Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You're an idiot. I am not Joo. But I support Israel killing niggers. How ironic. Done what you just did. If only they did. Instead of shipping them everywhere. See that isn't Israel. It's America. Not being racist either. Being as absurd as your innovation. Joo run everything. Joo responsible for all war.

Last time we all checked it wasn't Israel declaring war on Iraq, America did, didn't Italy fire first shots at Libya. Sure the CIA were in there, or somebody. But it wasn't Mossad? Israel didn't pipe any of that oil. It's largely Opec in Iraqi fields. Libya dunno, there are a few. But okay Israel are still attacking Syria.

For the sake of Joo. Joo is a narrative that has you chasing your tail looking for a mythological being. Until look there's the joo. Israel. And not those other guys.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

No don't want to rethink anything. Armaco Saudi distribution. Piped the oil.

All that occurred was immigrants everywhere.

All America has achieved.

Seriously the irony. You're inventing another mythical race of elves. The joo. Joo is a modern innovation. Israel are Joo. Otherwise they're a narrative. A narrative used by elites to make themselves blameless. Who knows what they are but they're not Joos. Just this other fact they're not racist, and any question of it is a hate crime to their wealth. Do they go synagogue? Hahaha. No. Do they celebrate whatever. Some do. Some wear the caps. And whatever. But these people are elites.

You're not fighting the elite, you're fighting a mythical insertion. It has you blaming the Joo. Not the actual corruption.

You absurdly think if Israel vanished. It would stop the people you think are Joo. Boring.

Ep0ch -5 points ago +2 / -7

How was it done for solely Israel?

Such a dumbass comment. If America invaded it was just to put niggers everywhere. Because it's very racist.

I mean seriously? The comment is fiction.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Yawn. You've just imagined fiction.

The apps were all bugged from the start. They didn't even operate in real time. Most had absurd preconditions, fixed returns, limited sales. The only people moving money pump and dump were the hedges and brokers already operating on the exchanges. The only people squeezed are the patsies. What were they trading on? They'd buy in boosting share price, as the hedge sooner dumped it. Most didn't survive the volatility. Although I am sure some did. But any apps went bust. Not the above. The hedges and brokers sooner are shorting the next scam. There's bitcoin. Or your pensions.

Look at it now, under 30 bucks a share. What did any investment buy. Nothing but fiction.

GME was a horror story. Robin Hood app was a joke. It fed a narrative where somebody else exploited and profited far more. Do they even have a name? Who just became the World's richest man? Surely there were a few more.

A trollfarm, trolled, for patsies. South Koreans? Wallstreet bets. Reddit? Inventing fiction. So it was simply volatile.

The apps were rigged. Big hedges profited off the gullibility. Simply for payday. Selling it for far more than it was worth. But you might get lucky. Nah the apps sooner fixed that.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

Wishful. Ukraine will never get it.

It thinks it's this other country called Narmia. In Narmia it makes the rest of the World pay for its war. Narmia thinks it's a country. A country that it never was historically. But through some other mythology has assumed. NARNIA it is not.

It's actually the most laughable thing. Czech just said the West shouldn't decide whether Ukraine declares peace. It's the West that are claiming Ukraine is a different country. A country it assumes. But it never was historically. Ironic how it is fighting Russia for that territory.

The map of Ukraine is the weirdest thing. Its history even weirder. Today it's claiming a mythological border. A border only given to it by Russia. No wonder there's a war Ukraine will only lose its farcical border.

I am being pragmatic because I don't care. I don't care what Ukraine is. Why should I? Not in my favourite things to do. Invent mythological countries with farcical borders just so they can draw conflict.

It's obviously a reason of contention it wants to breakaway from Russia. Russia who gave it, its border. Ukraine never had another border. Ukraine factually will never get it. It will only become what somebody else claims.

Irony I think not. There's a war. Over some other border. It's almost always about possession.

In regards to this incident. Nothing happened. If it did I am sure we would've all heard something else? Instead of speculation. Everybody seems to be speculating about what Ukraine is. Until it becomes pointless. Let us know when there's peace? Or not. Makes no difference. Until then.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

That's nonsense Hancock denies giants. Watch Netflix series ancient apocalypse. He specifically says giants a few times, episode 2 Malta. Just watched it a few hours ago.

He threads carefully. When trying to insert his version into the paradigm. Not too many upsets.

His main thing is predulivian civilization. It was seemingly linked. Cataclysm brought on by an impact. He was a journo so he tries to insert it, using this new age, blah, those lot rebelling the climate, while not upsetting any sponsors, evolutionists.

But everybody today knows the narrative is bananas. In the last decade alone it has been undone repeatedly. This year had them scramble back the neanderthal dates.

The problem everytime they make a shocking find, there have been loads within this past decade, it quickly invents another Dino. Giants present a bigger problem to the monkeys.

