being down voted by one on every post I make. They're a flat earther. When I asked them to do the math. Showed and linked the equations. They refused. Until all we get back are really dumb Memes like this. Or really dumb pictures with the math completely wrong. Believe me that asshole had nothing topical to say in previous topics, they simply attacked me because like the last person in this topic I just spoke too, they start calling everybody else names, normies, pro government. Read them.

Cognitive dissonance. Funnily every Flat Earther is a stanch Talmud believer. Which is where they've gained any education from, the bible, and it was rewritten from the Talmud. But then they go and hate the jew despite believing in the Talmud. It's completely laughable.

However whenever flat earth is flooded, it's always around the time of other conspiracy, like the jab etc. That association like the topic meme puts it all together. All of it, every conspiracy becomes associated. Until factually they've trolled the forum like the press, it paints people reading conspiracies as what?

I agree we know nothing about the universe, what it just big bangs itself together, a bunch of nukes later we have a new life form called the monkey, but this Flat Earth shit isn't it at all.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

No. What experiments? Videos where they've taken some bullshit numbers, added them up like retards, then they go there's no such thing as curvature. I've seen smarter monkeys. Where it means don't film the Sun and the Moon, because, guys, guys we're on a Flat Planet. All because any dumbass doesn't know how to do the curvature and instead makes up bullshit. Yey.

Flat Earthers are put on Conspiracy sites to detract from them. They're literally shoved on a conspiracy site to troll the crap out of it. Like any other point in that Meme.

Muddled together and drunk, you have a completely retarded dissociative schizo. How they equate it all as the same coffee, is because they don't rationalise. Right?

They flood autism into conspiracy to cause every conspiracy to become as dissociative. Well done. Have you got anything else to say on it?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +4 / -2

No Flat Earthers do. They appeal to retards. Not one of the equations they've provided are accurate on curvature, every single one. But it appeals to retards who don't run the math and the numbers. People who don't look up at the Sun and look at it being round, the same with the Moon. They're round, yes, undeniably round. Look. What is the Earth? Flat because both the Sun and Moon are round? Honk.

These Memes get dumber by the day. Little autistic children made them or people with severe learning disabilities.

Do rational people put every conspiracy into a cup and drink it. No they rationalise each conspiracy individually forming an opinion.

So when an illiterate retard puts up that Meme, it's the same as a COVID vaccine.

Agreed science today has become a dumb fucking cult of Simon Says. No worse than a Flat Earther.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Hahaha, an expert in reincarnation. Absurdly. Your own brain feeling memories causing a bond. Is there more. No.

But it has become a toxic millennial craze like the rest of gibberish religions.

The supposed proving I can think of which needed to be as Hinduism spread abroad, was probably a hoax. Kid, young, around the time of Gandhi early 1900s, who supposedly knew of a person death, quite far away, and explicit details about their life. Of course there was Edgar Cayce. And countless other fakes.

But reincarnation is a fool's errand. It would make the entire construct programming. A simulation with a great big A.I at its center. Not the divine or anything else apart from a recurrent program. Your program becomes the next etc. It faster becomes ridiculous.

As opposed to you experiencing your memories when interacting or bonding with another living thing. Aw it's George the cat, doesn't he act just like George, your grandad. Reincarnated nope. But it makes you feel better about George.

You meant that hippie thinking they identified as a charlatan in their past life where they've claimed they were a Jew in the gas chamber.

A fool's errand. A con.

But every now and then there are real anomalies. But George the cat ain't it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I know, I read something to that effect no mass graves found to date. So if no mass graves were found, why did the Pope apologise?

A complete narrative of nonsense.

My argument on it was the period, TB, especially. Almost every school then had a cemetery on site. Same as asylums, prisons, and often hospitals. It turns out there was no mass graves anyway. Just nonsense.

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