DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

imaginary people that may feel excluded.

For real. I don't even think trans-identified women are the ones sqwaking about being excluded. As far as I can tell it's males and overly-woke "allies"

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's such inversion of femininity, it's a wonder more people don't see it.

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Btw, I wish someone would call me one of those slurs, I'm so ready for it

DrinktheCovfefe 3 points ago +4 / -1

Modern feminism isn't about equality, it's a dogma that hates women. All things associated with women and traditional femininity is shunned. "Gender neutral" is every color but pink and purple. Little girls are told they can be anything (except wives, mother's, or in traditional female-dominated careers like nursing or teaching). Women have to be strong warriors and compete with men, thrust into unnatural positions instead of flourishing in our God-given roles as supporter and nurturer. The modern leftist woman rejects the appearance of being a woman. If they don't trans or NB themselves, they're mutilated with shaved blue heads, piercings up the wazoo, and a style reminiscent of combat-gear-meets-lingerie. Feminine erasure with the goal of demoralization and destruction of the family. Destroy family >>>destroy society

by pkvi
DrinktheCovfefe 7 points ago +7 / -0

Sacrificing his child at the alter of political correction

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Already did. They were beyond eligible to retire, while some of us had to start all over and throw away years dedicated to said retirement benefits.

DrinktheCovfefe 9 points ago +9 / -0

I have family in the military; all my life they went on and on about the evil communists and America was so great for defeating the "baddies" in WW2, ending attrocities from the likes of Saddam Hussein, etc. Then last year, when they were BOTH already eligible to retire with full benefits, the shots rolled out. Instead of bowing out to the obvious hoax/depopulation attempt, they both took it without hesitation. So IMO they're just hypocrites and LARPers, looking to fill a paycheck. The real patriots stood their ground and were fired.

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's good to know, which culture does that come from? I believe in the British Isles it is seen as a harbinger of death.

DrinktheCovfefe 4 points ago +4 / -0

I visited an old cemetery in Connecticut with some friends at night. No one was intoxicated. One person went off to the bathroom while I stood with my friend. We both saw a glowing orb about the size of a volleyball trail above our heads, maybe lasting about 5 seconds or so. We both said "do you see this?" Later, friend came back and insisted on going for a walk, even though we were pretty spooked. We walked up the trail deeper into the grounds and I swear I could hear whispers. I had enough and ran back to the car, when I looked up the road that ran alongside the cemetery and back into the woods, I thought I saw the outline of a large black dog looking at us. I yelled for my friend to get back in the car and get us out of there. Could have been a coyote but on top of everything else that happened, it scared me senseless. I no longer visit cemeteries because of this.

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

She was also Elon Musk's girlfriend/baby's-mother, made an NFT of an inverted cross, and is 🚫 w dating tranny Chelsea Manning.

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are. I read the other day that ~80% of modern day "jews" are Khazars

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +3 / -1

Khazarian Baal worshippers

Based and Christian- Identitarian-pilled

Rev 2:9 “I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan."

Rev 3:9 "Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you."

DrinktheCovfefe 3 points ago +4 / -1


I am also praying to soften my heart towards those who fell for the lie. I woke up this morning to an ambulance driving through my neighborhood. I know these people are scared, lost, and likely in pain. At first I was very angry at each person I knew personally who took the shot, and ESPECIALLY angry at family members who convinced my counter cousins/neices/nephews to take it. But now I just pray that they draw closer to Lord Jesus while there's still time. Like you, I'm also worried about the prospect of future orphans. We already have 3 and are overwhelmed, but we just have to take things one day at a time. The Lord bless you and keep you, brother.

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +2 / -1

Didn't mean to leave you hanging. We went out of town for a few days. Working on getting the family out of the city.

I don't attend church of any kind, because I believe nearly every church on this planet has been corrupted (especially the large ones).

Agreed, but why I go to several churches. There's a Catholic church I go to sometimes (Catholics have probably been under attack the longest, the Jesuits with current Jesuit pope wrecked it). Reason is this one is in trouble with the Vatican for going against the cv narrative. Then there are some Apostolic/Evangelical churches, because they put more weight on spiritual warfare and the supernatural though still tread softly so as not to offend. I have yet to find an unapologetically bold Pastor IRL, though I follow Kent Christmas on YouTube.

I also believe the Bible has been corrupted throughout the ages (councils of Nicaea, translations, etc.). I do believe in the God in the Bible, but I don't know, with confidence, which of all the words in the book are added to pervert the truth and which words are original and true scriptures from real prophets.

No doubt. They've omitted and obscured so much. You can read the same passage in different translations and the message won't be the same. I still have a goal to read the whole Bible cover-tp-cover, along with the books that were removed. They may have obfuscated some of the Word, but the Gospel is foretold in the OT as well as prophecies repeated by multiple people hundreds of years apart. I don't think TPTB are as intelligent and omnipotent as they would have us believe and their work is sloppy. Nevertheless, I do follow the King James version and Wycliffe, who was killed and his body mutilated for translating into English. We may not have all the answers but that is why this is a walk of Faith. Nothing beats prayer and fine-tuning oneself to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Nice talking with you brother, it is very encouraging to find common ground in a world that would have us believe we are isolated and alone in our beliefs and opinions.