But when you have ancient civilization building mountains, steppe farming terraces built up so high as a mountain to get peak rainfall, for agriculture, who were they feeding. You either talking multi millions, or something as huge. https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-general/indonesian-pyramid-0011187

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It hasn't hit 5k yet. There are still idiots

Ep0ch -2 points ago +3 / -5

Haha, wishful. No, there's only death by taxes. Then you'll get made into human compost for the insect eaters. Having your organs harvested first. Seriously there's no global war. There's only obnoxious narratives. You will pay the Ukraine all your inflation. You won't own your electricity because it will be charged even more. When they're now taxing the weather. And you will subside every migrant and learn their absurd histories of the overpopulation. Because yours are simply racist. You won't elect your representatives because they dictate taxes. But continue to work more for less. It is paying everybody else.

Global war please anything is better than this future.

by pkvi
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yawn. What is that. Aren't there these scam companies. These companies dealing in data solutions. They go into a nation. Buy the software. The software will provide the COVID numbers. It will provide the unvaxxed numbers. Then it will provide you with where to lockdown. Don't worry, Software will prevent the pandemic. It's called, pandemic planner. Please use crypto to renew your subscriptions and order the vaccination and testing kits. Pandemic Planner. It's all in the software. It provides all the statistics.

No, there are those companies, and they literally designed the software. A bit glib perhaps. COVID statistics were a projection. The data wasn't even in real time, a data monkey inputting in those hospital figures. It was a constant projection by the software. The software was programmed by if you vax it prevents the pandemic, more vax, less pandemic, otherwise it flooded you with the COVID numbers. It sooner had to compensate with the boosters. Damn it. Then they switched it off. But it was the hottest investment in pandemic prevention outside of the start up COVID vax and testing kits. Pandemic Planner it worked alongside Windows.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

He wants the rights. He has douched them down into a sanitised space. It's incompetent compared to the creativity out there currently. But how does it create a baseline? Code, entering, god knows. Facebook. Please just die.

No it isn't cheap. You're talking blockbusters or top end gaming. Have you seen that shit? Those studios, plugging the actors into the screen. They aren't selling their rights. Or working in tandem. It compromises their profits. But okay where does it start. Where do you open source, connect, before porting.

If it douches that down into that. It's freaking Xbox Live. Subscribe to its dock, that, ugh, before porting into another purchased publisher selling a bunch of skins, and lootboxes. No wonder they needed the crypto.

It would be a colossal mistake if that steals any entry rights. They've been douched.

Rather not have a hub he controls. Pointless. Rather open source, the Internet as is offering services.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Imagine going into that World. Zuckerberg falls in love with Zuckerberg. We're all gonna die.

It will never become the cornerstone of hyperspace. It is hideous. That's not starting somewhere either. Nobody else wants those skins. They have much better. He gets those rights. Ugh please collapse it.

Much better in our films currently. The CGI animating our toons, and almost every computer game and film isn't that generic crap using Xbox Live avatars, the rendering is real enough to create a movie selling itself onscreen.

Away from that. Who needs that as a medium? No imagination. You need it as medium if you're jumping into a game or movie, where its space is inception.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

They weren't ever going to off a misfire. Indirect attack. It doesn't matter what it wasn't.

The fact they ran with the story first, it was Russia, has caused a proper investigation when they previously muddled the narrative.

Now it's an air defense missile. How does that work? It's even more retarded. Since when are the air defense missiles killing civilians? But it must've struck a cow.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hahaha. Caught the thief.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Heroin is often from a needle, but how addictive was the boosters for COVID? It is combating. An Oxymoron. It was a bad joke.

I agree, duh, it stops the cold turkey, because they will spike some receptors with the tea total. How many shots doc. By that time they probably got the myocarditis and the clots.

Who cares. Methadone is also often by injection? But don't worry.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

Getting high on vax instead. Sell it to a heroin addict.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Umm that remains highly speculative.

The only way Trump can't run is by?

Have a think.

Getting charged with a crime. Not happening. It undermines democracy. Would the Supreme Court even uphold it? On the odds of a historic first, ex president guility of. Whatever the Democrats said. What crime? Tediously Democrat. Every 5 minutes. It's completely bullshit. It would cause far greater insurrection. He controls anarchy, easier just letting him lose? Or what.

Frontrunner. Who knows. When it gets there. Who cares until it actually does.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, they have continuously jumped the gun. It's always on issues like this. Because the press is run by narratives today. Agendas. Programming. Especially ever since social media, where there is no dissent, it even goes so far as to declare ministries of truth. It has become intoxicated by the same script, same 5 a day headlines on all major outlets, parroting exactly the same buzzwords. They differenate on national political parties and certain internal issues. But the headlines are the same hyperbolic soup regurgitating the same buzzwords. These are from a single editorial. Who I daresay? Government. But rather a branch of it.

Newspapers cover variance even that is rare today. Their front page eeks out the same headings, opinions, and phrases. Until reading of the supposed personal opinions behind their stories. But they have the same stories. World of coverage but all they can provide is the same scripts.

There is no free press. Look at it.

