Imagine going into that World. Zuckerberg falls in love with Zuckerberg. We're all gonna die.
It will never become the cornerstone of hyperspace. It is hideous. That's not starting somewhere either. Nobody else wants those skins. They have much better. He gets those rights. Ugh please collapse it.
Much better in our films currently. The CGI animating our toons, and almost every computer game and film isn't that generic crap using Xbox Live avatars, the rendering is real enough to create a movie selling itself onscreen.
Away from that. Who needs that as a medium? No imagination. You need it as medium if you're jumping into a game or movie, where its space is inception.
Imagine going into that World. Zuckerberg falls in love with Zuckerberg. We're all gonna die.
It will never become the cornerstone of hyperspace. It is hideous. That's not starting somewhere either. Nobody else wants those skins. They have much better. He gets those rights. Ugh please collapse it.
Much better in our films currently. The CGI animating our toons, and almost every computer game and film isn't that generic crap using Xbox Live avatars, the rendering is real enough to create a movie selling itself onscreen.
Away from that. Who needs that as a medium? No imagination. You need it as medium if you're jumping into a game or movie, where its space is inception.