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +2 / -1

installed a masked puppet to run the US into the ground

This is one of the toughest pills to swallow. Regular people fall back on "Democrats/Republicans/the media are so stupid for saying/doing ___". No stupid person obtains a position of public influence. They are crafty and beholden to special interests. Their destructive actions are deliberate. Even though I'm sure most of their roles are compartmentalized, they have to know they're delivering destruction under false pretense.

Which is, in a roundabout way, what led me to Jesus Christ. When I understood that the elites really do worship forbidden ancient gods of child sacrifice/satan (Hillary: sacrifice to Molech in the backyard, WikiLeaks) wear upside-down cross necklaces (Chelsea, Melinda), flash the devil's horn sign (countless celebrities and politicians, Vigilant Citizen), I wondered if the opposite was true. The one religious figure everyone is allowed to hate -Jesus- is He real? I started to pray to Him and immediately doors started opening, and I was getting a reply. This never happened in my many years of spiritual exploration- shamanic, new age, Buddhist, yoga/meditation, psychoanalysis...my life has changed dramatically for the better since.

Five years ago, I would have been offended at myself for saying that, but I've found a Peace and Assurance like nothing else. I want all my brothers and sisters in the Truther community to have it. I honestly believe I would not have survived the past 3 years without Him, the Rock, the Cornerstone.

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." - Matthew 7:7-8

DrinktheCovfefe 0 points ago +1 / -1

The Biden admin using sets and stages is really strange and I don't know what to make of it. I still read Great Awakening and they've theorized that Biden is a fake prez, with Trump really in power behind the scenes, or that Biden is a secret white hat. Which smells of hopium to me.

However, I will say that I don't think the current Biden is the same man from 20 years ago. His face looks different to me, and his voice has a different tone. Not that it means much, they all use actors and doubles. It's possible the DS invested too much into the Biden "brand" to let him go if he died in an accident of something sudden like that.

DrinktheCovfefe 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah, it's getting harder and harder. Google hides everything and duck duck can't find what you're looking for. They're also filling up the first page with "fact check" articles just like Google.

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +3 / -1

Wow, OP, are you me? Seriously, I could have written the same up until your points about the deep fake. After the WikiLeaks drops the summer before the election, I would have voted for a monkey over Clinton. But after watching his speeches and learning about his platform, I realized he was much more aligned with my politics than the media would have me believe. I also loved how much he pissed off self-righteous libs. But as his presidency wore on, I started to feel like I was duped again, just like the false promises from Hope and Change Obama. It seemed far too convenient that a new scandal/investigation popped up just as soon as the old one fizzled out, which "prevented" him from gaining traction on big promises like the border wall.

Then the summer of the BLM riots happened where he kowtowed too much to the progressive spin, and didn't call the violent destruction of our cities out for what they were. The coronavirus hoax paved the way for universal mail-in ballots, and who authorized operation warp-speed to rapidly deploy untested "vaccines"? Who installed Fauci? Meanwhile the Q psyop was telling everyone that Trump had set a big trap for everyone who attempted voter fraud in the preceding midterms, and he made an executive order regarding fraud that appeared to confirm this theory, all to roll over and let the Biden regime commit the most blatant theft of the election seen yet. The final nail in the coffin for me was also Jan 6, when yes he did encourage everyone to come to the capital. All the boards were talking about it, it was pushed everywhere, especially by Q people. But I had a sinking feeling it was a trap, doesn't the letter Q look like a snare? Which turned out to be true, when he gave a lackluster speech in front of all his most loyal supporters, then encouraged them to march down to their doom. And he made no real effort to defend them at the time or since.

Now I think Trump was just playing a role to pacify patriots and conservatives while the pieces were out in place for what we see now. I think he was more false hope, to keep us going along with this broken and corrupted system until genocide, the destruction of the dollar, and great replacement could take place. Q anon especially pisses me off, because it placated people into thinking evil was being conquered while they did nothing from behind a computer screen. "Oh, kids are being rescued from underground bunkers!" And pizza gate? Rubbed our faces in their sick and depraved habits while we are powerless to stop them.

I will admit that I missed the deep fakes you mentioned, so I don't know what to say about that. Do you think he was permanently taken out, if so what about his current public appearances? Or was he merely put aside while tptb installed Biden in office?

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

That part about the demiurge looking like an aborted fetus reminded me of Voldemort in one of the earlier movies, after he was kicked out of the professor's body but hadn't reached full potential -soft disclosure? Also Newearth touched on these entities in a video once https://youtu.be/m_Qthy_p0nc

Reading the parasite pill now, it's so good. Somehow missed that on old Voat

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thank you. I didn't mean to be one of those "please Google this for me" people but you know how half the results are "debunked conspiracy theory only crazy people believe" (so tiring)

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +3 / -1

I've seen "demiurge" pop up the last week, is there a good place I can read a primer on it and get caught up to speed?

DrinktheCovfefe 0 points ago +1 / -1

My temper got the best of me, sorry about that.

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +3 / -1

Well this explains the memory problems I've been witnessing.

DrinktheCovfefe 4 points ago +5 / -1

I just saw a thread where the op admitted to finally looking into the moon landing and concluded it was a hoax, I only to have the shills jump on him for being "so crazy" as to believe such nonsense. RIP Reddit, you were fun while you lasted but all the best subs have long been banned or infested.

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