Here what would be declared. It incited first. They all incited first. What are they covering, facts, no. Propaganda. Agenda. Then it. Ukraine's fault. Even if it wasn't. It would've been rather then escalate off a misfire. But why scream it first prior to the fact it was Ukraine's fault.

This happens frequently.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They cheat anyway. It's all gerrymandered. Those days when people elected stuff is in a communist take over. You elect people to get paid to do nothing else, they sit there getting paid, because you pay them to tax you. What did you think would happen? They're quite comfortable getting paid. But you thought they'd do something else. No. Anybody tries to do something. It pays them more from either not doing it, the opposition, or by taxing you more for it. Hahaha

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

This shit happened early on in the war with drones.

Blue on blue happens in war. It statistically happens every war quite regularly.

The only thing about today is that press. It jumps the gun. However wouldn't it still read Ukraine did it. America aren't entering on misfiring.

Hence the president quickly calmed it anyway.

Who knows who cares. It wasn't a direct hit, it was a stray.

The problem is it will escalate no matter what. So many incidents in this war already. Seemingly being brought to heel by politics. Where direct conflict still hasn't occurred. But increases.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn. If China invaded Taiwan. It sounds like China invade Taiwan please. It will crash the global economy. Duh. USA has currently promised to defend Taiwan. If it went to war. What does trade do?

These tweets are ironic and stupid.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Hmm something doesn't add up. Crime of passion suggests assault in what way? Known to the victims, passionately. But brutal murder where they're hacked to pieces suggests revenge? How did a single person kill 4? If it's a break in, would have stolen, nothing taken, and likely been more perps?

I hate how they wrote that piece. I hate how journalism reports this prior to better forensics. How were the bodies spread?

I find it hard they all got overpowered. No runners. No cellphone to cops. And by one individual hacking away there was so much spatter, it was embedded into the walls

They're fine combing the scene, trash, looking for information. Surely there would be better evidence than that report.

The scene obviously looks like something out of a horror. Is there more if they cannot find any clues immediately. Canvassing all those attributes, where murder statistically is associated. Calling it a possible crime of passion. But without suspects, arrests????

Problem I have is entry. The next problem is death by knife. Entry without break in. Nothing stolen. Known or pro. Known is suggested by crime of passion. Knife killing 4 people, hacking, blood everywhere, is noisy. Unless they died prior to being hacked up even more, blackmailed by a gun to get executed, but shots would go off on the first death, but how, into the same room. This ain't a movie. You flee or fight. You hear shit you run, right. You call cops they all have cells. The knife is big like a machete, or sword. It says so. Multiple floors. How did they die so easily. They didn't, blood everywhere.

Doesn't add up. Multiple, perps? Not in a supposed crime of passion. Violation? How entry, no arrested suspect, how did they overpower 4.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

No. Vax deaths are an incremental statistic, already incorporated into natural causes or other arbitrary underlying conditions, or even COVID.

They're still pushing both to develop agenda where change is being fast paced. Change in the form of energy, and supply lines. Where digital ID seemed to being slipped in under the hood. The disease forced lockdown. Lockdown caused change. Recession. It caused. Apart from speculation the other side to react. Supply lines rerouted.

Both the disease and then the war forwarded their agenda. While seeking to reign control over a World narrative of the climate and disease, forwarding that agenda, of the newer systems forced. They are costly, taxation, infrastructure. Because they supposedly simply had to adapt into that change abruptly instead of it being forced. It attempts like a cauldron of unspeakable brew with all the ingredients added, control. Control where a mad juggler is hoping it doesn't fallout. Control over opposition over population. While singlehandedly forcing agenda.

It's 4d chess. Causation. Reaction. Causation.

But does it fallout? How, at this stage they'd deal peace in 5 seconds later. If any government changes the next simply forces policy through. At this stage it's primed for conflict but it's almost a distraction if it forces agenda. Newer methods forced. Conflict simply controls the narrative. Anything is better than the narrative.

We will save tomorrow by collapsing today. We will be the leaders of the future by changing them every 5 minutes and having no popularity outside of an obnoxious script.

Or what? Think it's pretty much this. Yea why not war. It would be easier than listening to this shit. Because it is simply forcing change. So it drags. Neither side is committed, we'd be directly at it, but instead they blunder into the narrative.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

What's Poland gonna do? Umm. What's Ukraine gonna do?

Kherson retreat looks bad. It stinks but it was tactical. An easier option with winter approaching and an opponent rushing. Think about supplying it, city in winter, under seige. I don't know why they didn't fully IED it, domino all building. Because it's Russia protection. Now they can. Ukraine are in there. Easier to take that hit, retreating prior to extreme cold. Most of that region had no high ground for artillery.

I thought they'd defend it. They offered protection to the Oblast. By changing hands those options are much grimmer for an opponent. Winter approaching. There's also a questionable dam nearby.

It was a bluff.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

They voted for that guy

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

We wish. No he didn't. It's so important for the News to get their daily headlines off. Without it. How would the News get the same Headlines. How would they create their scripts? It is so important for the news. Because nobody else uses it.

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